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Male Companions and Female Companions


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So you can love and romance a girl if you are a boy

You can romance a boy if your a girl.

But why are you not able to love male companions with male companions and female with female? There a reason for that? I don't know but I want them to add it so it can work both ways make certain charaters Bi or something I don't know but that'd be awesome if you could.

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Unfortunately, when this game was still in development, some bad decisions were made and SGRA with companions was never properly developed. It's been two years since release and Bioware has said sweet f-a on the subject of us getting SGRA with companions, though we have some [Flirt]s with NPCs (more female than male, surprise-surprise) that are same-gender.
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Unfortunately, when this game was still in development, some bad decisions were made and SGRA with companions was never properly developed. It's been two years since release and Bioware has said sweet f-a on the subject of us getting SGRA with companions, though we have some [Flirt]s with NPCs (more female than male, surprise-surprise) that are same-gender.


Snowflake has it right.

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Because those characters are not so inclined? I mean, because they don't feel that way about their own genders ...? Is that somehow inappropriate?


Won't people respect fictional characters' right to make up their own mind?

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Isn't this subject being covered in detail in this thread...




Not that it can't be discussed in multiple threads, I just imagine that a single constant thread that's over 100 page makes a bigger impression than a new one just popping up randomly .


This seems like the kind of point people try to make just to... Make a point. And feel good about themselves.


Yes, this seems kind of random, or like it's just trying to stir up something (like many threads in the General forum) especially given how active the existing thread is. It's always right at the top of this forum section.

Edited by Darth-Obvious
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more female than male, surprise-surprise


I agree, Snowflake, but at least there's that. I haven't played anything past Ilum, but are there SGR options in any ROTHC/Dread Master worlds? 'Cause I think nearly all the Contract Week cantina NPCs are SGR options. You shoulda seen the look on my face when my Warrior made some sexy comment to that Twi'lek contact guy on Kaas :p

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Won't people respect fictional characters' right to make up their own mind?


So you would shove the wrath of the emperor from the edge of your bed?


That could be a dangerous proposition for your average NPC. Sure, the Hero of Tython or the Barsen'thor will canonically likely take a no, but Darth Nox, as an example has electrocuted people for lesser sleights. So, if your choice would be to either become the loved and cherished spouse of a very influential sith hero, or deal with the disappointment of a very passionate and powerful person ...........

Edited by drakensang
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So you would shove the wrath of the emperor from the edge of your bed?


That could be a dangerous proposition for your average NPC. Sure, the Hero of Tython or the Barsen'thor will canonically likely take a no, but Darth Nox, as an example has electrocuted people for lesser sleights. So, if your choice would be to either become the loved and cherished spouse of a very influential sith hero, or deal with the disappointment of a very passionate and powerful person ...........


Nox? Can't even properly control a semi-Stockholm'ed Padawan who has nowhere else to go... Light or Dark, Noxxy-Poo needs better torture methods before trying to score some loving from it.

Edited by Palar
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I agree, Snowflake, but at least there's that. I haven't played anything past Ilum, but are there SGR options in any ROTHC/Dread Master worlds? 'Cause I think nearly all the Contract Week cantina NPCs are SGR options. You shoulda seen the look on my face when my Warrior made some sexy comment to that Twi'lek contact guy on Kaas :p


Lord Cytharat on Makeb, male only. Imperial.


Lembda Avesta on Makeb, both genders. Republic.


Two both genders, female NPC, [Flirt] options, for the Seeker Droid and Macrobinocular lines. Imperial.


The Czerka lady (Imperial), for the Czerka storyline, is both genders [Flirt]able.

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Lord Cytharat on Makeb, male only. Imperial.


Lembda Avesta on Makeb, both genders. Republic.


Two both genders, female NPC, [Flirt] options, for the Seeker Droid and Macrobinocular lines. Imperial.


The Czerka lady (Imperial), for the Czerka storyline, is both genders [Flirt]able.


Cool. I guess we're on our way to getting a bit of what we want, but seriously, BW: Make SGR options.

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Cool. I guess we're on our way to getting a bit of what we want, but seriously, BW: Make SGR options.


Kind of feel like I got steak-flavoured crisps when I ordered a medium-rare rump, but hey, it says real meat "flavour" on the packet.


Or, more accurately, I got chips and the side salad, but the steak is missing.


The steak represents SGRs with companions.

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The steak represents SGRs with companions.


Yeah. I figured. And I agree, Snowflake. If they're not gonna make our original companions SGR options, then they should give us companions with SGR options


Note: I said options because I would like more regular romances, too. BW needs to add more companions in general.

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Note: I said options because I would like more regular romances, too. BW needs to add more companions in general.




The number we need to hit (which is the number of fully scripted romances available to male characters as OGRs with their female companions) is eleven. There are two one-night stands for female characters as OG, but they don't count, as they don't follow the full system of a "romance" in this game. It would be fairly easy for existing companions to be part of this, as I have yet to meet one which has screamed I AM EXPLICITLY STRAIGHT in a conversation.

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Going back to the vanilla companions/game to do SGRs will take quite awhile to get done.


It's not expensive to get all the voice actors back in the studio, however it is something that would take quite awhile to get done due to scheduling issues.


There are some actors in the cast like Jennifer Hale and Nolan North that are easier to get a hold of and record due to them living in LA, working steadily, etc, etc, but the cast as a whole is spread out all over the world and a lot of them aren't as easy to get back into the studio.


Note that this undertaking requires all 16 class actors and possibly all 19 romance companions as well. That's 35 total actors.


I also can't imagine that it's very high up on the totem pole of priorities either since there's no way for them to make money off it. It be a PR nightmare if they tried to sell it to people.


I'd love to see it but I don't think it will happen unless it's tied to part of some bigger update.

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