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Farming Locations - Scavenging


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I am looking to compile a list of places with a good amount of droids etc so that us scavengers can get our resources. Please let me know if you see any so that as a group we can build this list.


Thanks in advance.





Heroic Area's

Sillica and or Desh 1X each

Elite droids in the swamps



Dromund Kaas


Expansion District

Aluminum + Lamanoid from Droids 4X each


Rebel Area with the water tower missions

from trash piles Sillica + Desh 4X each





Comrades In Arms Heroic



Nar Shaddaa


Corellian and Duros Sector

Plasteel + ? 4x from Droids and Nodes


Network Security District (NS Bonus Series)

Fibermesh and Bondite





Mos Ila (near Jawa Shaman cave)

Lacqerous and Plasteel


Mos Ila - Jawa trade 4+ Heroic

Lots of droids - Lacqerous, Plasteel , Phobium and Chanlon + Tat commendations


Keep them coming in

Edited by Woofii
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Hutta - Heroic Area's

Sillica and or Desh 1X each

Elite droids in the swamps


Drummond Kass - Expansion District

Aluminum + Lamanoid from Droids 4X each


Drummond Kass - Rebel Area with the water tower missions

from trash piles Sillica + Desh 4X each


Nar Shadaa - Corellian and Duros Sector

Plasteel + ? 4x from Droids and Nodes

Edited by gotheon
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  • 2 weeks later...

belsavis - Just west of the imperial lodgement in the minimum security district

Level 41 robots. Drop electrum and polyplast



Just east of the deep launchpoint transport is a "dungeon" area with robots that drop durasteel and zal alloy. Exclusively robot mobs.

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I am looking to compile a list of places with a good amount of droids etc so that us scavengers can get our resources. Please let me know if you see any so that as a group we can build this list.


Thanks in advance.






Mos Ila (near Jawa Shaman cave)

Lacqerous and Plasteel


Mos Ila - Jawa trade 4+ Heroic

Lots of droids - Lacqerous, Plasteel , Phobium and Chanlon + Tat commendations


Keep them coming in



Judland - Outpost Rennar/Breezefield Farms

Lacqerous and Phobium


Kill blue elite droids. There are enough you can just run around killing them only. Some come with a second mob as a pull. There are also two ground spawns here for same level (3) of scavenging stuff.


Screenshot of location:


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Earlier today I was farming the Barasin Refuse yards in Gorinth Canyon on Balmorra (it is due north of Outpost Victory, at the far northern edge of the map). I was specifically looking for aluminium (not very much there) but it is a good scavenging node regardless.


As a 32 Mercenary (arsenal spec), I could easily burn through the level 17-20 elite groups. Now if you try this at a similar level, keep in mind that you will get the Hell shot out of you- but most of the damage bounces, so no worries.


After an hour of running around specifically looking for aluminium nodes and jumping on droid mobs as opportunity presented, this is what I ended up with:


31x aluminium (all of it from nodes)

59x plastoid

53x bronzium (most form nodes)

35x laminoid

46x plasteel

29x chanlon

6x desh


Keep in mind that you need scavenging of 100 minimum to pick apart the droid bodies for goodies (the plastoid, laminoid, chanlon, and plasteel all came from droids).


Between selling vendor trash, selling a handful of greens not worth auctioning, and the credit drops I also made 7,337 credits. So...not the greatest place for aluminium, bot damn good for a lot of other stuff.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Nar Shaddaa - Shadow town. Go to the very end of the map. Kill every droid you see (except for those pathetic little prob floaty things) as you make your way back. Lots of Chanlon and Plasteel. Repeat if necessary.


The "prisoner pacification droids" have about 3500 HP. I was able to kill them in 15 seconds with no special attacks (level 36 commando).


Farm and prosper!

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You will have to fight some sand people on this path!




Here's a path for farming


Lacqerous - Phobium

Plasteel - Chanlon

Fibermesh - Bondite


The most common being Lacqerous & Phobium. The yellow line is a path to return to the start there are no nodes on or near that path.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Bronzium and Aluminum scattered about (particularly in the south-central area)


Nar Shadaa

Bronzium nodes

Chanlon & Plasteel



Chanlon has been the bane of my existance for the past week while I develop recipes for a cybertech and an Armstech, and supply all my other characters with upgrades.


Shadow town has a lot of heavy droids with Chanlon, but you can also hit up the droids in the Nikto sector as well. These are slightly easier than the prison pacification droids, and the area is a bit looser for running around hunting nodes.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Been looking for a Bondite farming location for a couple of days, when i came on this spot totally by accident. Taris in the Republic Resettlement Zone, Lower city Ruins (-1666/-234). Same area as the +3 end datacron. All Strong an Elite droids low to mid 30's. theres also 10 node locations in the area. One hour an 15 minutes of farming

Bondite 190

Fibermesh 190

Resinite 130

Diatium 138

I was killing droids at first but then just started riding the node route. You will see one pack of 4 droids, 3 Rep Hydro Def Droids an 1 Rep Weapons Droid. I'd kill them an any straggler elite droid i came across other than that i'd just ride around clicking nodes.

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