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Coordinating Ranked PvP (solo and group)


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There really isn't a nice way to word this, but to be blunt the geared people we never see in arena don't step outside of warzones because they can't hide behind objectives in arenas. It's straight smash into each other until someone wins, and judging by some of the more boisterous trash talkers that have popped up recently that style of play doesn't fit their skill sets. So until there is some incentive for them to swap over we won't see them in arenas. Whether its dailies or achievements they pretty much have to bribe people into doing them at this point.
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Ok.....here we go.....


First, with all do respect, Jedi Covenant, being a PVE server, should not matter in the least. In order for a server to be healthy, all aspects of the game need to be enjoyed. The only difference between a pvp and pve server in swtor is that I dont have to wear pvp gear while running dailies. There is no world pvp in this game, what so ever, so server selection means nothing in my opinion. On the pvp servers, there are several raiding guilds that cut through pve content just as they do on JC. They may have to fight their way into a hm but, once in, they slap on that pve gear. Regardless of what server is played, there need to be balance. Now, that scale may sway more to one side than the other depending on server type, but, in the end, a balanced server is healthier.


Now, everyone needs to wipe the slate clean when considering the arena's because there is a significant difference between the solo venue and the team. The team arena's are for the pvp die hards because: YES, it is a true test of an avid pvp'ers skill! It is the pinnacle and should be exclusive to those who take pvp seriously. I have 0 social points on every single one of my toons, have 0 pve gear, and certainly would not expect to be considered for a guild HM because of it. The same scenario is true for those interested in running ranked team arena's. They are sacred, should be sacred, and should be respected as such. Both serious pvp'ers and pve'ers dont want thier time wasted.


Solo's are a staging ground! I think everyone has the wrong opinnion about them and, unfortunately, I think it is because players receive a ranking. There has to be a platform in which people can learn, gear at a quicker pace, and determine whether or not they want to continue to the next level, teams. They cannot be exclusive like the team setting. Sure one could wz, day in and day out, to collect all of the orb gear, but, after a painstakingly long time, where do they go from there? Continue to do regs? Try some pve? Quit? Avid pvp'ers have got to change thier mind sets about the solo venue because it excludes those who may be interested in growing and prevents the pvp community from growing. If an experienced pvp'er queues for a solo ranked arena, don't go in with the same expectaions. It will only piss you off! We need to go in understanding that they are not the same as team ranked and go in, win or lose, to aquired ranked comms to better oneself for the groups.


I was asked why experienced pvp'ers are not solo queueing.....well I gave u my answer: expectations to high. So, because they dont want to lose, have rankings drop, are intolerable to other, less experience players.....they stop.

Then, it all stops. Hence, here we are.......no ranked going on yet again.


I loved 8vs8, was upset when they took it away. But, after being able to take a step back, i get it now. It was killing the pvp community. It was exclusive to what, less than 1% of the community? So, they created two ranked venues, solo and team. Team was for the experience - Solo for the experienced, casual, novice, etc. The problem is that the experienced players drove everyone out. Like I said in a previous post, shot ourselves in the foot.


Take from it what you want, just another opinion.

Edited by Nickodemous
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There really isn't a nice way to word this, but to be blunt the geared people we never see in arena don't step outside of warzones because they can't hide behind objectives in arenas. It's straight smash into each other until someone wins, and judging by some of the more boisterous trash talkers that have popped up recently that style of play doesn't fit their skill sets. So until there is some incentive for them to swap over we won't see them in arenas. Whether its dailies or achievements they pretty much have to bribe people into doing them at this point.

i don't disagree. we're more or less saying the same thing differently. what you call "hiding behind objectives" I call a different goal for a different game. and you know, I do kinda take offense to calling it "hiding" because while I could rarely 1v1 anyone in...say...<uncensored> (before god mode AP), I could very effectively guard a node, occupy a healer, ninja a node, etc. that's not "hiding." and it's not the same skills set as 4v4. it is easier/more accessible, which I think is your point. mine is that it's a different (ok, easier) game.


as a healer, I hate hate hate arenas. and I'm someone who, in WZs, would joyfully spend the whole match kiting around one or two opponents. but I healed one arena on po5 reg and that was it. no F'ing way. you get tunneled, CC'd, interrupted by 3 ppl at once. the only time you can cast is white barred or if you los basically everyone so that you're only doing a self cast. just not at all fun.

