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If you want your channel to grow,
They have as much right to play the game as you. Whining on your videos and throwing personal insults at them won't change anything.


This! And you need to stop back-peddling, use your powertech as a melee class. Me and Warmachine just follow you when you back-peddle :) But other then that I really like the vids man.:D

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You don't seem to have the mindset of a pvper. When you get crushed by a great group rather than insulting them, you should already be trying to figure out how you can improve so it doesn't happen again. Before you nag on Infamous you should not forget about the imperial guilds GD and We Stack Presence which do the same thing every now and then. Friends want to que with friends, regardless of anyone else's feeling on the matter.
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Before you nag on Infamous you should not forget about the imperial guilds GD and We Stack Presence which do the same thing every now and then.


He doesn't seem to have a problem with the Empire guilds. I don't understand why, since there is really very little difference between them and the Republic ones in terms of how they conduct themselves within Warzones.

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Thanks for all of the comments! Following the usual routine I answered them all in a video and I'll be uploading here in a few hours.


A special, special shout out and thank you to Prapcaster for posting. You inspired me to post the video and I really genuinely appreciate it.


As soon as this builds up to 4+ posts I'll do another video response.

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2 players from Infamous and you individually select the guild to rant on?


Second, do you complain about PVE content being too hard when you use group finder? No, you realize the content is easy as hell, its the players you are grouped up with that suck.


I realized this early on when I use to solo que. So instead of fighting with my teammates because they're terribad, I joined a PvP guild.


Sure Infamous premades are a tough fight, but remember its not because Infamous is amazing/unbeatable which so many seem to assume... SM PvE content is not unbeatable, its your unforgivably bad team thats makes it tough.


(Yes I just compared Infamous with SM content.) And you did 49k dmg in that warzone... so maybe you should go into warzones with a competitive state of mind, not a "im gonna go chase butterflies and plant flowers."

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I'm not sure why you are even pvping to be honest. All you do is "guard" yet complain when the other team comes to the node and attacks you. Then you complain more about playing against premades when you are in a group with friends in almost every match. Just because the opposing teams group is better than yours and knows how to play their class you think they shouldn't be there? You think its a gear issue? We all need gear, hardly any of us have maxxed our gear, we just know our class and don't wear tank gear while in a dps stance. Your marauder isn't doing enough damage? Maybe don't waste your 10% buff after leap on a force choke everytime.


If you spent as much time learning your class as you spend on complaining and making videos of you complaining you might not have such a bad time. You complain about being judged and say we don't have the right to be doing that yet all of response videos do nothing but judge Infamous and make ridiculous assumptions about us. What gives you and your friends the right to group but not the pvp guild? And stop saying its gear, because like I said earlier, thats what we are getting too. I'm sure most people could probably kill you without gear on in the first place.


You keep complaining about how Infamous doesn't do ranked. What ranked? You keep talking about how active the ranked is here. What time is this active ranked occurring? Who is participating? When there is ranked, Infamous always tries to put a team together. In fact, we were asked to queue for ranked several times this week, yesterday we were asked while kickball was in progress ( and were asked to not put an elite team together) and we did our best not but there was a limited number of people on and after 2 matches we decided to stop queueing as to not ruin it ( I believe it ended anyway though).


So I ask you, when is our pvp guild allowed to pvp? Let us know or set us up a schedule to help us out. I can give you a guild roster and you can even set up some teams for us. I am also willing to run my gear by you from time to time and see if I am allowed to continue to pvp on that character or if I should work on another one.

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2 players from Infamous and you individually select the guild to rant on?


Second, do you complain about PVE content being too hard when you use group finder? No, you realize the content is easy as hell, its the players you are grouped up with that suck.


I realized this early on when I use to solo que. So instead of fighting with my teammates because they're terribad, I joined a PvP guild.


