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Whats better for flashfire burst overcharge or targeting telemetry?


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I have a nearly fully upgraded targeting telemetry component and it is awesome especially vs other scouts with so much evasion. I was told however that I should invest in burst overcharge for flashfire.


I tried it and it does seem to kill much better strike fighters and gunnships die way faster but its harder to take down scouts. Anyone have any advice on what's truly best of the two?


I just seem to run into way more trouble vs other scouts and with either set up I can usually take out the other 2 type of ships.

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On paper, blaster overcharge is significantly better. It grants 25% faster firing speed, 24% more blaster energy, 10% damage, and 10% crit. Targeting Telemetry only offers 10% accuracy, 15% crit, 25% surge, and -5% evasion. A lot of that ability's draw seems connected with stealth detection, which isn't in the game yet.


However, as you noted, due to the power of blaster overcharge and other advantages, a lot of players are flying scouts with Distortion Field currently. If you are finding Telemetry is effective in piercing their evasion, then perhaps that is the way to go after all.


Maybe it's even worthwhile to build one scout as a specific "evasion killer" and another for more general mayhem?

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Blaster Overcharge + Concentrated Fire (Companion Ability)




Blaster Overcharge + Bypass (Companion ability)


= Stationary Gunship dead in less than 2 seconds



Blaster Overchage is a great "2 minute mage trinket" . .

Edited by Cashal
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