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Appearance/Costume Tab NOW!


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This is one of a dozen or more convenience features that should already be in the game. SWG had this 10 years ago.


This just goes to show how EA is more focused on selling gambling packs to children than they are actually retaining or growing their subscriber base. Quality of Life and convenience features need to be prioritized and scheduled but I'm sure we'll see a dozen more gambling packs before we see something like this.


In the mean time we get to watch all of the little trolls argue over it's merit and each other's grammar. Great job everyone :/


The point is though that an A-Tab will increase CM sales as well. I suspect (no proof just a hunch) that CM sales are declining, because players aren't willing to spend money on an armor set (direct purchase or gambling packs) unless it's the "perfect" look for them since swapping looks is prohibitive.


It's time for BW to revisit the decision to not add the A-Tab.

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The point is though that an A-Tab will increase CM sales as well. I suspect (no proof just a hunch) that CM sales are declining, because players aren't willing to spend money on an armor set (direct purchase or gambling packs) unless it's the "perfect" look for them since swapping looks is prohibitive.


It's time for BW to revisit the decision to not add the A-Tab.


I get the point. I support the A-Tab Features. I just don't get why we're all still arguing about it. For the past two years we see the same petty little angry trolls killing this game. They feel the need to be contrary and demeaning all day, every day in order to satisfy their tiny little egos.


This is a game. It should be fun. Quality of Life and Convenience should be a top priority. However each and every thread starts off with 10-20 snarky troll responses. Whoever is supposed to be managing this community is doing a absolutely terrible job at it.

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I get the point. I support the A-Tab Features. I just don't get why we're all still arguing about it. For the past two years we see the same petty little angry trolls killing this game. They feel the need to be contrary and demeaning all day, every day in order to satisfy their tiny little egos.


This is a game. It should be fun. Quality of Life and Convenience should be a top priority. However each and every thread starts off with 10-20 snarky troll responses. Whoever is supposed to be managing this community is doing a absolutely terrible job at it.


Fully agree on the snarky troll BS.


IMO, the A-Tab seems to have more broad support and a better rationale for customers & BW than it ever did before. If people could see through all the nonsense,epeen pissing matches, they'd see there is a pretty well thought out reason for adding an A-Tab system.

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This is a game. It should be fun. Quality of Life and Convenience should be a top priority. However each and every thread starts off with 10-20 snarky troll responses. Whoever is supposed to be managing this community is doing a absolutely terrible job at it.

It surprises you that a thread entitled "Appearance/Costume Tab NOW!" gets snarky replies?

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Well snarky replies are every bit if not more immature than the original title & post.

"Appearance/Costume Tab NOW!" has a large amount of trolling in it. There's no good reason for a thread title like that. It's petulantly and childishly constructed, no matter how "good" the underlying suggestion is (which suggestion I agree with).

Edited by branmakmuffin
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I get the point. I support the A-Tab Features. I just don't get why we're all still arguing about it. For the past two years we see the same petty little angry trolls killing this game. They feel the need to be contrary and demeaning all day, every day in order to satisfy their tiny little egos.


This is a game. It should be fun. Quality of Life and Convenience should be a top priority. However each and every thread starts off with 10-20 snarky troll responses. Whoever is supposed to be managing this community is doing a absolutely terrible job at it.


It is just perception issue in most cases, in my personal opinion there is no way service provider will give up source of income to improve quality of life of the players without some sort of compromise. It is usually easier to just do nothing as this compromise may be even worst choice for players. So I tend to voice my opinion that such suggestion is not realistic.

The income I mention is not direct.

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I also sometimes play Rift, and the Wardrobe functionality in that game is fantastic. You can have a ridiculous amount of wardrobe slots that are purely cosmetic, and the gear does not have to upgraded or modified at all. It is purely for looks.


This does 2 things:


1. Increases player satisfaction since they can get the looks they want without re-doing all the pesky and off-putting modifications, and can also have so many outfits to fit their mood and without taking up precious storage space.


