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*** this game is amazing!


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hello & welcome Shrewynd, i hope you enjoy your stay here, just ignore the haters and general Doom-sayers, that wanna make odious claims about this game... the haters biggest problem was they expected to see it fail and die within a year and here it is 2 years later stronger than ever and that totally burns their bottoms... then there's the overzealous SWG vets that make this tin-foil hat claim that SWG was canceled for this game thus they hate it on virtue of that...

and of course theres those that said the F2P/Sub Hybrid model & Cartel Shop was a sure sign that the game was dying, when actually that's an uneasy compromise between 2 companies with 2 different views, Bioware wanted a Sub game, EA said as far back as '08 that they wanted to put micro-transactions as the primary income model for all games published by them, based on how much they liked Zyngas model with FarmVille & Mafia Wars... so we have the CM/Hybrid-Sub model, where the free (trial) game is viciously attacked by detractors as being the model you're expected to play, when it's just a taste of what subs get with the exception of having the entire story open to free players...

another aspect is this game loves the PvE Players but not so much for PvP, so hardcore PvP players that wanna play this game just chose the wrong game to play for their PvP fix and thusly bash it as worst game ever...

Edited by Elly_Dawn
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The game is truly superb, all the way to 50. Beyond that things take a turn for the generic.


However, there were some whispers in dark corners a short while ago that there is to be a large announcement in the near future, and I am hoping to all the deities of modern and ancient religions that it is going to be the return of class stories.


I know, I'm a hopeless optimist. Shut up.

Edited by theonetruebleed
Correction of appalling grammar
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Swtor is my western and pso2 my eastern mmorpg. BW has added a lot of content since the game went live and done many quality of gaming changes to the game. A new player will get a lot out of swtor. As for the forum, most complains come from veterans who have been here since the game launched.


The only complain I have with swtor is the system lag on abilities that some times occur. In PSO2 I never have lag on abilities despite the servers being located in japan. They also need to include a slave outfit top without the bottoms. :D

Edited by Knockerz
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This game is good no doubt. That is not the issue. The issue is: IT CAN BE BETTER. There are so much potential in this game lying there waiting to be developed.


I am one of those 'haters' who critique this game in and out but someone has to crack the whip to get the dev off their butts to work harder. So much things that can win the mmo crowds over and yet these are still lingering in limbo for don't know what reason. It seems a significant amount of work goes into the cosmetic aspect of this game and arguably lesser (taking out the recent GSF work out of consideration) work goes into improving or innovating game play. GSF is good work but the genre is not for some of the players like myself. Moving pointers and shooting at circles while the whole world spin around you are just not my cup of tea. But its amazing alright for those who like it.

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This game is good no doubt. That is not the issue. The issue is: IT CAN BE BETTER. There are so much potential in this game lying there waiting to be developed.


I am one of those 'haters' who critique this game in and out but someone has to crack the whip to get the dev off their butts to work harder. So much things that can win the mmo crowds over and yet these are still lingering in limbo for don't know what reason. It seems a significant amount of work goes into the cosmetic aspect of this game and arguably lesser (taking out the recent GSF work out of consideration) work goes into improving or innovating game play. GSF is good work but the genre is not for some of the players like myself. Moving pointers and shooting at circles while the whole world spin around you are just not my cup of tea. But its amazing alright for those who like it.


I have to ask, seeing as though you are person who critiques only, do you ever give praise or are you views only negative?

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It's a fun game with many different aspects to it. My favorite part of it is that the class stories are classic BioWare. Some are better than others, but none are bad. Imperial Agent stands out as the best.


Just judge the game on whether or not it's fun for you and let others' comments about their own enjoyment roll off your back.

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I have to ask, seeing as though you are person who critiques only, do you ever give praise or are you views only negative?


In recent days, I have been more 'positive' because I have seen them do well to build customer goodwill in the midst of numerous 'screw-ups'. Cause and effect. Good work will earn my goodwill. Screw-ups and bad followup will earn my critiques.


The recent GSF is good work imo, given that it is a new implementation with relatively few bugs. Though I don't quite like it and avoid playing it, I don't criticise it, except perhaps only on its vanity aspect of the game, namely paintjob and ship design, which cannot be seen at all by other players in the game play (every ship appears only a dot inside a red circle in the gameplay). The purpose of my critique is so that they don't put too much effort on these vanity aspect of GSF and focus on more 'important' aspect of the game. That is just my subjective point of view. What is 'important' to me may not be 'important' to others. Others who like paintjob will surely disagree with me.


Some took the praise route to support the game hoping to see it better. Others like myself took the critique route also with the same goals. Multiple roads lead to Rome, Rome is the goal that is the focus.

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I'm concerned that you believe that it is both your responsibility and your place to do so.


I take it as my responsibility if I want to still play the game some years down the road, which if otherwise, it may shutdown for good. Its not whether I will be effective at it or whether it matters at all. What matters is I try. That is all that I can do. And that is what I will do.

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Oh to experience the game all over again in your shoes!


SWtoR is still one of my favorite games. The bad press and critique is mostly for folks who have consumed all the content, and want more. The issue is that the new content is not coming out fast enough for their tastes.


That being said, for a new player you will have a long long road ahead of you before you run out of new content. For folks like myself, you can only run the same planet over and over again. New players have a wealth of new content still beyond the horizon. You will be completely satisfied for quite some time.


For the folks with multiple level 50's/55's, they yearn for more stuff to do.