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as a healer, I hate hate hate arenas. and I'm someone who, in WZs, would joyfully spend the whole match kiting around one or two opponents. but I healed one arena on po5 reg and that was it. no F'ing way. you get tunneled, CC'd, interrupted by 3 ppl at once. the only time you can cast is white barred or if you los basically everyone so that you're only doing a self cast. just not at all fun.


You weren't tunneled, CC'd, interrupted by 3, if not more ppl, at once in WZs? Healers are healers no matter where they are.


With all the deathmatching that happens in this game (not only on this server) people should be used to arenas.

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You weren't tunneled, CC'd, interrupted by 3, if not more ppl, at once in WZs? Healers are healers no matter where they are.


With all the deathmatching that happens in this game (not only on this server) people should be used to arenas.


no. here are the two major differences (from my healer's pov):

  1. objectives prevent people from sending their whole team after and give you a way to "win" without having to defeat/survive 3v1. those ppl who tunnel you in an arena are doing exactly what they SHOULD be doing as opposed to hurting their team by avoiding objectives.
  2. when you die in a WZ, you respawn. when you die in an arena, it's the end of the round/match. there's no such thing as a "noble sacrifice" to preserve control of a node until help arrives or for distracting/kiting a couple of tunnel vision saber swingers.


in any case, it's kind of moot. I stopped playing when the solo rated q dried up (preseason) and gear was max'd. from what I've read, not much has changed on that front. and bw doesn't seem willing to or capable of allowing dual Qs.


the competition in WZs is really bad, but it's really bad on both sides (from what little I've seen), so at least it's pretty equitable. I'd rather have that than face the same team (in arena or WZ) over and over again. that's personal preference (and why I care more about solo q than team). doesn't really apply to the rest of my rant. :)

Edited by foxmob
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Sounds like the life of a Commando. :(

heh. yes. yes indeed. the most fun I ever had as a healer was when mandos got buffed to relevance again, and acorns and...dammit...who was the pyro...firepower legacy...he started on <watchmen> and went to <LD50>? anyway, they both rolled mandos and were chasing my mando all over the middle of CW. they couldn't kill me cuz mandos are ridiculously easy to los and as a mando, I could cleanse. on the other hand, I couldn't heal anybody else cuz I was either moving to los or self-cast or hammershot. so we spent literally the entire match running all over the place on the least mobile class in the game. was great fun. no idea how the WZ went. lol :cool:

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as a healer, I hate hate hate arenas. and I'm someone who, in WZs, would joyfully spends the whole match kiting around one or two opponents. but I healed one arena on po5 reg and that was it. no F'ing way. you get tunneled, CC'd, interrupted by 3 ppl at once. the only time you can cast is white barred or if you los basically everyone so that you're only doing a self cast. just not at all fun.


This so much... I would say solo ranked is even worse for healers, since even if you get a "tank" he'll just throw guard on you, as if that was enough, then proceed to try to kill the other healer with his crappy tank-like dps instead of actually tanking and slowing/ccing/general area denial around his healer.


Anyway I'm still baffled as to why you guys aren't on pot5 if you want ranked arenas so badly... people just need to be honest with themselves about what they want from ranked arenas on this server.

Edited by ace_boogie
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This so much... I would say solo ranked is even worse for healers, since even if you get a "tank" he'll just throw guard on you, as if that was enough, then proceed to try to kill the other healer with his crappy tank-like dps instead of actually tanking and slowing/ccing/general area denial around his healer.


Anyway I'm still baffled as to why you guys aren't on pot5 if you want ranked arenas so badly... people just need to be honest with themselves about what they want from ranked arenas on this server.


Well, there was a small window, a glimmer of this server coming back....but it shot to hell now! Pot5 and bastion are no better! You tards just can't see it! I am tired of wasting my time! I will never understand why you all exept crap! LD 50 leaves....it over! What a joke!

