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Can I create a guild out of just my characters?


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You need someone else to help you invite your characters, after that it's all you.


Actually, if he creates a second F2P account wouldn't he only need a few people to assist specifically with starting? Or can f2ps not invite either (I know they can't count for forming).

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You need 4 people logged in at the same time to create a guild, and someone actually logged in at the same time as your alt to invite them to the guild. Only real way to do it all by yourself is if you have 4 accounts and quad-box it.


You could do what a lot of people do to get around this: spam fleet "help me start a guild, I'll give you 50K credits and you can leave right away" - after that just make sure someone sticks around long enough while you switch over to your alts and have that other person invite them all before he/she /gquits.

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I'm mostly interested in the shared storage. Is it possible or do I need other players


You need four characters to make a guild. I have 3 pc's...3 accounts...and I paid a fourth person, a newbie some creds to help me out and then bugger off. Worked out well enough. Ever since then it's just been me with my 18 Imperials. :D

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the bank would be easier if you're a big crafter. imagine how awesome it would be to not have to mail stuff around all the time. or remember which of your dozen or more toons was the one with the stack of thermals you need and having to log on/off most of them before finding which had it. then log back to the crafter, then back off and onto the toon with the bulk of your credits on it so you can buy a stack of ore you didn't notice you needed. then mail it over, then back on your crafter.


thankfully 90 minutes later you're ready to send your lil companion fella off to make the augs and mk-9 kits you needed for a different alt...


if there was shared banking or you had your own guild with the bank that crafting assignment to the companion wouldve taken 2 minutes at most.

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newsflash, some people don't want to play the same way as you maybe?


I know, in fact I tend not to play in groups much myself, but my point was why bother setting up a guild just for yourself, it's mostly a social thing, and doing that on your own is kind of self defeating. You can easily shift items between alts if your inventory is overfull, and the exp bonus is not that great (it's good but not amazing).


So why bother??

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Umm, a guild is a social thing mostly, for heroics and raids and flashpoints, why would you want to be alone, let others in and have some fun in a group.


Well, some people just want to play this as a single player game (which is fine, its up to them after all), but they still want that 10% xp bonus that you get with a guild, or the shared guild bank that makes it easier to store/transfer equipment on several alts.

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I know of someone in another game that did what the OP wants just to avoid the blind guild invites.


Oh wow, I never even thought about that one... I can totally see why it would be worth all the hassle to get rid of those.

I forgot how bad it was because most of my chars are in the same guild, but I've made some alts that are not in guilds and they are bombarded with that crap...

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Oh wow, I never even thought about that one... I can totally see why it would be worth all the hassle to get rid of those.

I forgot how bad it was because most of my chars are in the same guild, but I've made some alts that are not in guilds and they are bombarded with that crap...


Same. I had that bombardment after character creation and before the initial cutscene even finished. I had to tell someone in the guild to invite me fast and almost hit deny on that one too because it was one after another.


And that game I spoke of before was Champions Online allows people to send offline invites so it was easy for him.


Another person did it in CoX but it wasn't a situation related to this game. That one because he was in the SG I was in but left us because he wanted the ability to build and edit a base and the SG I was in only let a select few do that. I'm saying this one because there can be many reasons why people do it from game to game.

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Umm, a guild is a social thing mostly, for heroics and raids and flashpoints, why would you want to be alone, let others in and have some fun in a group.


Because The shared storage thing is a great idea. Crafting materials and stuff. I never attempted this but it's a great work around IMO


I don't know about your server but we have a few raid finding chat channels and they have some pretty good players that I play with a lot; so the OP can still play even if he is a one man guild.

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  • 3 months later...
Because The shared storage thing is a great idea. Crafting materials and stuff. I never attempted this but it's a great work around IMO


I don't know about your server but we have a few raid finding chat channels and they have some pretty good players that I play with a lot; so the OP can still play even if he is a one man guild.


Well the Galactic Strongholds expansion is going to add Stronghold Legacy Storage sometime in August with the official release. Presumably you'll have to have a Stronghold purchased, and then purchase the Unlock for the legacy storage. The relevant excerpts from that info page are:


____Legacy Stronghold Storage – Unlock access to a new type of storage that is shared across your entire Legacy!


____Legacy Stronghold Storage will be available to players as part of the official launch of Galactic Strongholds.

____Stay tuned for more information on these features!


Edited by anonnn
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You need 4 people logged in at the same time to create a guild, and someone actually logged in at the same time as your alt to invite them to the guild. Only real way to do it all by yourself is if you have 4 accounts and quad-box it.


You could do what a lot of people do to get around this: spam fleet "help me start a guild, I'll give you 50K credits and you can leave right away" - after that just make sure someone sticks around long enough while you switch over to your alts and have that other person invite them all before he/she /gquits.


Or you could just ask friends who are in other guilds if they have an unguilded alt they can spare a couple minutes to help with


PAYING People to help you form a guild remains one of the dumbest customs Ive ever seen in modern MMOs

Even more so now as they dont even need to be at the register with you, just grouped is all.

Only you have to be at the guild register to imput guild name and pay the small fee.



It costs 600k to open and you MUST HAVE 12 members in guild (alts count)

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Or you could just ask friends who are in other guilds if they have an unguilded alt they can spare a couple minutes to help with


PAYING People to help you form a guild remains one of the dumbest customs Ive ever seen in modern MMOs

Even more so now as they dont even need to be at the register with you, just grouped is all.

Only you have to be at the guild register to imput guild name and pay the small fee.



It costs 600k to open and you MUST HAVE 12 members in guild (alts count)


is there an option to purchase with CC?

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