2. It benefits Trion because now people don't feel restricted from buying outfits on the cash shop or getting special event ones free ingame. So people are more happy about the content rewards and a bit more free with their dollars on the cash shop.

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The only person who would not be happy to see an appearance tab would be my wife. She already tells me I spend too much on this game.


Then I point to her make up box which costs nearly 400 dollars and the countless money spent on make up...


so yeah, create an appearance tab.

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It is just perception issue in most cases, in my personal opinion there is no way service provider will give up source of income to improve quality of life of the players without some sort of compromise. It is usually easier to just do nothing as this compromise may be even worst choice for players. So I tend to voice my opinion that such suggestion is not realistic.

The income I mention is not direct.


I think it's more a matter of them being short sighted. They would rather make the quick cash by selling gambling packs to children versus improving this game for their subscribers and make more money in the long run.


It's like they are begging us to all cancel our accounts and just buy gambling packs all day. They want you to cancel. The subscriber is a nuisance in this business model. Which sucks because they actually have a great game and could attract a ton more subscribers and make a ton more money in the long run.


But the absolute worst version of humans possible are the ones making these decisions.

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I think it's more a matter of them being short sighted. They would rather make the quick cash by selling gambling packs to children versus improving this game for their subscribers and make more money in the long run.


It's like they are begging us to all cancel our accounts and just buy gambling packs all day. They want you to cancel. The subscriber is a nuisance in this business model. Which sucks because they actually have a great game and could attract a ton more subscribers and make a ton more money in the long run.


But the absolute worst version of humans possible are the ones making these decisions.


Here is what I see happening, Bioware is coming up with a lot of great features and ideas, then EA is killing 90% of them and telling the development team to just make quick items that sell.


Publishers are evil.

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Here is what I see happening, Bioware is coming up with a lot of great features and ideas, then EA is killing 90% of them and telling the development team to just make quick items that sell.


Publishers are evil.


Actually, my take on it is that the Cartel Market team has an easier job than whoever would be responsible for creating the alternate appearance stuff. I do like appearance slots only and would love to have them. I just think the team (or guy/gal) responsible for this has too many other things that are more important.

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Cm team is composed of primarily 3D and concept artists, as it does not require any programming skill beyond implementing it in the game (probably pretty easy with the right tools). Also, as noticed with several armors, there is probably a very limited testing of those items.


The Appearance tab (even as simple as the "Social tab" in Terraria), would take lot of programmer hours and even more time to properly test it. However, while it would be great, I do not think it is really necessary, as the current system is pretty robust (except dyes, which should be split into two slots to allow mix-matching as we want).

Switching gear during levelling is pretty easy and cheap, as you only get mods for planetary comms or you buy them for cheap (low level mods are cheap).

I agree it is more difficult on max level, when most people are concerned with augment slots (which are expensive as hell), but unless you switch armor all the time, the price for ripping out mods is pretty cheap and easily farmed in one run of several daily zones.

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Cm team is composed of primarily 3D and concept artists, as it does not require any programming skill beyond implementing it in the game (probably pretty easy with the right tools). Also, as noticed with several armors, there is probably a very limited testing of those items.


The Appearance tab (even as simple as the "Social tab" in Terraria), would take lot of programmer hours and even more time to properly test it. However, while it would be great, I do not think it is really necessary, as the current system is pretty robust (except dyes, which should be split into two slots to allow mix-matching as we want).

Switching gear during levelling is pretty easy and cheap, as you only get mods for planetary comms or you buy them for cheap (low level mods are cheap).

I agree it is more difficult on max level, when most people are concerned with augment slots (which are expensive as hell), but unless you switch armor all the time, the price for ripping out mods is pretty cheap and easily farmed in one run of several daily zones.


Swapping out all the mods of an armor set takes about 2 minutes (forget about all the costs for the moment), plus you need to hold on to the inventory space for the alternate wardrobe items. With an A-Tab it would take about 45 milliseconds for me to switch outfits. I'll choose the A-Tab for convenience, thanks. Plus, I don't need to worry the million plus in credit I would need to grind out.