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I take it as my responsibility if I want to still play the game some years down the road, which if otherwise, it may shutdown for good. Its not whether I will be effective at it or whether it matters at all. What matters is I try. That is all that I can do. And that is what I will do.


I'm just going to disagree with you and leave it at that.

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Personally this is my favorite game I have ever played. Sure there are a few issues that everybody screams bloody murder about and say this is the worst game ever because of some PvP gear crap but most of them I couldn't care less about are are hardly noticeable. I hope you enjoy the game! Edited by fdbgjfdhjgkjdhsg
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I'm concerned that you believe that it is both your responsibility and your place to do so.

I'm someone who 90% of the time falls squarely in the 'defender' camp (since there's a lot more I genuinely like about this game than I don't), but i absolutely believe that if a paying consumer has a problem with this game, it's appropriate for him/her to express it here in the forums - that's one of the main purposes of having them (and it's better for the game than them "voting with their wallet" and walking away because they have no other recourse).


The flip side of course is that when the "problem" someone has is asinine the other paying consumers have every right to disagree and/or call him/her out on it.


If not the consumers, who do you think should be keeping the devs honest?

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I'm someone who 90% of the time falls squarely in the 'defender' camp (since there's a lot more I genuinely like about this game than I don't), but i absolutely believe that if a paying consumer has a problem with this game, it's appropriate for him/her to express it here in the forums - that's one of the main purposes of having them (and it's better for the game than them "voting with their wallet" and walking away because they have no other recourse).


The flip side of course is that when the "problem" someone has is asinine the other paying consumers have every right to disagree and/or call him/her out on it.


If not the consumers, who do you think should be keeping the devs honest?


Not to mention that just expressing critisism without any sollution or even a good description of the problem is not to be considered a good thing.

I'm all for critique, but there is a (not so fine) line between critique and just bashing.

Some don't seem to realise this and just go "this feature is stupid and you guys need to fix it" and think they have done something good.


Unfortunately, the latter is much more common on these (and many other) forums, and to add to that problem, alot of people seem to not understand the difference and come to the defense of people posting non-constructive post like my example above.


I must say tho that I have not seen the same behaviour on the opposite side. Sure there are alot of people defending the game in posts that critizise it. But most of them, if you go through their posting history, have their own fair share of critique against the game.

Even andryah.

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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There are things that are wrong with this game, but what those things are is subjective.

However, the "news sites" that say this game is P2W are probably as trustworthy as F....oh well...I won't say it because I'll get reported again :D.


Have fun and a bit of advice from someone who's been playing the game for too long: if you want to continue enjoying the game, stay as far away from this forum as possible.


Good luck!



lol and to OP, welcome! The only thing I don't like about this game is the forums. But even here I have a laugh or two.

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Hey guys. New player, just started playing today and subscribing today lol. Just coming on to say that this game is actually pretty damn amazing.


I mean, I play a LOT of mmos and by far the game I've played the longest is Runescape. However when I compare this game to what Runescape was, omg..... so much awesomeness. I really don't understand what is so bad about it? A couple a months ago I was planning on trying this game but was steered away by a large amounts of bad press on the game only to find today and yesterday as f2p that this game is not actually that bad of a game.


There seems to be no pay 2 win elements in this game. By pay 2 win I mean they directly sell the best weapon in the game and you can wield it at any level. They don't make it so that you have to pay money to compete in PVP which is awesome. I like the whole cosmetic shop and selling skins and stuff. Much like league of legends except in this game as a sub I get free cartel coins which no other mmo does.


But yeah, this is just a random post. My question is why are news sites reporting this as a bad game? I don't understand, there is nothing bad with this game. Many news stories claim pay to win options(which to me and many mmo players is an instant don't play that mmo) however when I am starting to play and scoured the cartel there seemed to be no elements of directly selling players levels or equipment that would make elements of the game unfair(PVP).


See you guys in game hopefully :)).


The problem with the P2W is this - there is no pay 2 w here. You actually come from games where it exists. The people who grumble about p2w are really just grumbling about microtransactions in general, using p2w as a substitute.


Its a shame, but there is no P2W here. just ignore that talk and trust your experience.

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You came here from Runescape. Hello Kitty Online would look like a better game compaared to that. lol


But enjoy yourself OP. I complain about a lot of stuff regarding this game, but I still play it, so there's obviously something good about it. :D


This game is not bad, it's just sad how they promised so much and then delivered so little. Plus, they remove fun content like Ilum pvp instead of actually fixing it. Instead we have a Gree event from time to time to ease the pain?lol Pathetic.


Again, the game is not bad, it just could be a whole lot better considering they just copy paste ideas from other games like WoW and Star Conflict. There's clearly a huge lack of effort put into this game, an obvious attempt to milk players with the cartel market and...... MOST IMPORTANTLY..... There aren't any good MMO's out there anymore so we are kinda stuck with this if we are tired of WoW and love the genre.


But... Wildstar is coming, brace yourselves!

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But... Wildstar is coming, brace yourselves!


I hope it'll live up to the high expectations.

Because if that game crashes and burns a few months after release... well, lets just say that NCSoft doesn't have a good track record with games that underperform...

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Wildstar, ESO, EQNext.


The tears are going to be legendary when people find none of these games live up to their hype and promises.


Speaking of which, I am not too sure how Star Citizen will fare with all its hyped-up bloated promises.

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