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it doesn't take time away, for the devs to have a point of contact speak for them on the site, they email that person, say


oh the 50% loading screen stuck error, ---working it

the launcher, repeatedly downloading the 11GB game----working it

class quests closing out and you cant advance---working it




what we have now is almost complete silence, that can lead to cancelled subs.....

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Please go back to World of Warcraft, SWTOR is almost perfect as it is, all it needs are tweaks, all the features you demand shouldnt be in this game, just go back to World of Warcraft please.


EDIT: demanding stuff fr the Devs is the worst thing that wow players rought here so far. I hope it doesnt confuse the developers, as i hope they have som target audience of this game.


You fanboys are incredibly annoying. Why don't you just go enjoy your "perfect" game and stop feeling the need to defend just how "perfect" it is.


We need a better way to find groups, this is not open to debate. If you're playing this like a single player game, you're doing it wrong. Try playing a bit more of the game and you'll see more of the issues; or you could continue spending your subscription time defending Biowares' delicate feelings.

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Supported. Also; chairs. Why can't we sit in chairs? Unless it's on our own in our ship. Considering social interaction is promoted in this game (thinking of "Social Points" here) then why is a simple function such as sitting on a chair in a cantina not available?
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it doesn't take time away, for the devs to have a point of contact speak for them on the site, they email that person, say


oh the 50% loading screen stuck error, ---working it

the launcher, repeatedly downloading the 11GB game----working it

class quests closing out and you cant advance---working it




what we have now is almost complete silence, that can lead to cancelled subs.....



Isn't it natural just to assume they are working on all reported bugs?

I don't really see any benefits in CM posting in every thread mentioning bugs/problems/suggestions.

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you have some valid points but i HATE when some random dude comes in and make threads about "we" "demand" as if you are talking for everybody :mad:


check the patch notes, THEY are listing and are making fixes,


dont go and make **** threads with topics like this in the feature.

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you have some valid points but i HATE when some random dude comes in and make threads about "we" "demand" as if you are talking for everybody :mad:


check the patch notes, THEY are listing and are making fixes,


dont go and make **** threads with topics like this in the feature.



I can't and won't be violent like the quoted post, but yes exactly my thoughts in general

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We need a better way to find groups, this is not open to debate.


It's funny you feel you get to say what is or isn't open to debate. :)


Automated tools throwing people together based on Yoda-knows-what criteria are. not. the. norm.


I keep hearing that people remind each other of the meaning of the "MM" part of MMORPG.

Said "MM" aka Massively Multiplayer, for all purposes and intentions, does *not* equal having an automated LFG feature, getting ported to an instance, running through it without a word then dropping out. Now i know this wouldn't necessarily happen but i can absolutely identify with how it is now, and have experienced no problems whatsoever while trying to find the groups for whatever content.


The ultimate tool to find groups is...to look for them. Like, talking to people. Old concept i know but it totally works.

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There are a LOT of things so far that the community wants answers/clarification on, and for being a company that is supposedly really trying to knock off some of the bigger MMOs.. they sure are failing and customer relations and community involvement. There are so many unanswered questions that have been around for months and Bioware NEVER answers them or even touches on the subject, and that needs to stop NOW.


We can make them HEAR US... we can MAKE THEM understand that we deserve to know what is going on with a game that we are supporting. We deserve to know why things are the way they are, and what is going on! Someone needs to answer these questions and the many more that others have that I can not think of right now.


1. Where are your customer relations people!? Tons of questions are asked on the forums daily and I never see any GM/DEV/CR/anything answering these questions. Look at some of the games out there that have a good customer to developer communication, and you will see that communication is the key to having a good player base relationship/forgiving relationship.


2. Is there a plan to fix the graphic settings? Right now there is no real difference between medium/high graphics and it's apparent that we are all stuck with the medium textures. What's the reasoning for this, and do you guys have a fix planned?


3. When are we getting Optimized AA? Sure we can force it on now, but everyone knows that is kinda glitchy and can lead to problems.


4. Flashpoint loot problems. Some FPs have loot that is auto-looted by one of the members and nobody else can have a crack at it, any plans on fixing this?


5. When and with what are you going to be updating the CE/Security vendors with? A lot of people are upset with the VIP lounge after you hyped it up so much... what are the plans exactly for implementing new content to these areas.


6. Chat Bug. Are you aware of it? Randomly people will not be able to read/talk in group chat, or general chat etc unless they relog. This is extremely annoying, is there a fix planned?


