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Would GSF be more fun without gunships?


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Thats a slight exaggeration. You can only one shot very underskilled ships. Try one shotting a mastered ship. Even a gunship cannot do that unlessthe other ship went full dps with absolutely no mitigation at all.


A gunship can one-shot a fully mastered NovaDrive or Flashfire. The only exception would be a Flashfire with directional shields and HP armor with the shields set to the direction the rail shot is coming from.


Beyond that a scout can always be one-shotted mastered or not.

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I say no to taking out gunships, its one thing to not like them its another to want to remove content. Gunships running to their ships is not the end of the world. People call out like the gunships are forcing you to chase after them and run into the turrets, the gunship just wastes time running back to the gunship and going back, all you have to do is scare them off and they are effectively letting their own team down doing this. Seriously, then people say "they just snipe from their starship", even though at that range they are not even close enough to the node to do anything. Anyway, point is gunships should remain, their range and damage should remain, nerf bypass, ion, and plasma if you have to but without the damage and range that ship is pretty useless. Also, if you are dumb enough to run straight into the enemy turrets then you deserve to be blown up, simple as that, and lastly, by running away gunships are only being a semi-use to their team by drawing enemy forces away from the node, best thing you can do is scare them into a run but not chase after them, the worst thing you can do is leave the node to go get yourself blown up.
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asking for no gunship is like asking for no snipers in ground pvp or no mauraders etc, each have their place and style.


problem most have when it comes to gunshiops they don't know how to cope with them, theres a couple of scounts and fighters I know have zero problem dispatching me and im a damn good team player as a gunship.


for record my kills don't always out do everyone, my assists do though, I target those after my team mates, those trying to cap objectives, and when I see them come I don't run and hide I hold my ground.


don't stick all gunship sypes in same category. to me I think GSF is damn good for its 1st release and with some "small" tweeks will be even better.

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asking for no gunship is like asking for no snipers in ground pvp or no mauraders etc, each have their place and style.


problem most have when it comes to gunshiops they don't know how to cope with them, theres a couple of scounts and fighters I know have zero problem dispatching me and im a damn good team player as a gunship.


for record my kills don't always out do everyone, my assists do though, I target those after my team mates, those trying to cap objectives, and when I see them come I don't run and hide I hold my ground.


don't stick all gunship sypes in same category. to me I think GSF is damn good for its 1st release and with some "small" tweeks will be even better.


It's not even remotely the same. A sniper in ground combat has a place in real life, and in SW lore. A long range, railgun shooting fighter type is absurd. It's not even believable in a SW setting.


A long range missile shooting fighter type at least has some mention in SW lore.

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Yes it would. I'm tired of gunships one shooting me, and if you manage too get close too them they run and hide by the capital ship so you can't attack them but they can still fire at you. I'm tired of approaching Satellites that have Gunships having completey stopped inside a turret and is using it as cover. Almost every exploit or cheap tactic I have come across is from someone in a gunship.
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I think gunships have a place in GSF, there just needs to be tweaks done for TTK issues like Bypass one-shots and so on. Other than that, I think GSF is fun with the inclusion of gunships and posts like this will arise with any new ship type released. "OMG, the bomber's mines got me!" "The interceptor stealthed, that's so cheap!" Etc.


The game would quickly grow... systematic and stale with 24 scouts shooting here and there.


This. Having an extreme-range damage dealer is an interesting dynamic. Would you prefer everyone sit under satellites or run around them in circles endlessly? Or would you prefer that everyone try and out-turn each other for minutes on end? Pass.


...if you manage too get close too them they run and hide by the capital ship so you can't attack them but they can still fire at you. I'm tired of approaching Satellites that have Gunships having completey stopped inside a turret and is using it as cover...


Hiding in turrets is pretty silly, I avoid the tactic myself since it feels cheap and unintended. Evading close-range fights where scouts pop in with Distortion Field, Blaster Overcharge and Bypass is a necessity. Picking the when and where of your battlefield is crucial to a gunship - it's silly to ask them to stand their ground and LET you blast them apart when all your cooldowns are up. Running back to their capital ship typically doesn't help win games, anyway. A good gunship could just kite enemies over friendly turrets and fellow defenders instead.


If you're upset you didn't get what amounts to a free kill, I'm guessing you also get upset when people careen into walls and deny you the +1 to your kill score at the end? If you're having trouble killing gunships, hit up Band-aid - he made a post offering to help train scouts and he's pretty effective at nailing gunships.

Edited by TrinityLyre
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My friend actually pouted about the inclusion of gunships when he first heard of it.

"why would they have a ship with a 'sniper' weapon that has to stand still to aim?" he said.

"why not?" I asked, and he couldn't come up with a response.


That is sort of where I am coming from also. They don't really dog fight and while some may say circling gets boring, I do think the chase is more fun than sitting still.


The why not would be because so many matches degrade into a sniper fest and it's too easy to hit with the railgun as opposed to chasing down fighters. It doesn't really emulate Star Wars type space as much.

