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pretty disapointed...


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no long explanation, im totally disapointed of Galactic Starfighter even more now than when it came out...

kinda mad my sub money is going for something so bad, when theres so much stuff that needs work on!

space will always be mediocre in swtor it seems...

Edited by ODTONE
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Could you explain what exactly you don't like about GSF and maybe offer your suggestions on how you feel it could be improved? You're not helping the dev team better the expansion with this post the way it is - and god knows it could use some improvements (I love GSF BTW but it's still far from complete, let alone perfect).


Just for the record I can understand people not liking GSF as it's very different from the ground game and has numerous flaws... but simply saying "I hate this" without offering actual feedback does not help the game in any way.

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Could you explain what exactly you don't like about GSF and maybe offer your suggestions on how you feel it could be improved? You're not helping the dev team better the expansion with this post the way it is - and god knows it could use some improvements (I love GSF BTW but it's still far from complete, let alone perfect).


Just for the record I can understand people not liking GSF as it's very different from the ground game and has numerous flaws... but simply saying "I hate this" without offering actual feedback does not help the game in any way.


I can


1) The controls are absolutely pathetic, the dev responsible for these has no business in software development. Seriously, who's bright idea was it to have the mouse control both direction and the blaster cursor?

2) Target systems. The targeting system is less based on "skill" (insert NOO button here) and more based on RNG rolls. Lock ons for missiles are either too slow or too rapid, Bioware needs to find a middle ground somewhere

3) Gunships. Gunships one shot everything from beyond targeting distance for anything other than another gunship.



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I can


1) The controls are absolutely pathetic, the dev responsible for these has no business in software development. Seriously, who's bright idea was it to have the mouse control both direction and the blaster cursor?

2) Target systems. The targeting system is less based on "skill" (insert NOO button here) and more based on RNG rolls. Lock ons for missiles are either too slow or too rapid, Bioware needs to find a middle ground somewhere

3) Gunships. Gunships one shot everything from beyond targeting distance for anything other than another gunship.




1) Actually if you try Freelancer you can see that it can work pretty well... But I do agree that the controls in GSF could use some polish. They're definitely not smooth enough. And I have a fondness for joysticks, they're just more immersive for ths type of game, too bad they aren't supported :(

2) I don't like the RNG on accuracy/evasion/crits etc either. I'd rather a hit were a hit, period. I think I mentioned it some time back in one of my feedback posts, as well as the controls issue.

3) I'm not so annoyed about gunships though they can be a pain - I don't like the sniper implementation though. It's too FPS like for my tastes, heh... Though I must say acting as bait for a gunship ally on my scout is extremely satisfying :D


EDIT: My post to the OP was written because I don't like rants that have no feedback... And I think he is doing himself a disservice with such a post when something more constructive could maybe go a longer way.

Edited by archifikoss
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Could you explain what exactly you don't like about GSF and maybe offer your suggestions on how you feel it could be improved? You're not helping the dev team better the expansion with this post the way it is - and god knows it could use some improvements (I love GSF BTW but it's still far from complete, let alone perfect).


Just for the record I can understand people not liking GSF as it's very different from the ground game and has numerous flaws... but simply saying "I hate this" without offering actual feedback does not help the game in any way.


ya i see your point and thanx for your honest reply, but i have already before and to many trolls in here, anything you say can and will be used against you in the forums.

For example ive written a million times for ground pvp that the stun locks suck and nothing has been done, they dont care the devs if not pvp would be better by now. To me they just want more money.

Its bad for so many reasons in my opinion... first why the hell did they copy world of planes lol ?

i find in GS some of a few things...

the flying is horrible, one shot bonanza , mini games , targetting is really bad, mirror of ground maps but in space, no open space, the missiles are sooooo annoying, self destructs, so much is not to be enjoyed, cookie tree build for ships... beautifull...

copy of a game out there already with 70 million users ... not original at all!

i could go on but i rather just have said its crap..

i personally really dont like it.

and they dont even make open space wich i want, so i have to play these stupid rounds to even fly a ship in star wars, wich are horrble. If the devs would want to know what i think they would ask before they make crappy stuff like that, and ive said since before beta open space and theyve always said no to open space,

ya there really doing what i imagine from the game.... pffff

there on their own cartel agenda and dont care about the mediocrity of certain things, people baught the new ships its a success for them.

Edited by ODTONE
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kinda mad my sub money is going for something......


Please for the love of Bob try to part yourself from that mindset. Unless you subbed specifically for GSF your sub money is going to the GAME. Not GSF. Are there parts of the game you like? Good! That's what your sub money goes to, in addition to the parts you don't like. I've yet to set a foot in Ops or ground PvP, but I don't mind that my sub money helps pay for development of those things. Because my sub money also pays for new flashpoints, ground pve content, and starfighter. So I'm a happy camper. More kinds of content, whether you like them or not, keep the game running by attracting different kinds of people.