There is no intellectually honest argument to support the current system over an A-Tab. The current system is great for min/maxxing but only marginally useful for customization and appearance changes.

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I think it's more a matter of them being short sighted. They would rather make the quick cash by selling gambling packs to children versus improving this game for their subscribers and make more money in the long run.


It's like they are begging us to all cancel our accounts and just buy gambling packs all day. They want you to cancel. The subscriber is a nuisance in this business model. Which sucks because they actually have a great game and could attract a ton more subscribers and make a ton more money in the long run.


But the absolute worst version of humans possible are the ones making these decisions.


A bunch of words with no factual meaning or evidence behind them.


Subs are anything BUT a nuisance. They are a solid stream of income.


SO which is it fan haters? The F2P model is so bad that it forces people to sub or is the sub model so bad it forces people to go F2P? Pick one. Not both.


As usual, forum war mongers just want to drop bombs on EA and don't actually have a real world perspective on anything.

Edited by Arkerus
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A bunch of words with no factual meaning or evidence behind them.


Subs are anything BUT a nuisance. They are a solid stream of income.


SO which is it fan haters? The F2P model is so bad that it forces people to sub or is the sub model so bad it forces people to go F2P? Pick one. Not both.


As usual, forum war mongers just want to drop bombs on EA and don't actually have a real world perspective on anything.


And you are just fueling the fire. Ignore the post and stay on topic.

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a bunch of words with no factual meaning or evidence behind them.


Subs are anything but a nuisance. They are a solid stream of income.


So which is it fan haters? the f2p model is so bad that it forces people to sub or is the sub model so bad it forces people to go f2p? Pick one. Not both.


as usual, forum war mongers just want to drop bombs on ea and don't actually have a real world perspective on anything.


/qft :)

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personally, I'm of mixed feelings on appearance tab. in part becasue it seems to mean different things to different people. I adore current system because it allows me to have a character that looks exactly like I want them to from as early as lvl 9 (or lvl 1 if I'm willing to play first 9 levels in stat free gear), and when I get an upgrade, pulling mods out of it is extremely easy and pretty affordable all things considered. and allows for more flexibility in min maxing, as you can mix and match your mods and enhancements)


appearance changing options I've dealt with in other games either involved a whole separate set of "social gear" that may or may not include ability to use combat pieces as social gear, having to change each individual appearance of each individual items (so every time you get an upgrade, you had to do it all over again - and in case of Neverwinter, since appearance items are destroyed in a process of that change - it discourages use at all... what if you get a better upgrade, but no longer have your preferred appearance item to change it to?) and social gear being a completely separate animal from combat one, so that you could only use it in cities, as you got no stats from it. (technically, you can currently do that in SWTOR already, just carry a separate set of unmodded gear and switch as rp situation calls for it - its just not as convenient as switching in one click)


rarely there was no cost associated with modifying your appearance and often I found it to be more prohibitive than I do in SWTOR, even accounting for augments. mainly becasue making credits in SWTOR is much MUCH easier than any other game I tried, and without ever touching GTN. I can literally make up all the credits I spent on changing over mods/augment from one piece of gear to another in about half an hour of relaxed gameplay.. and adding augment slot is a one time fee - once you have it added, it stays there. so you have several augmented pieces of armor to switch between


I would absolutely love it though if there was ability to switch between armor sets with one click (ability to have the same appearance for all your specs already exists - especially if you are using cartel sets and can just replicate them through collections). it would be fabulous if there was a separate storage for gear pieces that doesn't take up room in regular bags (though honestly, other then set of social vs combat gear, I personally don't know ANY games that allow you to store more than one set of extra gear without taking up bag slots). but I'm not sure its required with as much urgency as OP's title suggests or in that particular implementation, given just how much more flexible this game is when it comes to gear appearance modifications. "Match to chest" alone is awesome.

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