Sure Infamous premades are a tough fight, but remember its not because Infamous is amazing/unbeatable which so many seem to assume... SM PvE content is not unbeatable, its your unforgivably bad team thats makes it tough.


and all that happened is you get carried now :rolleyes:

(Yes I just compared Infamous with SM content.) And you did 49k dmg in that warzone... so maybe you should go into warzones with a competitive state of mind, not a "im gonna go chase butterflies and plant flowers."


Now you just get carried with a guild tag above your head.

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Better than getting carried by pugs.


Why are you talking back to me? you're utterly trash on your Commando even more so when you attempt to heal and you talk on these forums like you're some type of pvp god which is hilarious because you're worse on your Sage than Dashara on a Sorc.


Please just stop.

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Why are you talking back to me? you're utterly trash on your Commando even more so when you attempt to heal and you talk on these forums like you're some type of pvp god which is hilarious because you're worse on your Sage than Dashara on a Sorc.


Please just stop.



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Geez everyone getting their panties in a wad over one man streaming vids of warzones. I don't see any of you doing that, yet you come to his forum and talk ****. Honestly who gives 1 **** about infamous? I don't and I'm sure most people don't either. He mentioned a premade and it happened to be infamous. Did you even bother to watch the others? Probably not, lemme fill you in, there are like 5 videos in a ROW where its getting stomped AGAIN. I'm sure that anyone after getting stomped 5 times in a row would start to get irritated. Anyways, the overall skill on this server has decreased dramatically. What happened to Grim? Ascension? Retaliation? And to everyone who says queuing premades isn't bad because others do it, premades are fine, DOUBLE premades, quit being a tryhard and rolling regs. Sure everyone used to roll double premades. But that was back when there were other doubles on both sides, now there's not that many people. Anyways back on topic, nice vids man, if I could just give one suggestion, try binding more abilities, I see you are in AP cylinder, yet you don't have a lot of your bread and butter abilities bound, just bind more and you'll be set! Take it easy!
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Why are you talking back to me? you're utterly trash on your Commando even more so when you attempt to heal and you talk on these forums like you're some type of pvp god which is hilarious because you're worse on your Sage than Dashara on a Sorc.


Please just stop.


Prove it.

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I don't know maybe when I vs'd you in rated and you where healing for Infamous on your Commando and you got blown up in 4 globals then after you stopped you logged over and asked Vartouhi how to heal on a Commando.


The night I complemented Vartouhi was when I faced her, Sabina, Teutonic, and whats his noodle from grim D (the tank). I was specced gunnery all night, so no you didn't blow me in 4 globals.


Sorry I have comradery for fellow players. I was being nice to Vartouhi and she gave me some of her healing tips.

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I was thinking about it last night after I deleted last night's vlog, and listening to everyone on here, and getting stomped 6 games in a row last night (didn't bother uploading the 30 sec arena stomp), all of which had folks from a few popular Repub guilds.. And I was thinking. There have been several nights where I've lost all 6 initial games in a row, just absolutely stomped. I can think of at least 4 times now, including last night where I've lost all 6 initial games very very badly. Every single one of those times, there are at least 2 infamous in the group. I don't recognize nearly any of the other guilds, so it stuck out to me. Last night there were some other recognizable ones but I won't mention that, more on that in a minute.


Here's the point. I never meant to specifically call out Infamous. That was never my intention or goal. My intention/goal is to just play normal unranked pvp and act like a normal unranked pvper. I was only echoing everyone else's irritation at the way Infamous was conducting pvp. I won't go into the details but it becomes frustrating losing so many matches in a row. So I reacted with frustration. All of the things suggested, "getting better" "getting a different team" "getting geared" aren't things the average person is going to try or do, because of either mindset or just their reasons/goals behind pvp.


So to follow that logic, I continue to only build and learn about my character at a natural pace, playing with normal people, just having fun. That has always been the point of my videos. I started Extremis from 0 pvp gear and worked up to around tier 1.5. Recorded the whole process. I started Samus from 0 pvp gear and worked up to around tier 1, and I'm several pieces in to tweaking her enhancements right now. Recorded the whole thing. I'm recording the processes, trials, and tribulations of a normal pvper. So I'm not going to do most of the things you all suggest, it simply won't make any sense in the spirit of my videos. I'm acting like normal joe/jane pvper.