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this game is a lighter Version of star.conflict


in fact all key Features are copied from that game, and world of tanks but I never played that


I say that because I now play mor star conflict after GSF got me on that taste


its kind of game totally designed around mouse controle, you cant take that out

its a pilart of those games that define everything else


the ships generaly suck unless you upgraded them heavily


weapon Upgrades are expensive, secondary components are cheaper to max

and will greatly buff you ship (rotation.speed and fire.arc will expand your aiming.time)


without investing coins to Transfer req between ships things will take forever to level

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ya i see your point and thanx for your honest reply, but i have already before and to many trolls in here, anything you say can and will be used against you in the forums.
Anything you say won't be used against you. But if what you say merits correction then be prepared for it, especially if whatever is said is a disingenuous fabrication disguised as opinion that is falsely presented as fact.
For example ive written a million times for ground pvp that the stun locks suck and nothing has been done, they dont care the devs if not pvp would be better by now. To me they just want more money.
A single opinion among millions. Stun locks are but one weapon in the PvP arsenal, and many spec into it as a "piss off the enemy" build (my Operative is.) Sounds like it's working. Ya, some can last awhile which means the stunned player has to sit and watch the enemy pummel them. But every class has cc breakers to counteract that. If you find yourself getting hammered by 3 enemies, then that's 2 less enemies the rest of the team needs to deal with, making it easier for the objectives to be captured or met. Isn't teamwork grand?
Its bad for so many reasons in my opinion... first why the hell did they copy world of planes lol ?
If memory serves World of Warplanes launched only 3 months ago. GSF was already in final beta 3 months ago. So unless Bioware participated in WoWP beta, then immediately redesigned GSF from the ground up to copy it ...
i find in GS some of a few things...
hwg ...
the flying is horrible,
The ships fly smoothly with no glitchy movement other than an occasional lag when boost is kicking in. Otherwise horrible probably relates to the controls simply being different - which other than the mouse buttons can be remapped to suit your preference. If the complaint is about GSF not having a cockpit view option, well ... I agree with you there.
one shot bonanza ,
Only time I've been one-shotted is when my ship was already damaged & flaming when I got hit.
mini games ,
There are mini-games inside of GSF? Where?
targetting is really bad,
Targeting is good, just depends on weapon choice (lock-on or LoS?) and your craft's accuracy versus their craft's evasion. Not to mention your dogfighting skills versus their dogfighting skills. They probably put a lot of points into evasion purposely so you'd have a hard time acquiring them as targets.
mirror of ground maps but in space,
Nothing is mirrored except the requirement to take and control multiple objectives. Those are modes, not maps.
no open space,
Correct. GSF is played in instanced but expansive 3D PvP space warzones, not a fully explorable PvE galaxy.
the missiles are sooooo annoying,
I find that firing them instead of eating them makes a big difference.
self destructs,
Hand-eye coordination skills baby. The team gets a point when an enemy pilot self destructs anyway.
so much is not to be enjoyed, cookie tree build for ships... beautifull...
So you'd rather see players enjoy themselves by not being able to upgrade and specialize their ships?
copy of a game out there already with 70 million users ... not original at all!
What would your original game have that wasn't similar to any other game?
i could go on but i rather just have said its crap..

i personally really dont like it.

and they dont even make open space wich i want, so i have to play these stupid rounds to even fly a ship in star wars, wich are horrble. If the devs would want to know what i think they would ask before they make crappy stuff like that, and ive said since before beta open space and theyve always said no to open space,

ya there really doing what i imagine from the game.... pffff

there on their own cartel agenda and dont care about the mediocrity of certain things, people baught the new ships its a success for them.

Not sure why a developer would take what any one individual wants as gospel. There is no snowflake special enough in any player base to merit that kind of attention. If GSF lacking open space PvE is the issue, then why not just say so? Why the smear campaign? Edited by GalacticKegger
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no long explanation, im totally disapointed of Galactic Starfighter even more now than when it came out...

kinda mad my sub money is going for something so bad, when theres so much stuff that needs work on!

space will always be mediocre in swtor it seems...


Constructive criticism would be more helpful.

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I can


1) The controls are absolutely pathetic, the dev responsible for these has no business in software development. Seriously, who's bright idea was it to have the mouse control both direction and the blaster cursor?

2) Target systems. The targeting system is less based on "skill" (insert NOO button here) and more based on RNG rolls. Lock ons for missiles are either too slow or too rapid, Bioware needs to find a middle ground somewhere

3) Gunships. Gunships one shot everything from beyond targeting distance for anything other than another gunship.




1) I agree it isn't the best when it comes to turning dogfights but I think they could've been worse. Personally I hope they add stick support with an option to lock crosshairs center.


2) While I can cope with accuracy tracking penalties (they're not that different from movement/stance penalties in an FPS) I totally agree on evasion. Barring any tracking penalties if my aim is good my shot should land, period. None of the current evasion stuff that makes it even more likely that you'll miss, that just rewards pilots for bad flying by letting them live longer than they should.