7. UI tweaking. There is some decent options available now, but a pretty legitimate complaint is that the text size is not adjustable on anything but the general chat box. For those on certain monitors/TVs, it makes reading quest logs, tool tips, anything else really ahrd to read. Also the ability to have better placement/manual placement of the hotkey bars.


8. A easier way to find groups. Having to spam in /1 is quite annoying to everyone in the zone, let alone those looking for a group. And noobdy seems to use that actual "Flag yourself for group" option because it's not very successful. I would like to do flashpoints, but I'm not going to waste 30 minutes sitting in the fleet spamming /1 that I am looking for a group. Some kind of way to have a global search/group finder would be nice.



If you have any questions you want answered ask, I know I left a lot out, but it is kind of late and I cant think strait. I'll be checking here often and updating until we get a response of some kind. I will not let this go bioware. You guys are real quick to delete posts, so I know your here, but what is the point of reading the forums if you aren't going to respond and assure your players of your awareness or plans to fix it.


Address your community bioware, it is your only chance to build the relationship!!!!


(What is really sad is all 8 of those up there have been questions asked since beta started a long time ago... and I still have yet to hear anything about them except bioware state that they had plans to allow more customizing of the UI).



everything you list is opinion and not fact.


you're a q6 year old world of warcraft player that spent a lot of time complaining in the forums of that game and now you want to bring your venom over to swtor.


Stick to wow dude..


WOW is still a very good game. it has the things you want.

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everything you list is opinion and not fact.


you're a q6 year old world of warcraft player that spent a lot of time complaining in the forums of that game and now you want to bring your venom over to swtor.


Stick to wow dude..


WOW is still a very good game. it has the things you want.

Actually OP is stating fact. Many people have chat bugs, the low rez textures are being discussed all over these forums in different threads, the UI does need improvement, etc. This is all fact because they are ACTUAL issues many people are having.

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This game is much better off than vanilla WoW was when it launched. Bioware has worked very hard on this game. Threads like this seriously kill morale. Yeah the stuttering sux. but is there a starwars specific driver by ati or nvidia? no. Has the game been out for only three days? yes. and how much money have they put into this? Let them work. Crysis2 Battlefield 3, please dont kill this game too. these threads do nothing but destroy it.


If your having troubles go here--------> http://crashfixes.com/fixing-star-wars-the-old-republic-swtor-crashes-appcrash-errors-freezing-lagging-launch-crash-poor-fps-black-screen-no-sound/

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An automated LFG tool, you say?! GREAT IDEA!


Now I can sit on my ship, queuing for flashpoints that I get automatically teleported to where I can spend the entire run not speaking or communicating with anyone (because hey, if I wanted to do that I'd have asked for a group in the chat channel!) then, once I've got the drop or finished the quest I wanted I can leave without a word and go on my merry way with the other flashpoints.




I remember a time at the height of the internet when parents worried that their children were spending so much time online that their real life social skills would suffer. What I'm noticing now is a huge trend in people not knowing how to communicate with others via the internet either.


Very strange. Very sad.

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There are a LOT of things so far that the community wants answers/clarification on, and for being a company that is supposedly really trying to knock off some of the bigger MMOs.. they sure are failing and customer relations and community involvement. There are so many unanswered questions that have been around for months and Bioware NEVER answers them or even touches on the subject, and that needs to stop NOW.


Of course, I have failed to see the new, Public Testing server forums, which should have stopped this thread cold.....


We can make them HEAR US... we can MAKE THEM understand that we deserve to know what is going on with a game that we are supporting. We deserve to know why things are the way they are, and what is going on! Someone needs to answer these questions and the many more that others have that I can not think of right now.



1. Where are your customer relations people!? Tons of questions are asked on the forums daily and I never see any GM/DEV/CR/anything answering these questions. Look at some of the games out there that have a good customer to developer communication, and you will see that communication is the key to having a good player base relationship/forgiving relationship.


Since I am the Peoples Forum Champion, I need to know, and now, and before anyone else.


2. Is there a plan to fix the graphic settings? Right now there is no real difference between medium/high graphics and it's apparent that we are all stuck with the medium textures. What's the reasoning for this, and do you guys have a fix planned?


Though I can't understand WHY the dev's would want to make this game better as time goes on, and I now see I failed at observation, having not seen the new Public Test forums.... better make this thread anyways....


3. When are we getting Optimized AA? Sure we can force it on now, but everyone knows that is kinda glitchy and can lead to problems.


I know AA has been mentioned before, but needed a number 3


4. Flashpoint loot problems. Some FPs have loot that is auto-looted by one of the members and nobody else can have a crack at it, any plans on fixing this?