Edited by NathanielStarr
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Personally, I'd love it if gunships were removed. My personal opinion is that GSF would be far more fun without gunships. That being said, there is absolutely zero chance they will be removed. They are in the game not just for balance reason, but to appeal to players that might like playing a sniper class but don't like the other ships. That kind of player might stop playing if there were no more gunships--the gunship is there to appeal to more players.


So while I'd love to see them removed, that's just my personal opinion and I am very, very sure that it will simply never happen.

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While I do play all three current vehicles in game, I would say my gunship is probally the most upgraded vechicle I have worked on. I don't use Ion guns to do love taps or hide inside turrets to give myself some extra shielding from attackers. I prefer hugging obsticles like asteroids that will mask my weapon signature and use the map as best I can to my advantage.


If you think getting a one shot is easy, you have to take into account of the person your shooting latency and their upgrades. I have shot alot of people and stripped away alot of there shields and armor but fail to finish them off because they burst off even tho I fired a second shot that should of hit them. Alot of my misses that I get in a match should of hit the target even tho it was a perfect line up, the only thing I can think of is latency issue.


One problem that I do see is people will either fly in a straight line when getting close to a target or stand still thinking they are safe. This is the main issue with people getting killed by snipers, in that they think I have time to the satellite why should I start worrying about someone shooting at me. Once you know there is a sniper near a given satellite, you would know this because once killed you can see who is on what ship while waiting to respawn, you should approach that satellite using cover of the map.


Also use the chat window (ya it sucks) to call out for help and if there is snipers guarding a target. Trying to take a satellite by yourself isn't always the best tactic, bring back-up and you make the sniper have to choose and run if his postion is getting over runned. Snipers are not dog figters, ther job is to soften up targets and stall your side for as long as they can for there allied pilots. If you hate the gunship, wait until they release the bomber next.

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I figured out what is allowing gunships to oneshot maxed out scouts. It's the 20% crit chance on the maxed out slug railgun which allows the gunship a chance to oneshot a scout with 2400 damage or nearly oneshot everything else. So to balance out the gunship's slug railgun, they just need to remove the crit chance choice you can get and replace it with something else. Another option is to lower the damage it does to shields. Edited by Philmors
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I say no to taking out gunships, its one thing to not like them its another to want to remove content. Gunships running to their ships is not the end of the world. People call out like the gunships are forcing you to chase after them and run into the turrets, the gunship just wastes time running back to the gunship and going back, all you have to do is scare them off and they are effectively letting their own team down doing this. Seriously, then people say "they just snipe from their starship", even though at that range they are not even close enough to the node to do anything. Anyway, point is gunships should remain, their range and damage should remain, nerf bypass, ion, and plasma if you have to but without the damage and range that ship is pretty useless. Also, if you are dumb enough to run straight into the enemy turrets then you deserve to be blown up, simple as that, and lastly, by running away gunships are only being a semi-use to their team by drawing enemy forces away from the node, best thing you can do is scare them into a run but not chase after them, the worst thing you can do is leave the node to go get yourself blown up.

felt this had to be said again

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While I do play all three current vehicles in game, I would say my gunship is probally the most upgraded vechicle I have worked on. I don't use Ion guns to do love taps or hide inside turrets to give myself some extra shielding from attackers. I prefer hugging obsticles like asteroids that will mask my weapon signature and use the map as best I can to my advantage.


If you think getting a one shot is easy, you have to take into account of the person your shooting latency and their upgrades. I have shot alot of people and stripped away alot of there shields and armor but fail to finish them off because they burst off even tho I fired a second shot that should of hit them. Alot of my misses that I get in a match should of hit the target even tho it was a perfect line up, the only thing I can think of is latency issue.


One problem that I do see is people will either fly in a straight line when getting close to a target or stand still thinking they are safe. This is the main issue with people getting killed by snipers, in that they think I have time to the satellite why should I start worrying about someone shooting at me. Once you know there is a sniper near a given satellite, you would know this because once killed you can see who is on what ship while waiting to respawn, you should approach that satellite using cover of the map.


Also use the chat window (ya it sucks) to call out for help and if there is snipers guarding a target. Trying to take a satellite by yourself isn't always the best tactic, bring back-up and you make the sniper have to choose and run if his postion is getting over runned. Snipers are not dog figters, ther job is to soften up targets and stall your side for as long as they can for there allied pilots. If you hate the gunship, wait until they release the bomber next.

Getting a oneshot is more up to chance than anything else due to the 20% crit chance you can get on a slug rail gun. It does 1600 damage by default and if you pick that choice and score a crit, it will be a 2400 damage shot. So in essence it doesn't matter how upgraded your ship is, the slug railgun does way too much damage when it does crit.


So like I said, get rid of the crit chance or change the slug railgun so that it does less damage to shields and thus makes switching between the slug railgun and the ion gun more feasible.

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I fly a sting/flashfire. . with burst cannon fully upgraded. The only thing that can put me to a stop when I'm sat humping is a gunship. (Or my flying into objects)


Hell yea the game would be more fun without Gunships, but I imagine it'd also be unfair. =P

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I fly a sting/flashfire. . with burst cannon fully upgraded. The only thing that can put me to a stop when I'm sat humping is a gunship. (Or my flying into objects)


Hell yea the game would be more fun without Gunships, but I imagine it'd also be unfair. =P


Imo it would be more fun oif there where no gunships and the satillites where reshaped accordingly.


