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So I tried WoW today for the first time


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On a whim, I downloaded the starter edition of WoW and played levels 1-10 as a Night Elf. Once I got used to the graphics, I enjoyed it more-or-less, but it definitely didn't hook me like SWTOR did. I kept waiting for the story to start, but if there is one, I didn't find it in the first 10 levels. It was still fun, though, I doubt I will ever sub. That said, I'm sure I haven't even scratched the surface when it comes to the game, so maybe I should give it some more time.


What do y'all think of WoW? If you enjoy it, what are your favorite aspects of the game?

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I played WoW for seven years and enjoyed every moment. What stopped me playing was the fact that I achieved all I could without dedicating more time and becoming a more hardcore raider. This was something I did in EQ1 and did not relish doing it again (I know what it takes and I am simply no longer willing). I stopped about a year before MoP; about three months after SWTOR was released.


What got me hooked in the first place, was that all classes could solo. I came from EQ1 where one HAS to group in order to accomplish anything. So one has to be willing to dedicate several hours with each sitting. WoW, I could login, do some quests for 20 minutes, log off and feel like I accomplished something. Most games since have followed that line.


What also intrigued me was that all classes were relatively equal. Again going back to EQ1, Warriors were THE tanks and Clerics were THE healers; other classes could tank and heal but no one wanted them for that purpose. But on the flip side, no group EVER had two clerics because cleric DPS was absolute garbage (after a while, I tried DPSing with my cleric, when all DPS classes were averaging 500-700 my cleric on my best day breached 101DPS and I was ecstatic :)). Again, most MMOs believe in class balance now.


Lastly, alts were possible. Again going back to EQ1 (getting redundant huh? :)) while there was a level cap, there was the "alternate advancement" system: gaining XP in AA you acquired points that you applied into different abilities. The problem was that there was always one more AA to get (only a handful of players ever got ALL the AAs available for one character). And if you were dedicated to end-game, as I was, there were AAs you HAD to have. But the time you got them all, an expansion added more. Sure it kept you playing, but heaven forbid you got bored with your chosen character.


The story of WoW is there, but it is more of a, "You are a soldier. Do what is asked of you. Leave the decisions to the nobles." As a Player Character you are more on the periphery. But that does mean that one can pretty much do whatever one wants.


The original lore is that "The war is over. The alliance and horde have come to a tenuous peace agreement. There are still plenty of battles being fought - hence the PvE and PvP content - but they are minor skirmishes in the grand scheme."


Early end game content and each expansion has basically added a new "common enemy" but each side handles it in their own way and sometimes those ways clash.

Edited by psandak
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On a whim, I downloaded the starter edition of WoW and played levels 1-10 as a Night Elf. Once I got used to the graphics, I enjoyed it more-or-less, but it definitely didn't hook me like SWTOR did. I kept waiting for the story to start, but if there is one, I didn't find it in the first 10 levels. It was still fun, though, I doubt I will ever sub. That said, I'm sure I haven't even scratched the surface when it comes to the game, so maybe I should give it some more time.


What do y'all think of WoW? If you enjoy it, what are your favorite aspects of the game?


When I played WoW the stories were definitely there in the form of quest chains that varied from zone specific to long convoluted affairs that had you running all over the world. The stories were more about world lore and events than your character's personal journey but they were numerous and quite detailed. Those of us who played Warcraft 1 2 3 could relate to a lot of the lore that they milked and expanded upon in WoW.


I felt that classic WoW and the first two expansions (TBC and Lich King) were absolutely epic and tremendous fun. Lich King was the peak of WoW. Cata and MoP were jump-the-shark dropoffs in quality and less than inspiring imo.

Edited by Projawa
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I felt that classic WoW and the first two expansions (TBC and Lich King) were absolutely epic and tremendous fun. Lich King was the peak of WoW. Cata and MoP were jump-the-shark dropoffs in quality and less than inspiring imo.


Yep, definitely - though Cata & MoP did add a lot of voice acting and cutscenes to the quests, Blizzard's attempt to spice things up a bit with all of their competitors coming out with story based MMO's.

Makes me wonder what road they'll take with Titan (provided it doesn't get cancelled).

It also looks like it'll be F2P when it's coming out, unlike WoW.


