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Outclassed? (Spoilers)


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Is it me or is the Jedi Knight totally unbalanced and outclassed?


I am just not finding this Class fun to play. The Class Missions are way overpowered.


Currently, I have a Level 32 Mission. This involves killing a Level 33 Elite Boss!!


There is no possibility of Kira and I killing that with a crappy weakling Jedi Sentinel. With some other Classes, I might have a chance but my Sentinel has difficulty fighting her way out of a paper bag, let alone a Level 33 Elite Boss.


So I think maybe I can level up? I try Warzones .........


........ I get stiffed with either a series of useless Arenas (which yield zero XP) or normal Warzones (which are at least fun to play), but fighting against a team of enemies all at level 50+.


Not much use for a Level 33 :confused:


This started with Valis (or whatever his name was) and is still going on. The Class Missions are totally overpowered and the Jedi Sentinel is way underpowered.


Not fun. Pity really as I was hoping to get one of each Class fully levelled. So far, I have one on Chapter 4, two or three on Chapter 2 (at around Level 30 or 31) and this pile of crap currently at Level 33 and still no hope of completing Chapter 1.


A game is supposed to be a challenge, but it should really offer some hope of possible success, or it ceases to be fun and seems much more like work :)

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Is it me or is the Jedi Knight totally unbalanced and outclassed?


I am just not finding this Class fun to play. The Class Missions are way overpowered.


Currently, I have a Level 32 Mission. This involves killing a Level 33 Elite Boss!!


There is no possibility of Kira and I killing that with a crappy weakling Jedi Sentinel. With some other Classes, I might have a chance but my Sentinel has difficulty fighting her way out of a paper bag, let alone a Level 33 Elite Boss.


So I think maybe I can level up? I try Warzones .........


........ I get stiffed with either a series of useless Arenas (which yield zero XP) or normal Warzones (which are at least fun to play), but fighting against a team of enemies all at level 50+.


Not much use for a Level 33 :confused:


This started with Valis (or whatever his name was) and is still going on. The Class Missions are totally overpowered and the Jedi Sentinel is way underpowered.


Not fun. Pity really as I was hoping to get one of each Class fully levelled. So far, I have one on Chapter 4, two or three on Chapter 2 (at around Level 30 or 31) and this pile of crap currently at Level 33 and still no hope of completing Chapter 1.


A game is supposed to be a challenge, but it should really offer some hope of possible success, or it ceases to be fun and seems much more like work :)

You know as blink 182 used to sing "nobody likes you when you 23"

You are mid class, don't have full talents and abilities which is kinda crucial for Mara / Sent.

Also you swing into 30-54 bracket where your 32 is pretty much too low to compete good.

Don't panic, soon ( at Balmorra ) you will get healing companion and everything will be different.

Sentinel is one of the strongest dd both in pve and pvp at endgame.

Edited by helloder
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Killed with Thundering Blast (1166 Damage) :eek:



What chance is there of beating that? :confused:


Mm group up with someone? Like a healer..

When I lvl my alts I see a lot of "please help me with my class mission" from different classes in general chat

( no shame in that )

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Firstly, try playing in watchman, had zero problems leveling with kira in it. Secondly you have to use def cds at right time and interupts very well. Keep all mods to prototype and at current levels, also the best hilt you can buy for both sabers, thats most important. Valis is totaly a stunmob so its either very easy, or impossible. Also gear kira the best to, helps to have her tank some, hence why being in watchman is important for the invise, at 30 you start to get to better abilitys, by 40 your spanking folks, the class is a really late bloomer...
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Killed with Thundering Blast (1166 Damage) :eek:



What chance is there of beating that? :confused:

It's called "Force Kick". Or Force Stasis. Or hide behind a crate before he finishes cast. Or take a step back and charge him - it also interrupts. Won't even need taking a step back if you're Watchman.


Heroic Moment (AKA "I-WIN button") helps a lot, if you are really not comfortable with the class at this point.

Edited by Helig
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  • 2 weeks later...
It's called "Force Kick". Or Force Stasis. Or hide behind a crate before he finishes cast. Or take a step back and charge him - it also interrupts. Won't even need taking a step back if you're Watchman.


Heroic Moment (AKA "I-WIN button") helps a lot, if you are really not comfortable with the class at this point.


And Pacify. Can be useful at the right time.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just started playing sentinel, pretty much new to the whole game. I reached level 29.


I have been able to solo gold elites 2 to 3 levels above me, anymore I got destroyed. At first I couldnt do it period. Until I went watchman and leveled up some gear now its no issue.


Yes force kick and stasis is awesome to use. When that blue bar loads hit one of those and it will interrupt it.


Just my 2 cents :)

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You basically have 3 interrupts as a sentinel. Your basic one, force kick, as has been stated already, force stasis that gives you a few seconds of breathing space, and pacify (though this one is not a sure thing it might as well be counted since its a 90% accuracy debuff).


Also, make sure you are using resolute, that 20% damage reduction over its duration is very helpful and not to mention it damages enemies too. In your case it seems like every little bit will help. Finally, saber ward can be popped right before the enemy channel is done and that might help you live through another one too. Since you can pop your HM afterwards and use it again you shouldn't have a problem with mobs your or 1 to 2 levels above yours.

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I did all the class stories in orange(+3 levels) and red sometimes (+4 levels) with my Vİgi Guardian AND combat Sent.


The trick is in the interrupting EVERY single thing they want to throw at you with force kick, awe, stasis and (if Guardian) with force push.


Effectively, creating an interrupt rotation on bosses.

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Killed with Thundering Blast (1166 Damage) :eek:



What chance is there of beating that? :confused:


I remember that ability being interruptable. Force kick FTW?


And Pacify. Can be useful at the right time.


I don't think pacify works on Thundering blast as it is a force ability, but on anything ranged or melee you would be absolutely correct.

Edited by Vodrin
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