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This expansion is terrible and here is why


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No real place to practice. I have watched friends with no MMO skills what so ever say its the boringest thing they have done. There is no guidance, no indication of what you are doing and the flight controls are awful


All you do is fly around in circles or go straight any MAYBE hit something when you fire off a few shots.


Buggy. The base control system is a joke and buggy to say the least. There is no way to tell if you are influencing control of a base or what


Boring. The ship controls are so bad that if at all you get maybe a few bursts off before you just fly by an opponent. and hitting 1,2 or 3 while you are flying AND SHOOTING? Please what do I have 7 fingers? Thats the best control scheme you could do?


There was better fighting in Star Wars Galaxies or X Wing Vs Tie Fighter


No one wants to fly straight with thrusters hitting space to thrust into action that is so far away just to have their engines run out of fuel


my girlfriend tried this for 10 minutes and said it was the stupidest thing she has seen.


If you are shooting for people that are normal MMO players to buy this garbage, good luck

Edited by jmanaugust
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No real place to practice. I have watched friends with no MMO skills what so ever say its the boringest thing they have done. There is no guidance, no indication of what you are doing and the flight controls are awful


All you do is fly around in circles or go straight any MAYBE hit something when you fire off a few shots.


Buggy. The base control system is a joke and buggy to say the least. There is no way to tell if you are influencing control of a base or what


Boring. The ship controls are so bad that if at all you get maybe a few bursts off before you just fly by an opponent. and hitting 1,2 or 3 while you are flying AND SHOOTING? Please what do I have 7 fingers? Thats the best control scheme you could do?


There was better fighting in Star Wars Galaxies or X Wing Vs Tie Fighter


No one wants to fly straight with thrusters hitting space to thrust into action that is so far away just to have their engines run out of fuel


my girlfriend tried this for 10 minutes and said it was the stupidest thing she has seen.


If you are shooting for people that are normal MMO players to buy this garbage, good luck



You bad bro?

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No real place to practice. I have watched friends with no MMO skills what so ever say its the boringest thing they have done. There is no guidance, no indication of what you are doing and the flight controls are awful

There is a tutorial.



There is no way to tell if you are influencing control of a base or what

You get a green glow around your ship when capturing a satellite. When opening a satellite up for capture, you can see the red panels on the sat gradually turn to white (or vice versa). If the color change stops, you know capture has been interrupted.



Boring. The ship controls are so bad that if at all you get maybe a few bursts off before you just fly by an opponent. and hitting 1,2 or 3 while you are flying AND SHOOTING? Please what do I have 7 fingers? Thats the best control scheme you could do?

I found that my keyboard hardware was holding me back in this regard more than my manual dexterity was. Most keyboards only recognize a relatively small number of simultaneous key presses (2 or 3) even if you successfully press more. Also it seems like USB interface has a limit of 6 simultaneous keypresses. You could try looking for a gaming keyboard that supports N-Key Rollover. Might find yourself suddenly better at that than you thought you were.



No one wants to fly straight with thrusters hitting space to thrust into action that is so far away just to have their engines run out of fuel

You can spec into fuel recharge / replenishment talents if rapid interception is your thing. Scouts, for example, can boost from A all the way to C at a modest level of upgrade. Barrel Roll can also be used to this end.

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There is a tutorial.

The so called "tutorial" is a bad joke, nothing more. Yes, you could practice flying around, but since you can't practice dogfight (what this game is all about) in there, this practice is worth nothing. If there would be something like 2 or 3 AI-Opponents in there, then it would be a tutorial.

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Well, a PvE version is what I am waiting for.


Yeah, well I am very much against a PvE version personally, but I do realise that we are currently not playing a new expansion. This is patch 2.5 of 2.0. In other words, we're still doing SWtOR:RotHC..

When februari '14 arrives and this opens up to F2P, then it'll be 3.0 with a lot of extra features. Perhaps even with a PvE version. Who knows?

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Yeah, well I am very much against a PvE version personally,

Just for curiosity: why? As long as both PvP and PvE content is available, everyone would be fine and could play whatever suits him best. In how far would it hurt you when there would be a PvE-content? Noone would force you to play it, you could still stick to the PvP-Missions.


But at the moment, everone who prefers PvE but would like to have starfighter battles included is forced to join the PvP enviroment, no matter how much they hate PvP.

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Just for curiosity: why? As long as both PvP and PvE content is available, everyone would be fine and could play whatever suits him best. In how far would it hurt you when there would be a PvE-content? Noone would force you to play it, you could still stick to the PvP-Missions.