Though I expect this to stay broken forever. How dare BW release this game with even ONE SINGLE bug....and plan on leaving it that way...... Forever....


5. When and with what are you going to be updating the CE/Security vendors with? A lot of people are upset with the VIP lounge after you hyped it up so much... what are the plans exactly for implementing new content to these areas.


I'm asking, because I was told I was special when I was a young child. I have always gotten my way by stamping little elfin feet, and making red face, falling on floor, and making kicky kicky. I know I have failed at comprehending the word Dynamically ...


6. Chat Bug. Are you aware of it? Randomly people will not be able to read/talk in group chat, or general chat etc unless they relog. This is extremely annoying, is there a fix planned?


Though I'm sure BW will leave such an important bug unfixed until their next Expansion Pack


7. UI tweaking. There is some decent options available now, but a pretty legitimate complaint is that the text size is not adjustable on anything but the general chat box. For those on certain monitors/TVs, it makes reading quest logs, tool tips, anything else really ahrd to read. Also the ability to have better placement/manual placement of the hotkey bars.


I have definitely failed at reading 101, where it possibly was mentioned that the UI is a priority....I'm too new to MMO's to know that this priority would probably be handled after some serious bugs are squashed....


8. A easier way to find groups. Having to spam in /1 is quite annoying to everyone in the zone, let alone those looking for a group. And noobdy seems to use that actual "Flag yourself for group" option because it's not very successful. I would like to do flashpoints, but I'm not going to waste 30 minutes sitting in the fleet spamming /1 that I am looking for a group. Some kind of way to have a global search/group finder would be nice.


I can't make friends, so my friends list is useless, as no one likes me. I can't get into a guild, well, see above ....plus I want to play an MMORPG all by myselfs, wif no heyelp from anyone, 'cause I is a big boy now



If you have any questions you want answered ask, I know I left a lot out, but it is kind of late and I cant think strait. I'll be checking here often and updating until we get a response of some kind. I will not let this go bioware. You guys are real quick to delete posts, so I know your here, but what is the point of reading the forums if you aren't going to respond and assure your players of your awareness or plans to fix it.


Address your community bioware, it is your only chance to build the relationship!!!!


(What is really sad is all 8 of those up there have been questions asked since beta started a long time ago... and I still have yet to hear anything about them except bioware state that they had plans to allow more customizing of the UI).Though I don't want it getting around that I failed to read up more before I made this post....I'm used to getting my way when I want it, and my demands come first. I don't care that a current bug fix patch is currently being tested, and that there will be more fixes and patches. Also, I should be on the inside loop along with the developers, as if I were a developer also, though the only code I know is my game code.



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I could agree with most of those points except for point 1.




The game has literally just released, the devs are working their asses off on issues that have come up, the CS department is getting hammered with all sorts of issues PLUS its 2 days from Christmas day...and you are complaining they arent posting enough?


Seriously, give them a break.


Swift I am not talking about the past couple of days. Why do people keep acting like these forums and game have only been up for a week or so? That is not the case.. these forums have been around a WHILE... and REAL beta (closed beta) has been going since september... and those had beta forums as well where people were posting these exact questions as well.


Yet still no answer?

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There are a LOT of things so far that the community wants answers/clarification on, and for being a company that is supposedly really trying to knock off some of the bigger MMOs.. they sure are failing and customer relations and community involvement. There are so many unanswered questions that have been around for months and Bioware NEVER answers them or even touches on the subject, and that needs to stop NOW.


We can make them HEAR US... we can MAKE THEM understand that we deserve to know what is going on with a game that we are supporting. We deserve to know why things are the way they are, and what is going on! Someone needs to answer these questions and the many more that others have that I can not think of right now.


1. Where are your customer relations people!? Tons of questions are asked on the forums daily and I never see any GM/DEV/CR/anything answering these questions. Look at some of the games out there that have a good customer to developer communication, and you will see that communication is the key to having a good player base relationship/forgiving relationship.


2. Is there a plan to fix the graphic settings? Right now there is no real difference between medium/high graphics and it's apparent that we are all stuck with the medium textures. What's the reasoning for this, and do you guys have a fix planned?


3. When are we getting Optimized AA? Sure we can force it on now, but everyone knows that is kinda glitchy and can lead to problems.


4. Flashpoint loot problems. Some FPs have loot that is auto-looted by one of the members and nobody else can have a crack at it, any plans on fixing this?


5. When and with what are you going to be updating the CE/Security vendors with? A lot of people are upset with the VIP lounge after you hyped it up so much... what are the plans exactly for implementing new content to these areas.


