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Hood up armor?


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I have'nt been able to locate any of the vendors yet, but it might be there somewhere


Being named "Valiant tunic" I'd bet that's sentinel gear. They actually get LOTS of jedi robes. QQ


Sadly, if you somehow got access to it, I hear that empire players wearing republic gear turns it into empire gear, so it wouldn't look like that.


Marauders got shafted on gear. This is unbelievable.



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So, when can we expect this in black?


You know, the iconic sith colour since the very first star wars and which every sith in the movies has been wearing and every damn NPC wears with the exception of the new empire NPC's, unless the implication is that every marauder needs to be mistreated since they are traitors?!


Also, Imperial guard are 1) non-force users 2) bodyGUARDS, so why is it that our lvl 50 gear is inspired by palace guards that defend, instead of being inspired by warriors that, you know, attack?!


Bioware ARE reading this, we can see that from the yellow post in the nonsensical "Class is not UP QQ moar" thread, but not a single word in this one? Do we really have to start flaming each other in order to get ANY sort of lifesigns from bioware?!


Exactly. I have to push all the way to 50 and raid just to get some red robes?!


This is unbelievable.


There *NEEDS* to be a low-level, synthweaving craftable, orange mod-able black sith robe in medium.


Give me that ONE piece and I'll wear it the rest of the game. I would LIKE some variety, but I'd be happy just have have ONE that is appropriate.


Even this one, which does look decent, is red. Red would be a nice fun alternative, but that there is no black is just inexcusable.

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I'm lvl 10 as a Warrior right now, going to pick Marauder AC. I read somewhere that there is one hooded chest piece available via Synthweaving? That gives me an incentive to pick Synth as crew skill, can anyone confirm this?


There is ONE hooded chest piece available via synthweaving. It has the hood down.

It is red, with a small black stripe.


It is called [Marauder's Vest] which is an apt name because all Marauders either have to wear it, or look like robocop.


Almost every marauder I see is either in Marauder's Robes or in the Black Talon robes.


Hope you like it, you'll wear it the entire game.


I would advise you to go either Biochem or Artifice over Synthweaving as a SW.


I would also advise you to think very, very carefully about going Marauder. We're the hardest class to play in the game for no benefit (we do the same DPS as everybody else), we're squishy as hell, we have the drawbacks of melee and the least CCs and no knockback. We have the worst looking gear in the game.


Juggernaut can do fine DPS and is much simpler to play, and has much better looking gear and has more gear available. You can spec for damage or tank.


Marauder is fun, but its hard, and it seems a little held-back right now. We don't have ANY gear at the Light Side / Dark Side vendors, for instance, which seems like a heinous omission on Bioware's part.


Edit: its called Marauder's Vest. My bad :) Thanks Rouncer

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There is ONE hooded chest piece available via synthweaving. It has the hood down.

It is red, with a small black stripe.


It is called [Marauder's Robes] which is an apt name because all Marauders either have to wear it, or look like robocop.


Almost every marauder I see is either in Marauder's Robes or in the Black Talon robes.


Hope you like it, you'll wear it the entire game.


I would advise you to go either Biochem or Artifice over Synthweaving as a SW.


Marauder's Vest actually.

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It was my understanding that early beta (when all those promo pictures were taken) Marauders wore heavy armor. It wasnt until late beta that they were knocked down to medium armor. If that is indeed the case that would explain why they are all misrepresented. As well as the reasoning for a lack of commendation armor for them from planet to planet occasionally. Someone who was in the beta from start to finish would know this better than I though.
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Can't maras wear light armor? Orange gear. Simple.... (probably not. They would of thought of that easy fix.)



A) You lose out on armor. Its not much, so sometimes I DO wear light armor so I can finally get access to some proper sith gear. If its just your chest piece, its only about 200-300 armor or so you're losing, so its not huge in the grand scale of things, but we're squishy enough as it is. I've heard of guilds being upset when marauders show up to raid in light armor, also.


B) for some reason, lots of the light armor says Inquisitor only, even though its mod-able. Awesome.


C) The Inquisitor robes don't seem quite appropriate to the marauder. They're better than robocop armor, sure, but the marauder should really be wearing the robes shown in the SW progression video. Juggernaut is the only class currently which can access that classic robe look. We 2 robes with hood down, and that is it.


The inquisitor robes are less of a jacket or a hoodie and more of a religious wrap or a toga. Again, I wear them sometimes anyways, since we have so few options.

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The whole class is broken,and to make even worse they don't give us any good looking armour.Good job bioware. And gee this post have almost 400 replies and where is the dev feedback? I'm thinking they just decided to ignore us.GIVE US AN ANSWER BIOWARE!!
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psst - http://db.darthhater.com/items/34461/supreme_inquisitors_robe/


Torhead doesn't show class restrictions but darthhater's database does and those robes are restricted to inquisitors. Going to give up on finding a nice black robe for my marauder for now, maybe by the next patch they will see all these threads and give us what they "promised" us with the class progression trailer.


I can confirm it now that it is restricted. I guess I'll be keeping it for my alt so that he can look how my marauder should but can't >_>

Edited by gibmachine
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Good idea. I will look into Imp gear, until it gets fixed. Any suggestion of good looking IA pieces?


Just got the same idea. I recently watched the progress video of the IA and there is a nice looking hood up chest piece on the operative side.


As Ethern asked before: I'd be thankful for any (good looking) suggestion ;-)

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bounty hunters run around in black robes too , QQ moar.


The sad part is since BH can wear heavy, they get to look more like sith than we do.




The BH looks like a sith and the sith looks like an agent. Awesome.

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The pvp gear has a hood. It looks really cool if you wear a breath mask with it. Also, there is a set that looks just like the juggernaut 40 pvp set, it is the pve set with the same stats as tionese but without the set bonus. It's called like exotech or xenotech, something like that.
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