But at the moment, everone who prefers PvE but would like to have starfighter battles included is forced to join the PvP enviroment, no matter how much they hate PvP.


Take a look at this thread -> http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=688547


A poster posted

But PvE players already have their own space game, they don't need to corrupt our PvP space game!

That sentence got more hate than love, while it's actually true.

I'll explain. Take a look behind you, see that playing field over there? it's called swtor. Now, let me introduce the two participants. One is named PvE, the other PvP. The rope they are holding and pulling is called "ability". When one participant pulls hard on the rope, it sucks for the other, and vice versa. There's also a referee holding a nerfbat.


This part of the game does not have a counterpart wich I find refreshing. Besides.. what would it be like? you go in with a bunch of people like you do now, but fighting AI fighters instead of actual people. Wouldn't that be like having sex with a blowup doll?

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No real place to practice. I have watched friends with no MMO skills what so ever say its the boringest thing they have done. There is no guidance, no indication of what you are doing and the flight controls are awful


There is a tutorial. It could be better(have AI opponents) but it teaches the very basics. Like, say, controls


All you do is fly around in circles or go straight any MAYBE hit something when you fire off a few shots.


How he files is up to the pilot. If all you do is fly around in circles or go straight and maybe hit something the problem lies between the chair and the keyboard.


Buggy. The base control system is a joke and buggy to say the least. There is no way to tell if you are influencing control of a base or what


There are no bugs i could find. And you can tell you are influencing the control of a base by the HUGE GREEN GLOW around your ship. You know, like they taught you in the tutorial.


Boring. The ship controls are so bad that if at all you get maybe a few bursts off before you just fly by an opponent. and hitting 1,2 or 3 while you are flying AND SHOOTING? Please what do I have 7 fingers? Thats the best control scheme you could do?


You fly with your mouse. You shoot with your mouse. And you can map those '1 2 and 3' to your mouse a well. Again the problem is not with the game but with the player.


There was better fighting in Star Wars Galaxies or X Wing Vs Tie Fighter


That game was good, no doubt. But it was not an arena type fight. not really comparable.


No one wants to fly straight with thrusters hitting space to thrust into action that is so far away just to have their engines run out of fuel


So don't. Get a boost module. Mod your ship for engine power. That all is part of the game.


my girlfriend tried this for 10 minutes and said it was the stupidest thing she has seen.


I bet if she spent all of 10 minutes trying to evaluate the intricacies of Chess she too would conclude its the stupidest thing she has seen



10 chars.

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For the rail-shooter thing that is given as a "the PvE-Players have their space combat game":

even you should understand that there is a huge difference between that minigame and an PvE-Version of GSF.


I'll explain. Take a look behind you, see that playing field over there? it's called swtor. Now, let me introduce the two participants. One is named PvE, the other PvP. The rope they are holding and pulling is called "ability". When one participant pulls hard on the rope, it sucks for the other, and vice versa. There's also a referee holding a nerfbat.

Where's the explanaition? Whatever you want to say with that example, I don't get it.


This part of the game does not have a counterpart wich I find refreshing. Besides.. what would it be like?

It would be fun. Either as a team or even as a single player, it would give me the opportunity to experience what I like.


And for your sex-example: better to have sex with a rubberdoll than beeing raped in a dark alley. Cause if we stick to this example, the latter would be what PvP is at the moment.

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For the rail-shooter thing that is given as a "the PvE-Players have their space combat game":

even you should understand that there is a huge difference between that minigame and an PvE-Version of GSF.

The difference is that it's on rails and not have the option for grouping. Other than that you fly in space, fighting AI.


Where's the explanaition? Whatever you want to say with that example, I don't get it.

The equipement you use on your fighter is not subjective to a boss fight mechanic. Like Bioware states with GS, you can mod your fighter to best suit your playing style. When a PvE version arrives, that playing style (thus load-out) might not work well with an encounter. If no PvE specific equipment is made available, the nerfbat will hit your preffered load-out.


And for your sex-example: better to have sex with a rubberdoll than beeing raped in a dark alley. Cause if we stick to this example, the latter would be what PvP is at the moment.


Lol. What I meant is, that GS is fast paced gaming with a star fighter. Space PvE content would in essence be sitting still around a boss, mashing buttons, On occasion moving out of the way for a bit, when you get a raid warning of sorts. I'm using The Oculus and fase 3 of Malygos from WoW as a refference here. Innovative, but not very exciting.

