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bolster effects lowbies in more ways than it affects other levels.

you'll find that a fresh level 30 group will defeat a level 54 group in an arena if they know how to play.

10k crits are possible for a fresh player into a bracket, but difficult for someone midway through a bracket.

every single one of your pvp stats will be higher compared to a higher level player in that bracket.

ofcourse its also dependant on your gear. dont expect to be very effective in greys and greens from quest rewards.

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I started an assassin recently and from level 13 onward, I was topping the DPS in war zones and arenas. I'm level 32 now and I'm still very competitive. Would it be nice to have all of the other goodies in the deception tree? Yes, it would, but critical mauls hurt at every level.


In short, learn your class, honey.

Edited by HaoZhao
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Levels 51-54 get nerfed by crit mechanics. Level 55s have much lower chance to crit than 50s who still use pre-2.0 combat equations, and levels 51-54 step them between the two.


Also, splitting the pool of potential players = longer queue times. Not worth it for any possible, minimal, benefit.


Really, lowbies is for learning to play and getting some comms before hitting level 55, and it fulfills that function pretty well.

When you are bolstered in lowbies it applies the level 55 DR curve to your stats. They did this after the massive outcry from tanks like me who at lvl 54 had 30% shield rating fighting 50s with 40% crit and 76% surge.

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