I knew there would be a gigantic backlash because the higher tier of pvpers absolutely can't stand this. They've never been able to. That's why I started the videos in the first place. I actually bring this up a lot. So that there was a swtor channel for the rest of us. We still consider ourselves good, we're just not trying to be as good as you. Honestly, we don't care that bad. It isn't that serious to us. So we just try our best with random folks and hope we don't get abused so bad that we don't feel like playing anymore. We basically play until we get frustrated enough and stop. That's normal behavior for us, so that's what we do. So that's what I'm recording and doing so the rest of us have a channel. Could I "get better, get a different team, get geared, get coordinated, bla bla bla" yes of course I could, I just don't want to. Because most people don't want to. That's not the point of the channel.


The point of the channel, quite honestly, is how to deal with and cope with the rest of the community for better or worse. So that's what I record. I want to apologize again for singling out Infamous. It was interesting to me that people kept blasting ME for being frustrated, but Infamous never changed their behavior. As if since I am the one with the problem, I must change. I believe there must always be compromise for a community to healthily exist. Otherwise it will inevitably disintegrate.


An overwhelming force destroying a lesser force, then telling them to get better or leave isn't a sustainable practice for any community or business. It simply doesn't work. Everyone has to be included and treated fairly. And in being frustrated with Infamous, I stopped treating them as fairly as I could have, and for that I want to apologize. You should never single out a single group, no matter how much they single them self out. I tried to be as accurate as possible in how I felt and thought but a few of those videos I think I miss the mark a little bit.


I'm not going to stop making these videos. I'm not going to stop feeling how I feel. And the video's content and spirit isn't going to change. Also my playstyles aren't going to change very dramatically from what they are now on my character. I will however, starting last night, make sure nothing I say can be misconstrued as a personal attack against any specific guild, no matter how much they may or may not be pubstomping, griefing, etc.. I was doing my vlog last night (the one I deleted) and realized I had more or less turned into the thing I was trying to speak out against.


So that's it. I'm sorry for bringing up specifically Infamous no matter what my intentions were. That's never the right thing to do no matter how frustrated you are and I should have been setting an example. I won't sacrifice the rest of my channel, playstyle, friends, and other opinions however. So those of you that continue watching and enjoying my vids shouldn't see very much of a change. The rest of you, you'll likely still have issue with almost my whole entire channel, how I play, my friends, my gear, my build, but I'll stop specifically calling out guilds negatively. Again, I apologize for that.


One last thing. There is unranked going on nightly on Begeren. I get invited to the matches, but decline because it isn't the vids / mindset I'm going for. I'm not going to give up the names/guilds who play, but there is nightly ranked. I don't understand why it's up to me to schedule / coordinate ranked matches for others, so I can play unranked myself. My advice is to designate a few people to set up matches every night. That's usually what Empire does. People that actually want to play ranked, preferably. It's unfortunate that we normal pvpers work hard to keep unranked going, clean, fun, etc., and then ranked wants someone else to coordinate their matches for them. :rak_02: I'll have to think about that some more, that's pretty funny.


try binding more abilities, I see you are in AP cylinder, yet you don't have a lot of your bread and butter abilities bound, just bind more and you'll be set! Take it easy!


I'm going to plug in my wireless trackman tonight and bind two new abilities, it has 2 extra buttons on it. I'll do AP cylinder and probably shield. Thanks for the reminder.


derailed yet again


Yes, these are specifically the things I'm trying to get away from. Btw thanks again for the kind words yesterday. They were much appreciated and inspiring.

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I'm not going to give up the names/guilds who play, but there is nightly ranked.


oh, you mean the times where i have to find 3 friends and schedule matches against Infamous? yeah, nightly ranked. :rolleyes: There is no ranked scene here, only the few people who get teams together when other people ask to play.


I was only echoing everyone else's irritation at the way Infamous was conducting pvp..