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The equipement you use on your fighter is not subjective to a boss fight mechanic. Like Bioware states with GS, you can mod your fighter to best suit your playing style. When a PvE version arrives, that playing style (thus load-out) might not work well with an encounter.

In how far? Why should there be a difference?


I don't understand the need for different equipment. I actually don't understand why there are in the regular SWTOR game Traders that sell PvP-Specific equipment. Why? Where is the dirfference between a PvE-Blaster/Lightsaber and a PvP-Blaster/Lightsaber? And then, for GSF: where would be the differene between PvE-Lasercannons and PvP-Lasercannons?


Lol. What I meant is, that GS is fast paced gaming with a star fighter. Space PvE content would in essence be sitting still around a boss...

No, it wouldn't. At least, I don't want it to be like that. Moving targets, starfighters, dogfight... practically the same as at the moment, but more adjusted to the player(s) and his playing style. Difficulty matched to his/her/their (in case of groups) skill etc.


Yes, it might be a case of "I don't like the game because I'm not as good as others", but I think it's understandable that those who are not as good as others still want to enjoy the game. When it's PvE, it doesn't matter that there are others that are better, as long as the AI in the given Mission is beatable by a beginner or average player.

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In how far? Why should there be a difference?


I don't understand the need for different equipment. I actually don't understand why there are in the regular SWTOR game Traders that sell PvP-Specific equipment. Why? Where is the dirfference between a PvE-Blaster/Lightsaber and a PvP-Blaster/Lightsaber? And then, for GSF: where would be the differene between PvE-Lasercannons and PvP-Lasercannons?

An example would be the Jedi Consular ability [Project]. Targeting a mob and using the ability would pull out a chunk of debris next to you and fly it all the way over on the mob. It really looked cool too.

The counterpart, Sith Inquisitor, had the exact same ability, but is a lightningish ability. One of the these had damage applied sooner, eventhough the abilities where supposed to work the same way. Had this game not have a corner where players are pitched against each other, the Consular would still feel tightly connected to the Force and hurling stuff at mobiles over big distances. The change was fair to be honest, but PvE-Consularing was never the same afterwards.

That's the difference.


No, it wouldn't. At least, I don't want it to be like that.

I don't want it to be like that either. But it's highly likely that for PvE space content, Devs will pull you of the rails, into a tunnel. You have to progress through something after all.


Yes, it might be a case of "I don't like the game because I'm not as good as others", but I think it's understandable that those who are not as good as others still want to enjoy the game. When it's PvE, it doesn't matter that there are others that are better, as long as the AI in the given Mission is beatable by a beginner or average player.

I'm starting to think you are under the impression that I'm some kind of Ace PvP pilot. I'm not. I hold the scoreboard halfway, usually at the lower half.

Would this feature be as PvE only (in a mind-blowing cool way, in ways I can't imagine, and I can imagine quite a bit) I would be strongly against a PvP version. When A feature is shared between gameplay modes, OP's, balance, nerfs and such are inevitable, ending up less fun then it could be for both the PvPer and the PvEer.

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An example would be the Jedi Consular ability [Project]. Targeting a mob and using the ability would pull out a chunk of debris next to you and fly it all the way over on the mob. It really looked cool too.

The counterpart, Sith Inquisitor, had the exact same ability, but is a lightningish ability. One of the these had damage applied sooner, eventhough the abilities where supposed to work the same way. Had this game not have a corner where players are pitched against each other, the Consular would still feel tightly connected to the Force and hurling stuff at mobiles over big distances. The change was fair to be honest, but PvE-Consularing was never the same afterwards.

That's the difference.

Sorry, still don't get it. The Jedi consular has a force power, and it does damage to opponents. In how does it make a difference to the PvE-Content when this damage is (in amount of damage dealt and time it takes to take effect) adjusted so it equals the corresponding sith-inquisitor ability?


I play both a consular and a inquisitor, and both do fine in PvE. Can't see a problem, and wehen the abiliteis are balanced to PvP, well, then it's ok, isn't it? Where's the problem?

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Boring. The ship controls are so bad that if at all you get maybe a few bursts off before you just fly by an opponent. and hitting 1,2 or 3 while you are flying AND SHOOTING? Please what do I have 7 fingers? Thats the best control scheme you could do?



Actually I have 10.


You must not pvp a lot. Q + A + shift + r is always fun in situations.


In any case, if you find the default bindings too finger twisting rebind them. I certainly rebound the power settings, I didn't like reaching for the function keys to adjust power levels, now it's super easy.

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