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1. Where are your customer relations people!? Tons of questions are asked on the forums daily and I never see any GM/DEV/CR/anything answering these questions. Look at some of the games out there that have a good customer to developer communication, and you will see that communication is the key to having a good player base relationship/forgiving relationship.


2. Is there a plan to fix the graphic settings? Right now there is no real difference between medium/high graphics and it's apparent that we are all stuck with the medium textures. What's the reasoning for this, and do you guys have a fix planned?


6. Chat Bug. Are you aware of it? Randomly people will not be able to read/talk in group chat, or general chat etc unless they relog. This is extremely annoying, is there a fix planned?


To those Questions i like to respond


On 1. & 2. i came to notice that the sticky gets updated and might answer some of your questions (In the General discusson also the Customer Service thread), tho not all questions are answered in those stickies.


For the high-res settings, BioWare did say before release that they will implement high-res somewhere after launch, when it will happen i can't tell and it isn't said, or at least i haven't found a answer to that yet.


The chat bug i only came to notice on my guildchannel, also that sometimes i can't see who on the guild is online, this bug was allready reported several times, and i do believe BioWare is working on that.


Even so, it is just the third day after release and we all agree that there is no bugfree game (except some tabletop games, but those also have sometimes a "bug"), of my own experience most of the, lets say small issues, were sorted out in about two weeks after launch of an add-on/ game.


As a custome i have to wait for kinda a "grace period" before i even can demand an answer, three days after launch is too soon in my opinion, and for every bug report (or something similar i did) i allways got the answer that this issue is forwarded and is being worked on and as i can see almost every day, the game gets constantly patched (with small patches for somekind of issue).


i don't want to appear as someone who insults other comments (or something similar) if my comment does that i apologize for that i really don't mean it that way.


May the force be with you

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Honestly expected this to be a rage thread and...got surprised. Props to you OP :)


Will try to chime in on the point(s) i don't get/disagree with, if you don't mind.

1. Where are your customer relations people!? Tons of questions are asked on the forums daily and I never see any GM/DEV/CR/anything answering these questions. Look at some of the games out there that have a good customer to developer communication, and you will see that communication is the key to having a good player base relationship/forgiving relationship.

I think this is slightly unfair. It is the launch week, emerging bugs get hammered back to order, account issues are being worked on. The fact that they don't post an acknowledgment in every thread doesn't mean that they are not listening. The issues brought up are being addressed in patch etc. Give it a little time...there's only so many hours a day, and i'm sure some of the devs/live team members have slept less in the last few days than their players. :)


4. Flashpoint loot problems. Some FPs have loot that is auto-looted by one of the members and nobody else can have a crack at it, any plans on fixing this?

I'm not aware of this problem...would you care to link to a thread where it's discussed? Done every flashpoint up level 30 (i know, i'm slow! :D) and haven't encountered this issue.

5. When and with what are you going to be updating the CE/Security vendors with? A lot of people are upset with the VIP lounge after you hyped it up so much... what are the plans exactly for implementing new content to these areas.

I don't own the CE so only saw the vendor's offer in screenshots. Still, i disagree with the demand of getting more stuff on them too often, and especially with that of getting to know the plans. No, we do not need to know the exact plans, we need to get a notification line in patch notes, at best. CE owners get all their goodies, plus area for their own in the game. In my opinion, that's a reward by itself.

Why not be content with the amount of special things you are given and let them roll out stuff for everyone?

6. Chat Bug. Are you aware of it? Randomly people will not be able to read/talk in group chat, or general chat etc unless they relog. This is extremely annoying, is there a fix planned?

Again, something i have not experienced, not in beta, nor in EGA/live. I'm not in the know! :)


7. UI tweaking. There is some decent options available now, but a pretty legitimate complaint is that the text size is not adjustable on anything but the general chat box. For those on certain monitors/TVs, it makes reading quest logs, tool tips, anything else really ahrd to read. Also the ability to have better placement/manual placement of the hotkey bars.