In May, it was reported that the project had been rebooted and delayed. Blizzard issued a statement at the time which read in part, "We've come to a point where we need to make some large design and technology changes to the game. We're using this opportunity to shift some of our resources to assist with other projects while the core team adapts our technology and tools to accommodate these new changes." Most recently, we learned the game, whenever it is released, is unlikely to follow in the steps of World of Warcraft as a subscription-based MMO. Blizzard already has at least one game, in Hearthstone, that is free-to-play.
Edited by Callaron
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On a whim, I downloaded the starter edition of WoW and played levels 1-10 as a Night Elf. Once I got used to the graphics, I enjoyed it more-or-less, but it definitely didn't hook me like SWTOR did. I kept waiting for the story to start, but if there is one, I didn't find it in the first 10 levels. It was still fun, though, I doubt I will ever sub. That said, I'm sure I haven't even scratched the surface when it comes to the game, so maybe I should give it some more time.


What do y'all think of WoW? If you enjoy it, what are your favorite aspects of the game?


WoW is all about endgame. If you decide to sub and you make it to 90, you will be overwhelmed with the amount of content you can do. Don't judge it until you get to level 85 and start leveling in MoP. Better graphics and questing mechanics there. Once you get to level 15, you can start dungeon finder..

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WoW is all about endgame. If you decide to sub and you make it to 90, you will be overwhelmed with the amount of content you can do. Don't judge it until you get to level 85 and start leveling in MoP. Better graphics and questing mechanics there. Once you get to level 15, you can start dungeon finder..


Good to know, thanks. I will definitely try to make it to level 15, as I would like to know what the dungeons are like.

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dungeons are just AoE fest nowadays.


I used to play WoW. stories are definitely there, but they are in text. instead of smaller storries and occasional epic chains that you had in Vanilla, Burning crusade and Wrath of the lich king version of WoW, each zone now has its own pretty linear story - this was a Cataclysm change. to be honest, they just didn't grab me the way original quests did. I'll be honest a few of them made me laugh and a few of them made me cry and a few of them made me go holy ****.


I still remember the Linken quest chain with both fondness and amused frustration :D. and then there was Pamela's doll. (and playing my sole alliance toon and following Arthas's downfall and finding Muradin, my god that was epic). and as frustrating as it could be at time, attunement chains every single one of them - were epic. and IMO, removing class specific quest chains was the worst decisions they made in Cataclysm. it used to be that in order to get your class's special abilities - you had to complete series of quest chains and they were different per class. you had to learn how to shift on your druid, you had to earn your totems on you shaman, you had to win battles in order to get stances on your warrior, etc etc. it took a while, it was challenging at times, it took you all over the world, but it made you feel a lot more attached to your class (at least it did me).


now, Mysts of Pandaria did do a great deal to improve questing again and some of the quests even got a bit of that old pre Cataclysm magic back, but you have to get there first. luckily (heh) Blizzard has figured out that people generally don't like their leveling and make it super easy and fast to get to lvl 85 even if you are a new player. WoW IS the game that starts at end game, and personally, I'm not the biggest fan of that philosophy, but... oh well /shrug.


basically, its a game for a particular kind of player that's not necessarily the same player that would have loved old WoW. you make come to enjoy it later. or you may never get caught up in it. either is fine.


P.S. incidentally, back in Vanilla, you had the same thing as with EQ. you wanted to play a priest? you were holy, you healed and alliance side - you were dwarf or ****. warriors tanked, paladins buffed, druids healed, what do you mean you have other 2 trees, no.

this may be an old, clasic parody, but its based on truth :p Edited by Jeweledleah
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I just recently quit WoW. I've been playing it, on and off (mostly on), for about five years. Did a lot of raiding, became a pillar of my class' community, a champion for my preferred specialization, but got completely fed up with all the whining, entitlement issues, and assorted other BS. My wife and I actually quit WoW when TOR came out, but eventually went back to WoW because her old computer of the time couldn't run TOR and sharing my laptop (which didn't work well for TOR, anyway) was an issue.


If you find you can enjoy it, more power to you - it's not a bad game. I had nine lvl 90s, and was working on two more, and pretty much everything I played was quite fun for different reasons. But you're really not going to see anything shine until at least 70 - some classes' most fun toys weren't introduced until BC or later, like Paladin's Avenging Wrath (Wings!)


To what server did you roll, by the way?.

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dungeons are just AoE fest nowadays.


I used to play WoW. stories are definitely there, but they are in text. instead of smaller storries and occasional epic chains that you had in Vanilla, Burning crusade and Wrath of the lich king version of WoW, each zone now has its own pretty linear story - this was a Cataclysm change. to be honest, they just didn't grab me the way original quests did. I'll be honest a few of them made me laugh and a few of them made me cry and a few of them made me go holy ****.



