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Strike.Fighter - The.Journey [full HD video inside]


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I want a pike now :/


I did notice you have a really bad habit of firing your quads with power to shields or engines. You shouldn't ever do that b/c it severly hurts the damage per hit and increases the power draw.


Kinda depends on what your playstyle is... On my ships 95% of the time, I have my engine power bumped as well.


One other thing of note here is that the video is done from the perspective of a Pike. So for all those threads where people are whining about Scouts or Gunships being OP, here is one good video that shows how SFs, can be super effective.


Nice vid.

Edited by LeonBraun
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Kinda depends on what your playstyle is... On my ships 95% of the time, I have my engine power bumped as well.


One other thing of note here is that the video is done from the perspective of a Pike. So for all those threads where people are whining about Scouts or Gunships being OP, here is one good video that shows how SFs, can be super effective.


Nice vid.


Yeah... I like having it to engine power always, unless I know I'll have the chance to unload EVERYTHING. Why? Because having no boost will get you killed, and IMO, it's more important to stay alive than get a kill and die ;)

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Not bad! I enjoyed this; wish more people would make these kinds of videoes.


It's obvious you're a good player, but the were a couple things I noticed you could be doing to be a great player:


1. Left/right turn is significantly slower than up/down turn. Use A/D to angle yourself so you're making 6- and 12-o'clock turns and you'll stick to people better (such as when you were chasing S'jade or Krettal).

2. There was a lot of "jumping" in the video. You'd start a missile lock, and then suddenly we jump to you releasing the missile. I assume this is because of technical limitations on YouTube's end, but a lot of people are going to want to see how you held the lock, especially when you're running proton torpedoes - those aren't the easiest to get a lock with, and I'm sure people will be looking to learn from your video.

3. There were a few times when it was obvious you cut the camera two seconds before dramatically exploding. Those amused me. (lol, gunships)

4. As others have said, you seem to have a habit of shooting quads with power to anything but weapons. I agree with an above poster that nit having boost will get you killed, and there were some times when I wouldn't have dared open fire without full power to shields, but when you have full engine power and are not at significant risk of dying, there's no reason not to shuffle power around. (Pro tip, bind the power options to something easier to hit. I have them on my Naga, but I imagine zxc works just as well. Never use f4.)


I may have to figure out how to set up a recording thing of my own...

Edited by Armonddd
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Kinda depends on what your playstyle is... On my ships 95% of the time, I have my engine power bumped as well.


One other thing of note here is that the video is done from the perspective of a Pike. So for all those threads where people are whining about Scouts or Gunships being OP, here is one good video that shows how SFs, can be super effective.


Nice vid.


Not to be pedantic, but really that video is clearly an edit of someone's favourite moments. As such it has no value as evidence of Strike Fighter effectiveness, as the data is biased. :)


That said, I certainly have great success with my Pike, and can vouch that Strikes can be very fun to play and effective in the right hands. Also, protorps are just incredibly fun. :)


Also, damn you OP, now I want to play DXHR Director's Cut again. :)

Edited by Itkovian
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I wish the F-T2 Quell looked as cool as the pike. I fly my F-T2 every once in a while (usually use the F-T6 Rycer) but it is lacking a lot of upgrades so I do poorly in it, this video has inspired me to start gearing my F-T2 out again though, probably going to dump points into the proton torpedoes until the speed boost then start on the lasers. Nice video by the way. Edited by BardaTheHobo
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Yeah... I like having it to engine power always, unless I know I'll have the chance to unload EVERYTHING. Why? Because having no boost will get you killed, and IMO, it's more important to stay alive than get a kill and die ;)


But when having power to engines your doing nearly half as much damage per hit as with power to weapons. Also if your boosted go power to engines if your not go power to weapons.


On my FF when a target is in range power always goes to weapons, if a target exits range it goes to engines and immediately back once i restablish range. You should constantly be switching power around it should *never* sit on one setting let alone power to shields like in the vid.

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But when having power to engines your doing nearly half as much damage per hit as with power to weapons. Also if your boosted go power to engines if your not go power to weapons.


On my FF when a target is in range power always goes to weapons, if a target exits range it goes to engines and immediately back once i restablish range. You should constantly be switching power around it should *never* sit on one setting let alone power to shields like in the vid.


Absolutely right. Only time I sit on power to shields is when the alternative is probable death or when I desperately need my shields to recharge before I reach a hot satellite. Beyond that, power goes to weapons while firing and engines otherwise.


Exception: after the initial boost from spawn to satellite, I'll let off a few shots with power to engines before switching over, because otherwise I can find myself with no boost when I need it. I don't think it's strictly necessary to have power to weapons for the first shot if you have full weapon power (and you can easily justify a few more if you're using a low power weapon).

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But when having power to engines your doing nearly half as much damage per hit as with power to weapons. Also if your boosted go power to engines if your not go power to weapons.


On my FF when a target is in range power always goes to weapons, if a target exits range it goes to engines and immediately back once i restablish range. You should constantly be switching power around it should *never* sit on one setting let alone power to shields like in the vid.


You're not doing half as much power on your weapons. They just regen at a slower rate when something else is bumped up. It's not about power, it's about regen.

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You're not doing half as much power on your weapons. They just regen at a slower rate when something else is bumped up. It's not about power, it's about regen.


Probably true, but anecdotal evidence says you do slightly more damage with power to weapons. Just one more thing to request dev confirmation for. Alternatively, fraps everything and pull some data that way.

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You're not doing half as much power on your weapons. They just regen at a slower rate when something else is bumped up. It's not about power, it's about regen.


Nope I can assure you that you do less damage per hit with less power to weapons on top of the regen reduction.


so really never fire your weapons without power to them.

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I love the Pike too, just unlocked it a few days ago and can't wait to upgrade it as high as I have my enforcer (especially the proton torpedo speed upgrade).


Whenever I can pull off the PT hit at long range, then cycle to concussion missiles for the follow finish it is sweet.

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Nope I can assure you that you do less damage per hit with less power to weapons on top of the regen reduction.


so really never fire your weapons without power to them.


I can confirm this. Power to weapons does not just make you weapon power pool regen faster, it makes every shot of the weapon hit harder.

Edited by Sharee
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I can confirm this. Power to weapons does not just make you weapon power pool regen faster, it makes every shot of the weapon hit harder.


It's how all the power distribution works. Power levels dictate the energy recharge rate (Weapons/Shields/Engines), and the effectiveness of the system.


So weapon damage, shield intensity, and speed are all influenced by your power level.

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