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How do you get better at Galactic Starfighter?


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Have you tried making erratic, unorthodox movements? Cutting the engines, zig-zags without clear patterns, sudden bursts of speed?

Yes, tried that, but doesn't go well with the (in my opinion) terrible controls.


For the missile lock on you have to keep the ship inside the targeting circle

I know... and that's the problem. It takes like, what, 5-10 seconds until that dumb missile gets a lock on? I barely manage to keep a target that long within the targeting circle, because they either boost out of range, evade somewehere faster than I can follow (propably becaus ethey get along better with what BW calls controls than I do), or I get shot down myself before lockon is achieved.


That's where organized groups with headsets show their power..

Yapp, that's right. Well, I got an Idea: that stuff should be banned. If "Joystick support should not be included since that would give the joystick-users an advantage" is a valid point, than "team speak and similar stuff should be banned because it gives those who use it an advantage" should be a valid point, too. :D

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one thing no one else has noted, that I'm gonna bring up.


Find the role (and ship) that best suits you. some people perfer to be a stand off sniper. if so a gunship (or protoned strike fighter) kitted out for "boom and zoom" fighting might be most to your liking.

others might perfer to go for a turn fighter. it's all cool

As I said: I already figured out that scout and gunship don't suit my style. Gunship is boring (I hate snipers), and scout is (for me) simply unplayable with these controls.


Leaves me to exactly one ship.

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Yes, tried that, but doesn't go well with the (in my opinion) terrible controls.



I know... and that's the problem. It takes like, what, 5-10 seconds until that dumb missile gets a lock on? I barely manage to keep a target that long within the targeting circle, because they either boost out of range, evade somewehere faster than I can follow (propably becaus ethey get along better with what BW calls controls than I do), or I get shot down myself before lockon is achieved.



Yapp, that's right. Well, I got an Idea: that stuff should be banned. If "Joystick support should not be included since that would give the joystick-users an advantage" is a valid point, than "team speak and similar stuff should be banned because it gives those who use it an advantage" should be a valid point, too. :D


Theoretically as solo players we shouldn't bump into those headset groups, but when matchmaking fails I guess we have to make do... More power to them of course for being organized but it does sting (ship pun intended)!


Again, try out the cluster missiles. 1,5 second lock time, less when upgraded. They should at the very least net you some assists if not kills.


Gotta go to work... Best of luck to you man :)

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Again, try out the cluster missiles. 1,5 second lock time, less when upgraded. They should at the very least net you some assists if not kills.

What cluster missiles? They are some upgrade, right? Some upgrade you need req for. To earn req, you have to play. Playing this game sucks. It's not motivating beeing killed all the time, so I don't play. Telling me that somewhen, somewhere there is an upgrade that makes it easier is no solution when right now I am at the point where I think "i don't want to play this anymore".

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What cluster missiles? They are some upgrade, right? Some upgrade you need req for. To earn req, you have to play. Playing this game sucks. It's not motivating beeing killed all the time, so I don't play. Telling me that somewhen, somewhere there is an upgrade that makes it easier is no solution when right now I am at the point where I think "i don't want to play this anymore".


Well, "don't play GSF anymore".

But, if one wants to enjoy GSF and dog fights, this thread is full of good advice.


Note: Cluster missile + lowered lock time is very easy to get in a couple of games.

Edited by Hyrune
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As I said: I already figured out that scout and gunship don't suit my style. Gunship is boring (I hate snipers), and scout is (for me) simply unplayable with these controls.


Leaves me to exactly one ship.


There's two 'free' strike models. You might like the Quell/Pike better than the default one. Also, if you're that set on being a striker, the CC ship might be for you. :)

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When I started, I was getting my hard candies shot off ALL THE TIME. I know that's frustrating.

Thing is, I've played lots of "space fighter" games, and that's how it ALWAYS goes, at first.


It always takes a while to get the hang of the controls, but once you do, you'll see a MARKED improvement in your performance.

As has been said...PRACTICE.

If not being an "ace" by the third or fifth or tenth match is enough to get you to quit, well, that's just silly.

It's a CHALLENGE to get better. I wasn't even ON the board, the first dozen or so matches I played. Now, about 30-40 matches in, I'm routinely in the top 5.


Learn the maps, there are only two currently. Once you get the layout of an area, everything gets easier.


At first, play defensively. Stay close to friendly objectives, and don't go chasing kills by yourself, until you can get enough requisition to upgrade your ship.


And as has also been said already, figure out how you like to play, and "ship up" accordingly. Concentrate on upgrading one ship that you like, rather than trying to keep all three at the same level. Personally, I'm a Scout junkie...a speed freak, turret-killing objective grabbing opportunistic "surprise" killer. I don't like Gunships because I don't like sitting still and I don't like Strikes because they're not fast enough and don't turn tightly enough for me. But everyone's play style is different, find your own.


And here's something I haven't seen here yet (but may have missed)...work on your accuracy. Practice with the reticule, and check your accuracy rating at the end of the match. You'll only have a second or two (most of the time) to hit your target, and you want as much fire on target as possible. There are targeting "sweet spots" that vary based on distance, direction, the target's armor and components, etc. Don't just "hose and pray"...the target can see the shots going past, you know! I've gotten out of getting killed because the enemy opened up too early and warned me I had someone on my butt. Several actual air combat aces from both World Wars listed "marksmanship" as being more important than "piloting skill" in air combat, so it's obviously worth working on.

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