And burst cannons are a abomination second only to ion rail.


The matches i enjoy the most are the ones without any gunships at all b/c i can actually for once yaknow dogfight with somebody instead of the unending cat and mouse game that exists with gunships.

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I figured out what is allowing gunships to oneshot maxed out scouts. It's the 20% crit chance on the maxed out slug railgun which allows the gunship a chance to oneshot a scout with 2400 damage or nearly oneshot everything else. So to balance out the gunship's slug railgun, they just need to remove the crit chance choice you can get and replace it with something else. Another option is to lower the damage it does to shields.



Its not the crit.


Its the bypass active ability. Added to the natural shield piercing from the slug railgun you arrive at 65% shield bypass.


With the ignore armor passive and damage buff passive you hit for 1144 directly to hull regardless of what components your opponent runs.


A scout with max reinforced armor(the hp buff armor) arrives at 1140 hp. It one-shots every time it hits a scout.


With a crit however, they also one-shot strike fighters.

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again, removing content is NOT the solution. Gunships like it or not are here to stay, nerfing range and damage are HORRIBLE ideas as they would, well, you all know what happened to Scoundrel dps right?


Anyway, nerf crits, bypass, and armor if you want, but at least keep damage and range because that's what they were built for, if not then they will be useless and NO ONE will play them, its ship BALANCE people, not make-the-ship-that-we-don't-like-worse-than-us.

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again, removing content is NOT the solution. Gunships like it or not are here to stay, nerfing range and damage are HORRIBLE ideas as they would, well, you all know what happened to Scoundrel dps right?


Anyway, nerf crits, bypass, and armor if you want, but at least keep damage and range because that's what they were built for, if not then they will be useless and NO ONE will play them, its ship BALANCE people, not make-the-ship-that-we-don't-like-worse-than-us.


I agree with you. While I said that I personally would be happy to see them go I fully recognize that a) many players would not be happy about that at all and b) that is simply isn't going to happen, period.

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Personally I like, and hate gunships. They are fun to play, do a lot of damage, but die easily enough. If your getting 1 shot killed by them however your in a non upgraded ship. ( or at least your shields aren't). A geared ship no gunship should 1 shot you, unless they get lucky on a crit. They should
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I think the gunship should be big and slow. With the long-range killing ability, they shouldn't also be able to zip away when threatened. Give them some defenses, but make them slow to accelerate because of the increased mass.


Getting one-shotted is not fun, but I can accept it if the sniper has other disadvantages.

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Coming from more of a flight sim perspective, Gunships are like highly mobile unguided AAA batteries.


Annoying, and dangerous if you happen to be in their ideal kill zone, but not nearly as much of a pain as radar guided AAA or passively guided SAMs. Like older AAA units, gunships are not that hard to kill if you know what you're doing and there aren't too many of them packed together for mutual supporting fire.


If you think Gunships are bad, thank your lucky stars that they didn't put in spacetroopers with MANPADS. Too small to see, no warning that you've been fired on, usually oneshot or cripple you if they hit, and there's NEVER just one.


Trust me, it could be far, far, far worse than it is.


Actually it would feel a bit weird to me if there wasn't anything filling an air defense role. The whole visceral hatred of gunships by a lot of scout and striker pilots, seems quite normal to me. You're not supposed to like air defenses if you're a combat pilot (unless they're friendly air defenses, it's ok to like them).


This I believe pretty much. Rather than implementing AI with god like strength to perform this role they left it up to the players. While I'd like to see maps with objectives such as powerful capital ships (where one team is tasked with defending an objective and the other with destroying it) I think gunships do have value.


I'll never play one as it just doesn't interest me but it does break up the whole dogfighting thing by placing greater emphasis on team coordination since if everyone goes looking for a dogfight and no one is gunship hunting they'll rapidly rip apart your team. Just like AAA in other games would if everyone wants to be an ace and no one takes on the less glamorous, but equally important role, of suppressing enemy air defense.

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the ion canon debuffs from the gunship need to require full charge to fully apply and there should be a cooldown on a player receiving them. Also the armor/shield by passing needs to be toned down.




Personally I think Offensive Cool Downs like overcharge, bypass and even concentrated fire should be removed and replaced with utility skills. Right now amoung all ship types there is too much "pop your favorite OCD and click target to watch them instantly explode" Getting rid of OCD would mean people would actually have to yaknow dogfight.


And burst lasers on any ship need to burn in fire.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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Personally I think Offensive cooldowns like overcharge, bypass and even concentrated fire should be removed and replaced with utility skills. Right now amoung all ship types there is too much "pop your favorite OCD and click target to watch them instantly explode" Getting rid of OCD would mean epople would actually have to yaknow dogfight.


And burst lasers on any ship need to burn in fire.


Nope. Also, you're not thinking of OCD.

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Nope. Also, you're not thinking of OCD.


I'm thinking of Offensive Cool Down. And i assume that since I specially said Offensive Cool Down at the start of my post that people would realize what i ment.


And yes I just edited my previous post to make it more clear.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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