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Nerf Turret Explosion smoke


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How many times have you run into a satellite fin after killing a turret because you can't see where your going anymore? Nert the smoke!!!


fyi - I'm not really serious.


Turret/enemy explosions are my #1 cause of death. Dat smoke screen.


However the hilarity of it adds depth to the gameplay

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How many times have you run into a satellite fin after killing a turret because you can't see where your going anymore? Nert the smoke!!!


fyi - I'm not really serious.


happened to me a couple times, then i started paying attention to where i was facing prior to the turret exploding.

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I have to admit though, those explosions look really bloody awesome. Especially when someone is boosting as they die, and you view it from the side.


It's really awesome when you use it to evade an enemy. I've had a few instances where I had an enemy on my tail when I destroy a turret, and managed to use the explosion as a smoke screen to evade my pursuer. Flying through blind and pulling a maneuver where you just barely avoid a collision is totally awesome.

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happened to me a couple times, then i started paying attention to where i was facing prior to the turret exploding.


This pretty much. If I can't make an attack run that is a clear path then I slow to minimum throttle to avoid any satellite that might try to kill me.


The explosion smoke is fine once you get used to it.

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That smoke is awesome indeed. I don't usually hit anything, but sometimes it gets me helluva confused :)

Only thing I don't like is that when it disappears, it just... disappears. Not like what smoke would do. It just is there one moment and then it's clear a moment later.

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