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Have you changed your 'main' class after rolling another one?


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This is almost like asking for my SWTOR saga. Maybe I could use this post, and just cut and paste it into the "memories" thread on top of this page, hehe. Regardless, I'd decided in Beta I was going to roll out a Smuggler at release. I enjoyed the class story and the heal motions, it was a blast to play. And that's what I did, rolled a Scoundrel and leveled her up pretty quick. Mostly because I knew how to play it, having leveled a Scoundrel during the Beta.


Then my guild fell apart. My husband at the time was playing over on the Imperial side, so I switched over there and started leveling a Mercenary. That character became my Main for the longest time. Heck, I even deleted my Scoundrel, mostly to make room for alt-plays because there was a serious limit on character slots when the game released. To this day, hands down my favorite class story is the Bounty Hunter. It's awesome!


But then that guild collapsed, too. Actually went through a couple of guilds with my Mercenary, still. But eventually I found my way back to the Republic side of the game. I was leveling a Sentinel when I found a new guild that I meshed with very well. But they needed a healer for end-game play. So I agreed to level up a new Scoundrel, the heals I still considered better than any other in the game. Total personal preference, mind you, I know.


My new Scoundrel I decided to try something different and went with a male character. And he just blew me away! I thoroughly enjoyed every step of leveling him up and then tossed him into the end-game. He's the character who's my over-all Main, now.


My current guild, some of the best peeps I've ever played with, does have an Imperial-side guild as well. So my characters on that side of the game stay fairly active, too. My Main over there is an Operative healer, with gear that comes from my Republic Main whenever he gets a new piece. Between the two of them, I stay pretty active in pve operations.


I've leveled every one of the classes, though. It's just these are the two who ended up being my primary characters, the ones you'll see me playing on more often than not:


My Scoundrel Healer


My Operative Healer

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Started with my Jugg and got him to 50 before finishing the main storyline due to running as a tank and double XP at some point. Ended up abandoning him for a while, rolling a Sin, getting ROTHC, and taking him all the way to 55. Have him almost maxed on 78s outside of set bonuses while the Jugg still isn't quite there.


I consider the Sin my main character, with my new sniper a second--loving the storyline and the gear I have him running, really into the persona--my mara as my third, and the Jugg as an extra for raids if my Sin is locked out and as part of my crafting team.

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I startet with a Jedi Knight and an Agent Sniper. On Rep side I switched to a Commando and played her to level 50.


Then again I switched on Rep side to a Smuggler Scoundrel.


Now I play 4 Characters as main: Sniper (marksman), Operative (concealment), Gunslinger and Scoundrel.


I hated the class story of the Commando. And I dislike nearly all force classes.

Edited by discbox
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I have just about every class in the game - apart from Commando and Vanguard. My main is an Assassin but given Biofails attempts at nerfing the class into something generic, I rolled a Commando. Lots of fun in combat.


Has anyone else changed their main class to another one after trying it?


Still loving my Shadow tank even after 2.5 made it generic by taking away their selfheals.

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Still loving my Shadow tank even after 2.5 made it generic by taking away their selfheals.


when I said generic, that's not what I meant. I mean how running a Sin, you had options to run a Hybrid if you wanted to 23/1/17 for example, or full darkness or deception with a hint of Madness or full deception


Then, in their wisdom they now removed the ability to respec so most Sins run the deception spec because everything else isnt viable (talking about pvp here). I love the Sin/Shadow class but Bioware need a designer who actually plays it and understands it.

Edited by DarthMaulUK
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