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Bolster for 55 WZ needs to be removed!


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Tired of seeing the same pve republic groups smash everyone. And for pvp gear even not even give them a challenge. It is horrid, not fun, and leaves a bad taste for the game in general. Remove Bolstering for level 55 Warzones!!!


Lol this is a great rational. It seems you just want to vent because you get your poop pushed end. Likely bolster isn't the reason.

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Tired of seeing the same pve republic groups smash everyone. And for pvp gear even not even give them a challenge. It is horrid, not fun, and leaves a bad taste for the game in general. Remove Bolstering for level 55 Warzones!!!


translation: I suck, my team sucks, please give us an advantage!!!!!! QQ QQ QQ. What? Augment my gear you say? No way I'm too special to do that. What? use a stim you say? Why would I need one of those n00b!!!! What? L2P? You are a n00b n00b n00bers!!! QQ QQ QQ QQ

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At 55 you can get pvp gear solo. But in order to do ops and stuff you have to have a coordinated team. Bolster was designed to help people that didn't have pvp gear have a more equal playing ground. Now that people are using 79 gear, 66 gear isn't even close to being useful. And to grind out the ranked coms, is a grind in itself. One that would arguably be just as difficult and lengthy as getting pve gear. So level the playing field for those that don't have the connections to getting a 16 man ops team. And maybe I am new to the game, but I can see the flaws that you can't. Got comfy didn't you having all the gear? Now you are afraid of getting a Nerf bat taken to your precious pve stuff. It isn't enjoyable to being so one sided in a war zone, and will push away others from playing this game. Equal it out. Such an advantage is over powering.
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At 55 you can get pvp gear solo. But in order to do ops and stuff you have to have a coordinated team. Bolster was designed to help people that didn't have pvp gear have a more equal playing ground. Now that people are using 79 gear, 66 gear isn't even close to being useful. And to grind out the ranked coms, is a grind in itself. One that would arguably be just as difficult and lengthy as getting pve gear. So level the playing field for those that don't have the connections to getting a 16 man ops team. And maybe I am new to the game, but I can see the flaws that you can't. Got comfy didn't you having all the gear? Now you are afraid of getting a Nerf bat taken to your precious pve stuff. It isn't enjoyable to being so one sided in a war zone, and will push away others from playing this game. Equal it out. Such an advantage is over powering.
I'm still trying to figure out what your actual complaint here is. You do realize that using 78's in warzones isnt optimal, right? You get around 800 expertise so the lack of damage mutiplier and damage reduction is rendering the superior PvE stats moot. Aug your gear and slap on some 63's and bam, you're good to go.
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At 55 you can get pvp gear solo. But in order to do ops and stuff you have to have a coordinated team. Bolster was designed to help people that didn't have pvp gear have a more equal playing ground. Now that people are using 79 gear, 66 gear isn't even close to being useful. And to grind out the ranked coms, is a grind in itself. One that would arguably be just as difficult and lengthy as getting pve gear. So level the playing field for those that don't have the connections to getting a 16 man ops team. And maybe I am new to the game, but I can see the flaws that you can't. Got comfy didn't you having all the gear? Now you are afraid of getting a Nerf bat taken to your precious pve stuff. It isn't enjoyable to being so one sided in a war zone, and will push away others from playing this game. Equal it out. Such an advantage is over powering.


Lol ranked commendations at being hard to come by.

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At 55 you can get pvp gear solo. But in order to do ops and stuff you have to have a coordinated team. Bolster was designed to help people that didn't have pvp gear have a more equal playing ground. Now that people are using 79 gear, 66 gear isn't even close to being useful. And to grind out the ranked coms, is a grind in itself. One that would arguably be just as difficult and lengthy as getting pve gear. So level the playing field for those that don't have the connections to getting a 16 man ops team. And maybe I am new to the game, but I can see the flaws that you can't. Got comfy didn't you having all the gear? Now you are afraid of getting a Nerf bat taken to your precious pve stuff. It isn't enjoyable to being so one sided in a war zone, and will push away others from playing this game. Equal it out. Such an advantage is over powering.


Your argument isn't new at all. The whole "why don't I get a PvE bolster" argument has been done to death.


First off, I am in full PvP gear, so taking away the bolster would not affect me.


Second off the answer is always the same. You can PvE in PvP gear, I do it all the time. You just can't do the new 55hm ops (you could still probably do TfB and SnV hm with fully augmented obroan). Same thing in PvP, you can't do group ranked with the bolster or you will get farmed, you need real PvP gear (with the exception of the MH/OH weapons if you can get the right mods). The level playing field is there as you have a place to start farming your upper tier PvE gear just as people with PvE gear have a base to start getting their PvP gear.


Stop complaining, read the guides and L2P.