6. Chat Bug. Are you aware of it? Randomly people will not be able to read/talk in group chat, or general chat etc unless they relog. This is extremely annoying, is there a fix planned?


7. UI tweaking. There is some decent options available now, but a pretty legitimate complaint is that the text size is not adjustable on anything but the general chat box. For those on certain monitors/TVs, it makes reading quest logs, tool tips, anything else really ahrd to read. Also the ability to have better placement/manual placement of the hotkey bars.


8. A easier way to find groups. Having to spam in /1 is quite annoying to everyone in the zone, let alone those looking for a group. And noobdy seems to use that actual "Flag yourself for group" option because it's not very successful. I would like to do flashpoints, but I'm not going to waste 30 minutes sitting in the fleet spamming /1 that I am looking for a group. Some kind of way to have a global search/group finder would be nice.



If you have any questions you want answered ask, I know I left a lot out, but it is kind of late and I cant think strait. I'll be checking here often and updating until we get a response of some kind. I will not let this go bioware. You guys are real quick to delete posts, so I know your here, but what is the point of reading the forums if you aren't going to respond and assure your players of your awareness or plans to fix it.


Address your community bioware, it is your only chance to build the relationship!!!!


(What is really sad is all 8 of those up there have been questions asked since beta started a long time ago... and I still have yet to hear anything about them except bioware state that they had plans to allow more customizing of the UI).


It's December the 23rd today. The game has officially been out for 3 days. Relax, enjoy Christmas and be patient. The developers of this game said that they intend to be in the MMO market for years to come. Be patient, I like how you have made some good points and it's very easy for them to read and pass on the relevant infomation to the relevant departments to rectify. But like I said, relax, chill and be patient.

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It's funny you feel you get to say what is or isn't open to debate. :)


Automated tools throwing people together based on Yoda-knows-what criteria are. not. the. norm.


I keep hearing that people remind each other of the meaning of the "MM" part of MMORPG.

Said "MM" aka Massively Multiplayer, for all purposes and intentions, does *not* equal having an automated LFG feature, getting ported to an instance, running through it without a word then dropping out. Now i know this wouldn't necessarily happen but i can absolutely identify with how it is now, and have experienced no problems whatsoever while trying to find the groups for whatever content.


The ultimate tool to find groups is...to look for them. Like, talking to people. Old concept i know but it totally works.


It's funny that you feel you get to say whether people should receive a tool that allows them to quickly and easily organise a flashpoint. :)


If you play on a server where every general chat request for a flashpoint is followed by instantaneous plea's for invites then congratulations.


For me, despite being on a server that is full most of the day, people's requests for groups tend to be greeted with, "can you please stop that *********** spam, nobody wants to play with you". (I hasten to add this is not aimed at me, but have seen it often enough.)


By the way, not only WoW operates an LFG, it is fairly common place.


I don't PvP, so should I campaign for PvP to be removed from the game as it doesn't agree with my playstyle?

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I could agree with most of those points except for point 1.




The game has literally just released, the devs are working their asses off on issues that have come up, the CS department is getting hammered with all sorts of issues PLUS its 2 days from Christmas day...and you are complaining they arent posting enough?


Seriously, give them a break.


A multimillion dollar company like EA-Bioware should not have released such a buggy mess of a game. Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying myself, but the bugs are irritating and some of the lacking features that should be standard also tarnish the game. Just because people have legitimate complaints don't make them trolls or WOW fanboys or some nonsense.

They pushed this game out by Christmas to capitalize on holiday sales and make up for the 100 mil they dumped into it, regardless of the state the game was in.

Dozens of posts containing 100+ pages in a thread shows how many people are having serious technical problems with this game. That is more of an issue then missing features, or things that weren't added. But regardless, big companies like this should not release a product that has so many game breaking problems for so many people paying their hard earned money for it.

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everything you list is opinion and not fact.


you're a q6 year old world of warcraft player that spent a lot of time complaining in the forums of that game and now you want to bring your venom over to swtor.


Stick to wow dude..


WOW is still a very good game. it has the things you want.


...and is this not a forum?


fo·rum/ˈfôrəm/Noun: 1.A meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.



So why should he not post here and return to WoW?


Is your post stating that your view is that SWToR is perfect as it is and therefore the developers need do no more to the game?


And if he is 16, the good luck to him, because it was a very very well written post!

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You don't need answers. Answering your questions takes away from valuable developer time that could be used fixing problems.


Human nature is such that everyone assumes someone else is doing something.


Nothing then gets done :)

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