While we are at it, throw in more hotbars, adaptive target-of-target casting, the ability to actually view the target's target (the UI feels very "stiff") and keybinds for target marking. Then i'll be an even happier Miraluka. ;)

8. A easier way to find groups. Having to spam in /1 is quite annoying to everyone in the zone, let alone those looking for a group. And noobdy seems to use that actual "Flag yourself for group" option because it's not very successful. I would like to do flashpoints, but I'm not going to waste 30 minutes sitting in the fleet spamming /1 that I am looking for a group. Some kind of way to have a global search/group finder would be nice.

Personally i enjoy the group-finding "minigame" and literally always got enough people in 3 minutes tops. I understand that i might be minority, just hope they manage to come up with something which keeps the "looking for group" thing close and personal. It's nice to be interacting with people.


Hope you don't mind my points, OP :)

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Wait, are you telling me a game was just released and everything in it isnt perfect and up to everybodies standards? Waste of money.


I'll go back to WoW where everything is perfect.


Wait.. the bugs have been here for 3-4 months and and talked about several times and we haven't heard anything from the devs? Oh god please take my money!


I can be sarcastic too you see

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I could agree with most of those points except for point 1.




The game has literally just released, the devs are working their asses off on issues that have come up, the CS department is getting hammered with all sorts of issues PLUS its 2 days from Christmas day...and you are complaining they arent posting enough?


Seriously, give them a break.

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1. Where are your customer relations people!?

All over the place. They're in the forums, in the threads, on the phones, and just all out everywhere.. The majority of the work they do in the forums is simplified, but it exists.

2. Is there a plan to fix the graphic settings?

They've admitted the are looking into the issue at least once. Stickies are your friends.

Greetings All,


We are aware that a number of users are experiencing low FPS issues while playing the game.

This is currently under investigation and we hope to get this resolved as quickly as possible.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused and we appreciate your patience with this issue.


5. When and with what are you going to be updating the CE/Security vendors with?

Probably when people stop QQ'ing about it.

This has to be so low on their priority list it's not even funny. They'll get there when they get there, have patience. I personally don't care about the CE virtual items at all (even though I have a CE). They'll update when they see fit, and they won't tell us when, usually, it'll just happen.

6. Chat Bug. Are you aware of it?

They are. Like everything that is broken, they'll get there.

Address your community bioware


They have been.


Semi True, look at it this way, Think of it as renting a home.


Still very true. Demanding something is just the wrong way to go about it, especially after such a short period of time. Patience seems to be something long, long forgotten in this world.


The game's been officially out for 3 days, and support is JUST going to get worse after Sunday, not better. For MOST issues, a search function would solve your problem (no direct support needed). Have patience, they'll get these issues resolved. Perfection is never achieved at launch, if it's even achieved ever, at all.

Edited by TomWhiting
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Making social gear(or at least some of it) scaled to your classes max armor level. It's silly to make it moddable but then only effectively useable by Jedi Consular/Sith Inquisitor. I have my imperial agent in the full imperial trooper ce armor. looks amazing but the armor hit is starting to be noticeable.
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I could agree with most of those points except for point 1.




The game has literally just released, the devs are working their asses off on issues that have come up, the CS department is getting hammered with all sorts of issues PLUS its 2 days from Christmas day...and you are complaining they arent posting enough?


Seriously, give them a break.


they picked the date not us. any organized company would have this set up, they dont. :p


+1 to the thread.

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I could agree with most of those points except for point 1.




The game has literally just released, the devs are working their asses off on issues that have come up, the CS department is getting hammered with all sorts of issues PLUS its 2 days from Christmas day...and you are complaining they arent posting enough?


Seriously, give them a break.


Don't think he's complaining so much as trying to start a feedback thread that may get noticed by a dev eventually. James Ohlen said "...a lot of this stuff that we do will be based on the feedback that we will be getting from people."; therefor I support this thread as the OP is doing JUST that in a polite and well thought out manner!

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All over the place. They're in the forums, in the threads, on the phones, and just all out everywhere.. The majority of the work they do in the forums is simplified, but it exists.


They've admitted the are looking into the issue at least once. Stickies are your friends.




Probably when people stop QQ'ing about it.

This has to be so low on their priority list it's not even funny. They'll get there when they get there, have patience. I personally don't care about the CE virtual items at all (even though I have a CE). They'll update when they see fit, and they won't tell us when, usually, it'll just happen.