Edited by sithBracer
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I am in still in process of grinding out my ranked comms for my armor. All my gear is augmented. I use stims and nanos. I am not clueless. All my gear is pvp gear. About half is still unranked. If you are using all pve gear your bolster still is 2018 expertise. Why should anybody get pvp gear then? It was used to help out in the beginning when lvl 55 was made. Now that people have all the gear they steam roll anybody that doesn't do Ops. Your OPness must come to an end and give others a more level playing field. Otherwise come out with a new level 78 pvp gear. So people that don't pve can have an equal chance.
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I am in still in process of grinding out my ranked comms for my armor. All my gear is augmented. I use stims and nanos. I am not clueless. All my gear is pvp gear. About half is still unranked. If you are using all pve gear your bolster still is 2018 expertise. Why should anybody get pvp gear then? It was used to help out in the beginning when lvl 55 was made. Now that people have all the gear they steam roll anybody that doesn't do Ops. Your OPness must come to an end and give others a more level playing field. Otherwise come out with a new level 78 pvp gear. So people that don't pve can have an equal chance.


I thought you got more expertise from 55 pvp gear than from bolster.

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I thought you got more expertise from 55 pvp gear than from bolster.


If you use nothing but pve gear you get the same expertise in a Warzone, 2018. When you add a peice of gear that has expertise you diminish your expertise, unless you have enough of a set to get you to 2018. I have seen newbs come in WZ with a 1050 expertise and they think that they are doing themselves justice wearing a new peice of gear but it only hampers them.

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Tired of seeing the same pve republic groups smash everyone. And for pvp gear even not even give them a challenge. It is horrid, not fun, and leaves a bad taste for the game in general. Remove Bolstering for level 55 Warzones!!!


What server are pve-geared pubs smashing everyone on?

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I am still trying to determine the OP complaint. I am not in favor of bolster, but I am in BiS obroan, so if they remove it tomorrow it won't effect me. Is the bolster accomplishing its goal in evening the ground for people in PvE gear? The answer is clearly yes, though it is not working as intended as top tier PvE lose considerably huge amount of expertise compared to the stats gained, while people in lvl 66~58 gear are getting mostly full expertise. The problem there is too much crap tied to bolster (healing, damage and damage reduction in WZs) that removing it without resolving these issues will cause even more problems.


Do not expect any changes prior to version 3. Even then, I do not think any changes are coming.

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If you use nothing but pve gear you get the same expertise in a Warzone, 2018. When you add a peice of gear that has expertise you diminish your expertise, unless you have enough of a set to get you to 2018. I have seen newbs come in WZ with a 1050 expertise and they think that they are doing themselves justice wearing a new peice of gear but it only hampers them.


Ya... but dont you get more expertise if you have full 55 pvp gear/mods?

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If you use nothing but pve gear you get the same expertise in a Warzone, 2018. When you add a peice of gear that has expertise you diminish your expertise, unless you have enough of a set to get you to 2018. I have seen newbs come in WZ with a 1050 expertise and they think that they are doing themselves justice wearing a new peice of gear but it only hampers them.


Are you talking about people mixing mods in a single piece? This is a very very known issue and has been advised against many times. It's not a hard thing to do not mixing mods.


Also you will not get 2018 expertise unless you use gear less than 156 (or 66 purple) or an equivalent mix (like 69, 61, 63 purple/66 blue). People with 178 gear will have horrible expertise (probably less than 1000) and will not be able to do anything in wzs except get in the way.


You have a right to be angry if you see people mixing mods, but you are directing it at the wrong place, it is their own fault for not taking 5 minutes to read and understand the current situation as this is not new information, it has been widely know since 2.0 came out. I would suggest try informing them about mixing mods and help them get started instead of starting yet another bolster QQ topic.

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Ya... but dont you get more expertise if you have full 55 pvp gear/mods?


You get max expertise if your PvE gear is less than 156 purple, but your stats will not be as good as the ones you get with full obroan (except for MH/OH you can get better stats with 69P hilt/barrel/armoring 63P/66B mod and 61P enhancement and power crystal, although your endurance will be lower-thanks randal). When I was at 61P 66B 69P on my right side gear (BiS for PvP as far as PvE gear is concerned with 61 armoring for the special ability) , I definitely had lower stats than full conqueror right side. I tried using the 156 purple I got in Oricon and ended up losing a lot of expertise. Anything above that, and I lose even more.

Edited by sithBracer
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I think bolster can stay in unranked warzones. But put a step inside the ranked solo/group queues bolster musst be removed. This will make an end to many problems and exploids around the bolster system, and force the ppl to wear the right pvp gear.


In pve, no progressguild will raid with an player who do not wear the right gear. Thers no pve bolster, this ppl are not a help, only a handycap. Put naive a step in a operation without gear, and be sure to earn a rape. The same thing MUST happens when ppl queued ranked without gear. Fûck off bolster!

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The old bolster was better in every way--at least once they added Recruit. The gap between Recruit and WH wasn't nearly as bad as people made it out to be, and it was easy enough to have both WH main hand and off-hand shortly after dinging 50, which went a long way. And you could continuously upgrade your gear as you bought it instead of having to stuff it in the cargo hold to collect dust.


PvP gear is for PvP and PvE gear is for PvE. If the problem of people PvPing in the wrong gear persists, then put a lock on the queue button until player meets a set minimum expertise requirement.


One could argue that the new system is better for lowbies, and maybe it is.


But A: It's lowbies.


And B: The full-agumented purp champions were few and far between. They weren't that much of a problem.


And C: It's lowbies.

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