3) Personally I have no problem with gunships being the only ones able to snipe people at 15K meters. They have a clearly defined role and are the only ones capable of performing that role. This is not to say that they don't need tweaking (Ion cannons, barrel role possibly giving them more mobility than they should have etc.) but overall role is distinct and they seem fairly well balanced to perform only that role with proficiency. Where there is a problem is the balance between the roles of strikers & scouts. Unlike the gunships, the intended roles of scouts & strikers in theory (space superiority & multirole starfighter) isn't at all how it plays out in practice (both are equal in offensive versatility leaving the striker with the short end of the stick since it's supposed distinct advantage over the scout in offensive versatility isn't there in practice). Some rebalancing there is seriously needed to distinguish the purpose they have on the battlefield and eliminate one ship class performing the role of another ship class with equal proficiency (the same way in the ground game the roles of healers, dps, and tanks are clearly defined and none of the roles can perform the role of another with equal proficiency on top of their intended role).

Edited by Gavin_Kelvar
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2) While I can cope with accuracy tracking penalties (they're not that different from movement/stance penalties in an FPS) I totally agree on evasion. Barring any tracking penalties if my aim is good my shot should land, period. None of the current evasion stuff that makes it even more likely that you'll miss, that just rewards pilots for bad flying by letting them live longer than they should.




then lets talk about crit.rating, shall we ?


and who ever thought putting snipers into space flight games is an idiot beyond believe,

if you want to play as a turret, go somewhere else

Edited by Hitomo_x
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  • 4 weeks later...
then lets talk about crit.rating, shall we ?


and who ever thought putting snipers into space flight games is an idiot beyond believe,

if you want to play as a turret, go somewhere else


In my opinion, they should do away with Gunships.













Instead, allow players to control actual turrets mounted on other ships, capital ships, or the satellites themselves. :D

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2) While I can cope with accuracy tracking penalties (they're not that different from movement/stance penalties in an FPS) I totally agree on evasion. Barring any tracking penalties if my aim is good my shot should land, period. None of the current evasion stuff that makes it even more likely that you'll miss, that just rewards pilots for bad flying by letting them live longer than they should.


i just wanna chime in on this as i see this complaint a lot... honestly i think they need to change the name of the Evasion Stat to something more fitting it's role, they should call it some thing like Weapon Target Scrambling... that's what i've equated it to all along anyway, and that's what it's actually doing...

Edited by Elly_Dawn
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the ones complaining are the ones who suck at the game and expect it to be a fully featured flight simulator. The devs have stated time and time again, it isnt going to ever be one.

Actually, they screwed both those who were expecting space flight-sim and those, who were enjoying simple 'arcade' style in PVE space missions. It's too complex for the latter ones, and former ones have a lot of reasons to be disappointed as well.

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Pretty funny the ones complaining are the ones who suck at the game and expect it to be a fully featured flight simulator. The devs have stated time and time again, it isnt going to ever be one.


The ones not complaining are, just on the ground pvp those that have enough gear to make up for their ineptness in flying.


1) I agree it isn't the best when it comes to turning dogfights but I think they could've been worse. Personally I hope they add stick support with an option to lock crosshairs center.


That's the problem when you head direction with your mouse. In fact you should be shooting where you are heading. Which is the case, but the impression is weird.


then lets talk about crit.rating, shall we ?


and who ever thought putting snipers into space flight games is an idiot beyond believe,

if you want to play as a turret, go somewhere else


Completly agree. If they can figure that there's something wrong in your space combat game if everyone stands still and play turrets, then they deserve to do anything else but developping games.

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Short answer is: There is a bit of a learning curve. You are either up to the challenge or you are not.

They needed to make Space Fighter combat that was accessible and open to all players of all skill levels.

GSF is an AWESOME expansion and is a ton of fun to play!


I started playing on the PTS and got the hang of the controls pretty quickly; yes it took some getting used to and yes I really wanted to use a game pad of a flight stick.


The more I play GSF (Which is A LOT) the more I realize that the controls are perfect for how it is designed.

You have to take the time to get used to it, yes I know there are people that want it all to just be "intuitive" you want it to be like *insert game, style, etc here* but this is something NEW! We are always asking for something new in these forums and they have given it to us.


Not to use science in my argument, but here goes; you are building new "muscle memory" and the reason we want it to be like another game or to support other forms of control is because we have already obtained that muscle memory.

Take the time to learn something new and build a new skill, I'm gonna put my money on the idea that you are gonna like it rather than hate it once you have given it more that 2-3 matches.


You know gunships are VERY easy to kill right? The only reason you want them removed is so you can ignore objectives and dogfight without repercussion. Gunships play a vital role in objective based maps. And like i said, they are VERY easy to kill.



Once you learn how to gunship hunt, they don't stand a chance. A Scout with 3rd tier main weapons can destroy a GS before the GS has a chance to run away.


I honestly hope BW doesn't change a thing, but then again I am more open-minded, easily entertained and willing to adapt to change than most gamer are.

Edited by RiVaN_
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