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Suggestion for Stun Break


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Here is a suggestion for the stun break. I'll take this from a healer standpoint...when I heal it's all fine but when 3-4 hop on me at once I have to start self healing. Self healing doesn't happen when you're stunned and you can't use your stun break until your resolve is full or you are seriously wasting a stun break. I could of course use my immortal bubble as a sorc, but then I'm just waiting 10 seconds to be restunned and then killed.


Everone complains about there being too many damn stuns and only one stun break. But what if the stun break was configured to pop your resolve to maximum as well? You see the onslaught coming and after one or two little stuns you pop your stun break which breaks those but it also gives you maximum resolve so you can survive the next 10 seconds without a problem?


In the least it would help with having only one stun break problem and with the problem of having to wait until your resolve is at maximum before you use it...


Let me know what you guys think of this proposition...

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Here is a suggestion for the stun break. I'll take this from a healer standpoint...when I heal it's all fine but when 3-4 hop on me at once I have to start self healing.


Let me know what you guys think of this proposition...


I think this is where your teammates should be acting as such.

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Yeah I should be able to survive a 4 on 1 no problem...


I noted the sarcasm, but I usually do on my sorc anyway. I'm just saying it balances out the issue with 100 stuns and 1 stun break. It's not over the top since stun break is still on 2 min CD.


I think this is where your teammates should be acting as such.


Should doesn't mean they always do. As I stated above though I usually can handle 3 or so dps on my own as a healer. The problem is when the dps get snared by stuns and there is no way around it if you aren't getting healed.

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Should doesn't mean they always do.


Agreed but I don't think team inadequacies, or being outplayed, justifies changing this mechanic. Yeah expecting the population writ large to up their game is pissing into the wind but that's my 2 cents anyway.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Agreed but I don't think team inadequacies, or being outplayed, justifies changing this mechanic.


Well and I'm not trying to change the mechanic because of lack of team quality or anything from the sort. I used a healer standpoint as an illustration. The whole reasoning behind it is to balance the stunning and your stun break. If the healer illustration is causing issues I can throw out another 3 scenarios from the top of my head where that little tweak could/would balance the gameplay.

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Healer who wants immortality. Nothing to see here, move along.


LFMAO. If I wanted to be more of an immortal I'd want my damn bubble to not have cast but be infinite. I'm not saying I need extra help, but this could be an answer to the stun issue. The whole point of the thread wasn't to say..."Hey...how can I be a god." It was just a suggestion to fix our stun break.

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LFMAO. If I wanted to be more of an immortal I'd want my damn bubble to not have cast but be infinite. I'm not saying I need extra help, but this could be an answer to the stun issue. The whole point of the thread wasn't to say..."Hey...how can I be a god." It was just a suggestion to fix our stun break.


There's so much CC in this game that every class and spec (except maybe vengeance juggs due to Unstoppable) have issues with CC. It's not just a healer or sorc thing.

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Here is a suggestion for the stun break. I'll take this from a healer standpoint...when I heal it's all fine but when 3-4 hop on me at once I have to start self healing. Self healing doesn't happen when you're stunned and you can't use your stun break until your resolve is full or you are seriously wasting a stun break. I could of course use my immortal bubble as a sorc, but then I'm just waiting 10 seconds to be restunned and then killed.


Everone complains about there being too many damn stuns and only one stun break. But what if the stun break was configured to pop your resolve to maximum as well? You see the onslaught coming and after one or two little stuns you pop your stun break which breaks those but it also gives you maximum resolve so you can survive the next 10 seconds without a problem?


In the least it would help with having only one stun break problem and with the problem of having to wait until your resolve is at maximum before you use it...


Let me know what you guys think of this proposition...


I actually like this idea, and I'm a firm believer that stun chaining is a valid tactic. The only concern I have is that certain specs allow you to reduce the cool down on their stun break which might make them over powered. As an alternative, I propose an additional warzone adrenal (sharing CDs) that maxes out your valor meter in a similar fashion.

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Here is a suggestion for the stun break. I'll take this from a healer standpoint...when I heal it's all fine but when 3-4 hop on me at once I have to start self healing. Self healing doesn't happen when you're stunned and you can't use your stun break until your resolve is full or you are seriously wasting a stun break. I could of course use my immortal bubble as a sorc, but then I'm just waiting 10 seconds to be restunned and then killed.


Everone complains about there being too many damn stuns and only one stun break. But what if the stun break was configured to pop your resolve to maximum as well? You see the onslaught coming and after one or two little stuns you pop your stun break which breaks those but it also gives you maximum resolve so you can survive the next 10 seconds without a problem?


In the least it would help with having only one stun break problem and with the problem of having to wait until your resolve is at maximum before you use it...


Let me know what you guys think of this proposition...


I don't understand why people complain about the CC in this game. Its not bad at all. The damage people take without guard/defensive cooldowns. Complain about that. Some specs already have 30 seconds off their break. Complain about CC not being preventable in a skillful matter. Complain about stuns not being stoppable by teammates aside from force choke.


Most mez CC is a 1 minute cooldown. Most stuns 1 minute cooldown. Maximum resolve won't save you from 3-4 people. All this change would do would make it even more mindless to just use your break on whatever you want. Its pretty much like that now. There's no real penalty or danger in using your break on stupid **** right now. Shouldn't be like that.


Players should have to think before using their break. If they burn it on like a stun when they aren't going to get a kill, be killed, or their teammates and objectives are fine, then people should have the tools to CC chain them into the ground. They made a huge situational awareness mistake and should be penalized unless they are getting cleansed or something. It isn't like that right now. Resolve and break are already very retard friendly.

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Say that to the people who break a sleep dart from an op only to get their node stolen when the op uses flashbang on them.


There's very few exceptions though. People can break things the majority of the time without thinking.


That example is more distance from the node than using break.

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Players should have to think before using their break. If they burn it on like a stun when they aren't going to get a kill, be killed, or their teammates and objectives are fine, then people should have the tools to CC chain them into the ground. They made a huge situational awareness mistake and should be penalized unless they are getting cleansed or something. It isn't like that right now. Resolve and break are already very retard friendly.


Totally agree with this post. I've never had a problem with being "chain-stunned" or "stun-locked" because I save my CC-breaker for absolute emergencies. If I am going to die at a point when I need to survive to help my team or stop a cap, I will use it. At all other times I would rather die and save it for a point in the game when it is really needed. At the most, I probably use my CC-breaker twice in a single Warzone.


Healers definitely don't need this feature, by the way. If you can handle 4 DPS by yourself, why do you need this? A whole team shouldn't have to focus the healer just to get them down. I barely need my CC-breaker as things are at the moment. When I'm healing I wouldn't use it more than once a Warzone.

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Healers definitely don't need this feature, by the way. If you can handle 4 DPS by yourself, why do you need this? A whole team shouldn't have to focus the healer just to get them down. I barely need my CC-breaker as things are at the moment. When I'm healing I wouldn't use it more than once a Warzone.


From a DPS standpoint yes...from a healer standpoint no :D


It's not like it really boosts anything though. All it does is let me choose when I want immunity to CC. Not when I've been stunned enough that then I can.

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