Some of the new quest chains are also aimed at long time players, or at least returning ones - everything surrounding Vanessa Van Cleef for example won't mean much to a new player, but it definitely has an impact on those who were there when her dad was still running things. :)

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and as frustrating as it could be at time, attunement chains every single one of them - were epic.


Yeah there were some super epic quest chains. Onyxia attunement chain (Jailbreak anyone?), huge AQ40 server event and crazy quest chain to open the gates, Karazhan, TK/SSC/Hyjal/BlackTemple attunement chains. In TBC the attunement process for later raids was a huge dependency tree because they required you to kill some boss in each of the prior raid zones.


I used to play WoW. stories are definitely there, but they are in text. instead of smaller storries and occasional epic chains that you had in Vanilla, Burning crusade and Wrath of the lich king version of WoW, each zone now has its own pretty linear story - this was a Cataclysm change. to be honest, they just didn't grab me the way original quests did. I'll be honest a few of them made me laugh and a few of them made me cry and a few of them made me go holy ****.


I think the story they put together as you leveled up in Lich King was the best they did. It flowed really well and stuff like finding Muradin, the Mathias Lehner quest chain, finding the letter off a mage you killed who was forced to fight against her will, the dragon aspects under assault, were all interesting and well done. I heard that Lich King was very much a labor of love for the original WoW team and a lot of them transferred to Titan after LK dev completed. Maybe that's why Cata and MoP jumped the shark.

Edited by Projawa
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Good times. :cool:


Divine Intervention was best times, though.


Tank: "Whoa, *** just one-shot the Ret Pally?


Heals: "Tank, taunt! Boss is eating me alive over here!"


Tank: "I'm trying, but it says I can't do that while stunned!"


Pally: "Sorry, guys; moved DI on my bars, was trying to pop Wings."


Group: "lolret"


(Loosely based on a true story. ROFL)

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Divine Intervention was best times, though.


Tank: "Whoa, *** just one-shot the Ret Pally?


Heals: "Tank, taunt! Boss is eating me alive over here!"


Tank: "I'm trying, but it says I can't do that while stunned!"


Pally: "Sorry, guys; moved DI on my bars, was trying to pop Wings."


Group: "lolret"


(Loosely based on a true story. ROFL)


LOL! Those pallies! :p

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I just recently quit WoW. I've been playing it, on and off (mostly on), for about five years. Did a lot of raiding, became a pillar of my class' community, a champion for my preferred specialization, but got completely fed up with all the whining, entitlement issues, and assorted other BS. My wife and I actually quit WoW when TOR came out, but eventually went back to WoW because her old computer of the time couldn't run TOR and sharing my laptop (which didn't work well for TOR, anyway) was an issue.


If you find you can enjoy it, more power to you - it's not a bad game. I had nine lvl 90s, and was working on two more, and pretty much everything I played was quite fun for different reasons. But you're really not going to see anything shine until at least 70 - some classes' most fun toys weren't introduced until BC or later, like Paladin's Avenging Wrath (Wings!)


To what server did you roll, by the way?.

I'm on Quel'dorei.

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Ah, I actually think you're linked with one of my old servers; Alliance or Horde? I may still have some game time and could give you some gold to help you out.


Alliance. My character's name is Ashketia, though I'm not totally certain if starter accounts are even allowed to receive mail or not.

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Oh, good! Pretty much all my alts on Sen'jin are Alliance, so I may actually be able to help! Even give you a guild, for leveling perks. You on now? Or is there a certain time that would be good for you?


Thanks, I do appreciate the help! I'm afraid I'm not on at the moment, and I probably won't be on until sometime this evening (Pacific Standard Time).

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Tbh i'm pleasantly surprised by this thread. Some great feedback here, both good and bad sides of the game represented adequately, without the irrational inner hate towards the game which is usual for TOR community (excluding the last poster).

Given the above, there is little to add. I'll just say something that wasn't mentioned here yet - when the next expansion launches, every player will be given a one-time instant boost to level 90 for character of their choice. So if you want to try the most recent content (90-100 leveling and new end-game) asap, you can take advantage of this offer. I'm personally not going to boost any of mine since i prefer my characters to have some backstory, but maybe it'll suit you.

Edited by Trollokdamus
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