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Spec choice help


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(First of all, my first post on the SWTOR forums!)


Second of all, I've got a Powertech that I'd like to level. Hoooooowever. I'm unsure of what spec to start going down. I'm really just here for PvP and I see a lot of arguments between Pyrotech and AP. And what about Shield tech? I don't know if it exists in PvP.


I feel I'd like to play Pyrotech because a lot of the talents involve reducing the heat costs of your fire attacks and literally melting your foes with DoTs and then maybe throwing in a highly damaging proc. And then immediately moving on to the next enemy as your heat is likely low.


AP seems to be the norm here though...burst DPS through a punishing Rail Shot, and then mopping them up with various other little shin-kicks.


Shield Tech, now if there is any way this can be viable in PvP, I'd like to hear it. I've never seen a Shield Tech...so being one of the Oddities sounds fun.


((Not looking for any specific builds. Just general opinions on how the specs perform and how well they work when hanging around in the PvP Pre-school of Pre-55.))

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(First of all, my first post on the SWTOR forums!)


Second of all, I've got a Powertech that I'd like to level. Hoooooowever. I'm unsure of what spec to start going down. I'm really just here for PvP and I see a lot of arguments between Pyrotech and AP. And what about Shield tech? I don't know if it exists in PvP.


I feel I'd like to play Pyrotech because a lot of the talents involve reducing the heat costs of your fire attacks and literally melting your foes with DoTs and then maybe throwing in a highly damaging proc. And then immediately moving on to the next enemy as your heat is likely low.


AP seems to be the norm here though...burst DPS through a punishing Rail Shot, and then mopping them up with various other little shin-kicks.


Shield Tech, now if there is any way this can be viable in PvP, I'd like to hear it. I've never seen a Shield Tech...so being one of the Oddities sounds fun.


((Not looking for any specific builds. Just general opinions on how the specs perform and how well they work when hanging around in the PvP Pre-school of Pre-55.))


All 3 specs are viable in PvP. Hybrids as well as full specs. The spec that has dots and highly damaging procs is pyro and you should level as it because the other specs are not as strong til after lvl 40.


I would say 50% play pyro, 40% play ap (or ap hybrid) and 10% play shield tech in regular warzones. All of the specs are really fun and unique. With little perks to each of them. AP and shield tech are more melee heavy and pyro can get back a little more (at 10m) for the majority of the fight.


Good luck!

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Tanks are viable in PVP, when they are doing the job of the tank.


You aren't supposed to be DPS'ing, but PT tanks do okay damage.


You need to keep the healer alive and guarded at all costs.


Be a terror to anyone attacking your healer.


Guard swap when your healer is fine, to keep other teammates alive.


Keep objectives from getting capped.


Tank is one of the most important roles in PVP. No . You don't own face. But a good tank is invaluable, and you really feel it when you don't have one.


PS: shield tech leveling is easy mode. No, things don't die fast, but you literally never ever do.

Edited by Brunner_Venda
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Tanks are viable in PVP, when they are doing the job of the tank.


You aren't supposed to be DPS'ing, but PT tanks do okay damage.


You need to keep the healer alive and guarded at all costs.


Be a terror to anyone attacking your healer.


Guard swap when your healer is fine, to keep other teammates alive.


Keep objectives from getting capped.


Tank is one of the most important roles in PVP. No . You don't own face. But a good tank is invaluable in PVP .


PS: shield tech leveling is easy mode. No, things don't die fast, but you literally never ever do.


If you are not fixed on dpsing try out tanking and gear it aappropriately. Unless you are a totally insane dps you will have more influence over the outcome of a match as a tank where u can babysit a healer. You dont even need to be a fantastic player. Just guard ur healer and taunt people attacking them whilw debuffing them and as brunner said when ur healer is free casting go and guard ur melee dps and give hell to their healers and ranged dps with stuns interrupts taunts etc.


I love playing shield tech tank when I get the chance it is more rewarding if you care about Victory rather than personal glory. Sef wrote an amazing pvp tanking guide which you should definitely check out if ur interested.


Just swap through the specs until u find something you like dude. Like I said they are all fun but shield tech is a rare commodity. Pyro and ap are everwhere but not played well 70% of the time.

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Pyrotech has the most "complete" rotation at the earliest level; as soon as you get Prototype Particle Accelerator, you pretty much have everything you need. Prototype is an awesome spec, but it doesn't really shine until you get Prototype Flame Thrower and Immolate. As for tanking, it is viable in PvP if you accept that you won't be doing nearly as much damage as most other players, and remember to keep your Guard up and taunts on cooldown. Plus, as a tank, you're practically guaranteed the quickest queues for Flashpoints.


FWIW, I leveled my Vanguard as a tank, didn't even try either of the DPS trees until after 55. With a healer companion, it can be slow going when you have to slog through lots of trash fights, but you'll be almost invincible.

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Pyrotech has the most "complete" rotation at the earliest level; as soon as you get Prototype Particle Accelerator, you pretty much have everything you need. Prototype is an awesome spec, but it doesn't really shine until you get Prototype Flame Thrower and Immolate. As for tanking, it is viable in PvP if you accept that you won't be doing nearly as much damage as most other players, and remember to keep your Guard up and taunts on cooldown. Plus, as a tank, you're practically guaranteed the quickest queues for Flashpoints.


FWIW, I leveled my Vanguard as a tank, didn't even try either of the DPS trees until after 55. With a healer companion, it can be slow going when you have to slog through lots of trash fights, but you'll be almost invincible.


Well while I mostly used my vanguard as a tank while levelling, after getting Tanno I started learning DPS a little as well.


Mainly cause I kept an up-to-date DPS set on Elara Dorn...


All companions using Heavy Armor + Aim for troopers FTW

Edited by TACeMossie
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(First of all, my first post on the SWTOR forums!)


Second of all, I've got a Powertech that I'd like to level. Hoooooowever. I'm unsure of what spec to start going down. I'm really just here for PvP and I see a lot of arguments between Pyrotech and AP. And what about Shield tech? I don't know if it exists in PvP.


I feel I'd like to play Pyrotech because a lot of the talents involve reducing the heat costs of your fire attacks and literally melting your foes with DoTs and then maybe throwing in a highly damaging proc. And then immediately moving on to the next enemy as your heat is likely low.


AP seems to be the norm here though...burst DPS through a punishing Rail Shot, and then mopping them up with various other little shin-kicks.


Shield Tech, now if there is any way this can be viable in PvP, I'd like to hear it. I've never seen a Shield Tech...so being one of the Oddities sounds fun.


((Not looking for any specific builds. Just general opinions on how the specs perform and how well they work when hanging around in the PvP Pre-school of Pre-55.))


pyrotech is fun in the 10-29 bracket. later on it falls behind AP significantly due to the amount of CC ppl have. AP handles that much better due to 30% less dmg taken while beeing stunned and 10s hydraulic override. both specs are viable in the hands of a good player but AP has the edge.

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Could someone please post the build for the AP Hybrid? Even if it is the Vangaurd tree, I would really appreciate it.


An added bonus for me would be if someone could post the basic rotation for the Hybrid as well.


Thank you all for the assist......

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