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Well, there was a small window, a glimmer of this server coming back....but it shot to hell now! Pot5 and bastion are no better! You tards just can't see it! I am tired of wasting my time! I will never understand why you all exept crap! LD 50 leaves....it over! What a joke!


When LD50 was still here the ranked scene struggled mightily even then. That's why they left. So what are you really saying?


From what I hear pot5 is the only server where ranked queues pop regularly.

Edited by ace_boogie
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When LD50 was still here the ranked scene struggled mightily even then. That's why they left. So what are you really saying?


From what I hear pot5 is the only server where ranked queues pop regularly.


And obviously you have not read the past posts! Who cares! I tried to spark life into jc! There were names popping I had not seen for a long time! Trying to shock jc back to life was exciting but I am not going to waste another second! Why in the hell do u crappy pvp'ers insist on bringing up the pvp servers u are on, I will never know! You cannot make a difference on old server, what make u think u can on a pvp? Once again, a joke!

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When LD50 was still here the ranked scene struggled mightily even then. That's why they left. So what are you really saying?


From what I hear pot5 is the only server where ranked queues pop regularly.


And obviously you have not read the past posts! Who cares! I tried to spark life into jc! There were names popping I had not seen for a long time! Trying to shock jc back to life was exciting but I am not going to waste another second! Why in the hell do u crappy pvp'ers insist on bringing up the pvp servers u are on, I will never know! You cannot make a difference on old server, what make u think u can on a pvp? Once again, a joke!

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And obviously you have not read the past posts! Who cares! I tried to spark life into jc! There were names popping I had not seen for a long time! Trying to shock jc back to life was exciting but I am not going to waste another second! Why in the hell do u crappy pvp'ers insist on bringing up the pvp servers u are on, I will never know! You cannot make a difference on old server, what make u think u can on a pvp? Once again, a joke!


lol Have you even done ranked arenas on JC? How are you going to spark life into the ranked scene? People will queue when they queue. There isn't anything you and I can do. If people don't want to play than that's their choice.


You get a team and queue up or you do what lock does and try to jump through hoops to get 8 people to queue for solos. Hit me up and I'll help you get those 8 people just like I try and help Lock.

Edited by Iolus
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Why in the hell do u crappy pvp'ers insist on bringing up the pvp servers u are on, I will never know! You cannot make a difference on old server, what make u think u can on a pvp? Once again, a joke!



1.You are not one ounce not even one teaspoon, a good player.

2. You come back to jc and call people crappy pvper's....yet You are back on this server for why? Because you couldnt do anything on pot5 but play regs.

3.You play regs....and thats all you do. Shut your baddie mouth.

4. You are a horrid player

5.Dont call anyone on jc a joke...YOU ARE A JOKE.

5.You once got mad in hutball calling a 2 man mcb premade "ranked quality" Which shows how bad of a player you are.


Im not very good either. So bad recognize bad, and thats why i felt i should post this.

Go back to your PVP server and play regs you scrub. Ty...Have a good day/night and GG

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And obviously you have not read the past posts! Who cares! I tried to spark life into jc! There were names popping I had not seen for a long time! Trying to shock jc back to life was exciting but I am not going to waste another second! Why in the hell do u crappy pvp'ers insist on bringing up the pvp servers u are on, I will never know! You cannot make a difference on old server, what make u think u can on a pvp? Once again, a joke!


You are such a POS....

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Well, there was a small window, a glimmer of this server coming back....but it shot to hell now! Pot5 and bastion are no better! You tards just can't see it! I am tired of wasting my time! I will never understand why you all exept crap! LD 50 leaves....it over! What a joke!


Even when I started pvping you were a bad. You have always been a bad. Pot5 pvp is still going strong and so is bastion. I left pot5 while ranked was still going and I'm on bastion and do ranked damn near every night. Sooo yeah you are wrong again.

You really need to shut your baddie mouth.

You are a crap player. And trying to talk smack to JC pvpers just shows how

Big of person you are.


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