The only people who don't like going up against good players like Infamous are people who get stomped because they backpeddle don't know how to play their class. If you don't enjoy going up against good competition and get irritated when good players beat you, then don't qeue. Please shut up. Kthxbai.

Edited by NvrShoutNvr
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Do you play republic side at all? I can get you in a good group. All you need is one good night, queueing with good players and that negative attitude you have about premades will melt away. There are some people/groups/cliques/guilds who pugstomp to boost their own ego, but most of us just like playing with people we're familiar with and who won't be totally retarded. It's pretty much never a malicious thing. Only time I actually suggest to my team that we farm is when I'm winning a WZ against a team with a guild that we'll just say are... 'over-represented' in that particular match.(Hi GD)


Also running with better players will make you hold yourself accountable for how you play and want to get better instead of pointing fingers at everyone else.

Edited by ace_boogie
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I'm sorry but running into premades of people who are good at pvp is normal unranked pvp. It was normal unranked pvp when I was levelling up and would run into 2-4 ascension, or 2-4 DOA, or 2-4 Infamous, or 2-6 Grim determination (they were a huge guild when i was levelling up, and a significant portion of the imp pvp base). I got farmed regularly. Practice and networking with other players with the drive to improve at pvp is the only thing that changed that fact.



As for cyber-bullying, unless they're trash talking you in warzone, following you around/switching factions to continue trash talking you, and/or running you down outside of game you aren't being cyber bullied. You're just being beaten in a competition based format by people who are better at it and better organized than you. The only time ive ever seen people in Infamous react like jerks is in interactions with people who've been jerks to them first, and this comes from the perspective of someone who's been both on the receiving end of a vicious stomping at their hands, and the giving end of stomping them viciously at various times pvping here.


Infamous, you'd probably be better off if you managed to react a bit more like Melyn did here. When you're at or near top of the heap and recognizeable people are going to want to complain about you. Just mentally filter it to "I don't like to lose" and behave with class and the rest will pan out as it should.

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I realized this early on when I use to solo que. So instead of fighting with my teammates because they're terribad, I joined a PvP guild.


Sure Infamous premades are a tough fight, but remember its not because Infamous is amazing/unbeatable which so many seem to assume... SM PvE content is not unbeatable, its your unforgivably bad team thats makes it tough.


(Yes I just compared Infamous with SM content.)


Lol, this whole time, you trash talked me for making this point about you and Infamous, and now here you are, echoing it?


And thus, this is why I solo queue. Aside from the constant frustration gained from losing, I know as a player, I improve every match because of the setup of bad pug versus average premade is what creates a challenge, since BC doesn't have a real ranked scene.


Infamous is far from unbeatable, far less so than the premades that existed pre server transfers. So while I enjoy some matches with the challenge, I also get easily frustrated, as losing to people you know you're better than will always have a small nagging at the competitive player.


And I'm glad someone mentioned Meyln's premading/skill, because he's one of the few I actually held respect for, along with his guild. There was one match in particular, where I played a Civil War where in all reality, I only recognized his name on the enemy side. It was a constant back and forth battle of the bads, where nodes got captured like candy, and the game of ping pong was really a battle to see if I could lift my 7 no name pugs over his 7 no name pugs.


In the end, the Republic side won the match, by a good 100 points or so. I was stuck in place next to him, having spent nearly the entire match trying to burst him down to zero, and I remember seeing him in Say chat with a comment regarding the challenge in playing with his bad pugs, yet maintained a sense of sportsmanship about it along with giving me a congratulations for the tough fight. Of course, I made a joke in relation to how my team was also as bad, but it was just left at that and we went on our separate ways.


That is why I hold respect for him and the premades of old. Because unlike a majority of your guild and yourself, I've seen them solo queue and play on a team of people who are terrible yet still manage to function without complete and utter dependence on another.


But as Mk put it, go ahead and shield yourself from the complaints with arrogance and pride. It's one thing to lol at stupid, and another to discount real criticism.

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