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Number of maps and ships


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Forgive me if this has been covered already, but I'd just like to get some information on this here.


I've really been enjoying GSF, but it would be nice also to have more than two maps, for more variety and to keep GSF fresh longer. Any word on future plans for new maps, or game scenarios?


I've also noticed icons/pictures for other ships that aren't in game yet, and am wondering if there is any word on if or when these are going to be made available in game.

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I still think that the current phase is pretty much playtesting of the current maps, and that BW will use data and feedback from those to design new ones (see the potential issues with rep gunships "chaining" back to the starting point for one). IMO, it wouldn't have made a lot of sense if they'd thrown in a lot of maps from the start that then turned out to be unplayable trash.


I have little doubt that there's gonna be more.

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you will have to wait until GSF launches in Feb., what we're playing now is limited early access, in other words the expac isn't finished & out yet...


Uh huh...


How many more maps are you expecting there to be Elly? 1 more? 2?

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i'm expecting up to maybe 4 more for a total of 6 to start with, including the Bomber... if it does not happen immediately or it's not exactly 6 maps we're starting with (that includes the 2 we already have) i won't complain, it'll be here eventually... but, that's just my personal expectation, but like with all expectations they should be taken with a grain of salt and won't hold my breath for anything grand, i'd rather be wowed by what they offer than be let down by over-inflating my expectations for something to be perfect...
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i'm expecting up to maybe 4 more for a total of 6 to start with, including the Bomber... if it does not happen immediately or it's not exactly 6 maps we're starting with (that includes the 2 we already have) i won't complain, it'll be here eventually... but, that's just my personal expectation, but like with all expectations they should be taken with a grain of salt and won't hold my breath for anything grand, i'd rather be wowed by what they offer than be let down by over-inflating my expectations for something to be perfect...

I hope you're right...but...we only have 5 warzones - only 2 added in 2 years time. If GSF has more than 4 total, I'll be shocked.


My expectations are low as well...I enjoy it enough as it is that I'd be thrilled with 2 more...but that's not going to appease the masses imo. They need to do this one right...not repeat their same mistakes again and again and again.

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Same question to you...how many more? What do you know, or what do you expect? This isn't "beta"...it's been "released".


ok, you better read this skip down to the "but wait, There's more!" section.


this is EARLY ACCESS at this point. Remember that, has not actually been fully released yet, they wouldn't put all the content in at once with an early release starting so early.

Edited by Sangrar
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this is still early access, more on the way for the official release as confirmed by the devs!


I really like what we have so far, and I think it works very well on all levels. I was just curious if there was anything else mentioned to be in the works in terms of maps and ship designs, etc.


There is a lot of potential for GSF (it's a type of PvP most MMO's don't have), and I'd like to see it to continue making forward progress and not start to fade away. I'm hoping some sort of steady stream of new content is planned for the future of GSF, mostly in terms of maps so there is a little more variety after the queue pop.

Edited by LeonBraun
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I hope you're right...but...we only have 5 warzones - only 2 added in 2 years time.


Plus four arenas that came with that ranked mode that nobody plays. Get your count right. We're also talking about six (at least slightly) different game modes in the PvP ground game, so I can't really sympathise with your gloom towards content that has only been released to a limited audience for a whopping three weeks.


Geeze, people and their whining.

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personally I wasn't whining here, just asking to see what is planned for future content in GSF. I really enjoy what is there so far, and have already played a few hundred matches. Just wanted to ask about the future direction of GSF, and if anyone had some info about it.
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I want to take a moment to point out that this feature is just getting started. What do I mean by that? Well, for Early Access we will have two very distinct battle zones and one game mode plus fourteen unique Starfighters with all of the customizations mentioned above, but that’s not even our full Launch content! Galactic Starfighter is much more than that. In February for our full Launch, we add a new role (the Bomber) plus 10 more Starfighters for a grand total of 24 ships to customize and take into battle. Add to that an incredible new dynamic Flashpoint that is level and role neutral called Kuat Driveyards which ties our ground game story directly into the space PvP action with a new Starfighter area on the fleet and you begin to see that full scope of what we’re delivering.


Taking it one step beyond, we have already laid out significant plans for Space PvP to support it far into the future, so there will be regular releases of content to keep our Starfighters happy for a good long time to come. As with everything in our game, we will be listening raptly on all available channels for YOUR input to shape what Starfighter becomes as it evolves. Thank you for your ongoing support. It means the world to us.


Thats everything we know so far. However, none of that will mean anything if they put a hard cap on the amount of matches f2p and preferred players can play. GSF is already at a very low population.

Edited by renegadeimp
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Thats everything we know so far. However, none of that will mean anything if they put a hard cap on the amount of matches f2p and preferred players can play. GSF is already at a very low population.


Indeed those caps have to go. It's great and all that they want to give us subscribers a perk here but it's no good when it affects the PvP world so dramatically.

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