They are. Like everything that is broken, they'll get there.



They have been.




Still very true. Demanding something is just the wrong way to go about it, especially after such a short period of time. Patience seems to be something long, long forgotten in this world.


The game's been officially out for 3 days, and support is JUST going to get worse after Sunday, not better. For MOST issues, a search function would solve your problem (no direct support needed). Have patience, they'll get these issues resolved. Perfection is never achieved at launch, if it's even achieved ever, at all.



OWNED. with all the amazing stuff in this game be grateful this isn't SWG and we don't have THAT CS or DEV team.

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Good day to you all!

First off, i want to congratulate Bioware for a smooth launch of a great game.


Second, i understand if people get mad over bugs and i do understand that some things are more annoying than others.


Having said that, i would also like to point out the complexity of a development-process. The game is very young and keeping that in mind, working impressively.

You cannot really count Beta-Tests and Pre-Launch Versions of the game because it is only a shadow of what you are dealing with as soon as the game goes live.


I am sure that things are beeing sorted out and worked on and yes we should, as a community, help BioWare by pointing out bugs and other things. But you should never forget, even the process of fixing a bug, can be a very long and frustrating one. Some things take quite a while until you can even pinpoint the source of the problem, let alone fix them.


Therefor, BioWare needs to handle their ressources well and and prioritise very well in terms of where and what to work on.


Yes, we are all customers... but i don't want to be that kind of customer who just always raises his hand and shouts "i demand this, i demand that" and i don't think that this way is the most helpful/productive way.

What we should rather do is point out bugs, problems, everything that we think that has a negative effect on our gameplay, but do that in a productive way. And also, give them time to attend to these matters.


And also, IF i point out a bug, i should look into it myself (has it been reported, is it planned to be fixed in one of the upcoming patches, and so on)

Some of the things you demand to get answers about have already been reported to or adressed by BioWare.


So, let us all be a nice and helpful community where we help BioWare to perfect an already smooth running game (seriously, it is running smoothely for the first week of it's release) and also help each other out with infos some of us might have already recieved to one of our problems.


So see you online!


And always remember:

The fastest gun in the galaxy goes to the highest bidder!

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Bump. Don't listen to the fanboys. The game isn't perfect and Bioware needs to be held to the highest standard if this game is going to last. I want to enjoy this game for a long time and that isn't going to happen if they scare away customers with an inadequate product.




Don't get me wrong, my mates and I are having a blast with this game, but there is a huge amount of room for improvement.


And I'm sure that if anyone can do it, it's BioWare :)

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Having said that, i would also like to point out the complexity of a development-process. The game is very young and keeping that in mind, working impressively.

Having actually completely rewritten text based MUD from scratch, yeah, this.... It's not all fun and games.

You cannot really count Beta-Tests and Pre-Launch Versions of the game because it is only a shadow of what you are dealing with as soon as the game goes live.

This too.

Beta was maybe (maybe) 1% of the diversity we have now. Even the last two beta weekends pale in comparison to what we have now as a player base.

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I don't object to people saying 'there are bugs, please fix them', or desiring a strong community, or desiring strong communication from developers.


What I would ask for is a little patience. It's Christmas Eve tomorrow. Regardless of the time of year, the developers have all just finished what is very likely to have been a mind-draining soul-destroying rush up to launch. Any sane development manager will be telling people 'go home, get some rest, we've got a great MMO to keep working on when you get back'.


In short - give them a little time to switch into that steady post-release 'keep fixing stuff' stage.


Keep up the feedback - just keep the tone friendly.

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OP sounds like he was starting in Republic's Senate Election.



Give BW a break, not every topic will be answered by CM, probably not even 10% of them. Additionally with game this young you honestly cant expect for CMs to come and answer questions that might be just as well asked on their meetings, they simply dont have an answer yet.


Relax Senator, things will balance out soon.

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Apart from the part where he says "we deserve to know" what their plans are, I fully support all points raised (especially the high setting graphics part). We pay money to play the product, that doesn't entitle every player to know every little piece of planned content months before it is active or entitle us to moan when the developer doesn't answer every single question immediately.


I would also like to add the ability to have a "Target of Target" box in the UI which is good for us tanks.

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