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Let Us Select Warzones


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The population can't support this. Dividing up the small PVP community into 6 separate queues just ensures slower pop times for everyone.


Right now- 20 people in the queue: POP!

With warzone selection- 20 people in the queue. 4 want huttball. 7 want voidstar. 5 want civil war. 3 want an arena. 1 wants hypergates: We're gonna be here awhile.


It actually might do the opposite. One of my big gripes with PVP is that I have to get stuck in arenas or Huttball in order to get lucky and maybe pull a WZ map out of the hat. Some people love huttball, I personally could care less if they took it out of the game tomorrow. For me it's always a waste of time getting thrashed 6-0 or 6-2 or some lopsided score, where I could be in a WZ playing objectives and actually getting something out of it win or lose. I wish they had a WZ only playlist or at least some way for us to pick the maps or a grouping of maps. I think you would honestly see an uptick in PVP participation if WZs had their own list, Arenas had their own, etc.

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I just want Arenas to be placed in their own Q. Yet another stupid idea from Bioware to put them in normal queues. One day, they may actually ask us what we'd prefer instead of just throwing it in to the mix.


10/10 nice post!


Theres still NO comment from the devs even how they regard the current situ.

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This is a long-winded way to say that you aren't very good at PVP and need the game to artificially boost your gear so you can compete.


Yes indeed. How awfully insightful. The guy who is in full PvP gear and yet supports bolster is clearly a baddie.


On the other hand people who are scared of bolster because instead of giving them a 60% boost, it gives like a 45% boost in damage, they get scared that they will get owned.


Indeed, I am so scared that I am asking my enemies to boosted to almost my level.

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Bolster is a good thing, could use some tweaking like sorting out the MH/OH stuff, but generally something that makes PvP healthier and easier to get started with - even at 55. I don't think bolster has any place in ranked, though. If you want to get rid of bolster entirely, then get rid of expertise as well.


As for the queues, the randomness and lack of choice do bother me. I don't particularly enjoy arenas or Buttball. Part of my dislike is due to gameplay, part "immersion" issues. I do realize we don't play the role of major galactic influences but random blaster fodder in warzones, but it's one thing to fight in a war for one's faction and another to fight for Hutts' profit and entertainment. Then there's Deathmark and his incessant blathering. Just... ugh.


Another space-themed MMO I play has both PvE and PvP queues clearly laid out: how many players are required, how many players are queued and what the average wait time for a pop is. Everyone can queue for three different matches/events/games at the same time; whatever fills first, pops first. While a system like that may encourage cherry picking, it also shows what's popular and gives players a fair idea of how long they'll be waiting for a match.


Bottom line, I play games for fun. If my fun is excessively bogged down by unavoidable unpleasantness (waiting, snowballs, arenas, huttball, elevator muzak), I'll find something else to play.

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I can understand bolster for low level PVP, but bolster for level 55 PVP makes the PVP equipment useless. Even if you lose the match you still get comms, but it just takes longer. Whats the point working for PVP equipment when it is worthless in PVP zones?


I wouldn't get rid of Bolster, but I would change how it worked.

  • First of all I'd pick a benchmark set of stats for each gear slot, right now that benchmark would be the old Partisan set, so lower than Conqueror but not so far behind as to be worthless.
  • Next remove Expertise entirely from the game.
  • Finally the new and improved Bolster takes affect, what would happen is it would look at your gear and see if the stats on each piece were higher or lower than the equivalent Partisan item, if it is lower then that items stats are bolstered to the lvl of Partisan, but if the stats are higher then they are handicapped down to Partisan level


This way PvP gear would always have an advantage of PvE gear in a Warzone, while giving new 55s high enough stats to at least not be just roadkill.


When they introduce the next tier of PvP gear and remove Conqueror, then Conqueror would become the new benchmark.


However I would remove Bolster from Ranked WZs, no reason anyone should be in those who isn't in full PvP gear


But one thing they should defiantly bring back is the ability to queue in multiple PvP queues, I mean why can't I queue for Solo Ranked, Solo Regs and GSF and then just take the first that pops. You used to be able to group queue for 8v8 ranked at the same time as queuing for regs never caused any problems before.

Edited by magi_melcior
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This. I would love to never see Hypergates & Alderaan.


These seem to be the only maps I get in PvP. Over the holiday period, 17 Civil Wars in a row. I rarely get Huttball(once every 2-3 days) and thats probably the map I enjoy the most.


Hypergates all the time with Novare coast. Whatever the map I get first to start the day, tends to be the one I see 95% of the time and its f***king boring now. I can log out, come back in 3-4 hours and the map STILL pops!


Rift lets players choose 'Random' or Q for Map A,B,C etc but I guess the reasons why clearly show just how low populations really are if it can't support something so simple.


And in todays world, not having X-server in your MMO is unforgivable.

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This is a long-winded way to say that you aren't very good at PVP and need the game to artificially boost your gear so you can compete.


So people who want their gear's expertise artificially boost their competitivness are better? Laughable. Instead of all this crap with expertise and bolster, in all pvp (warzones and world) they should just cap stats at green level 50 gear or balance all abilities by giving them percentage damage, like warzone stims have percentage healing. But i have a feeling that most "hardcore" pvpers dont whant a fair fight :mad:

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So people who want their gear's expertise artificially boost their competitivness are better? Laughable. Instead of all this crap with expertise and bolster, in all pvp (warzones and world) they should just cap stats at green level 50 gear or balance all abilities by giving them percentage damage, like warzone stims have percentage healing. But i have a feeling that most "hardcore" pvpers dont whant a fair fight :mad:


Or they could just do what they do in GW2 - boost everyone to the max level, unlock all abilities. Then, PvP will be about skill and not who has the biggest ****** protectors

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I would like to see bolster removed in 55 areas so I can work towards earning better gear. I don't want to walk into warzones and be as fully stated as the people who have spent time building up there items. When I joined the 55 warzones I was expecting a challenge, but when everyone has the same stats and equipment makes a very small difference, whats the point of making comms?


I am sure most people who PVP understand you don't have great items when you first start PVP'ing in an MMO, you don't just start on the same playing field. Really we might as well start at level 55 with all epic items and 10billion credits.

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I would like to see bolster removed in 55 areas so I can work towards earning better gear. I don't want to walk into warzones and be as fully stated as the people who have spent time building up there items. When I joined the 55 warzones I was expecting a challenge, but when everyone has the same stats and equipment makes a very small difference, whats the point of making comms?


I am sure most people who PVP understand you don't have great items when you first start PVP'ing in an MMO, you don't just start on the same playing field. Really we might as well start at level 55 with all epic items and 10billion credits.


PvP gear counts out of warzones in open world. And most people on 55 don't have maxed expertise since they don't care about bolster so they don't often have right items which would grant them full expertise. I think it is a good thing, if people wouldn't have that you would cut through them like they are butter. And that just might make them stop playing.


Though having more hitpoints or something would be nice. Now its augments what really counts. I had 30K hp with 35-45 green / blue gear and max expertise.

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