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$100 in a couple clicks. SCARY.


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Unfortunately, the only time a business usually lowers the price is when the product is not selling. As we have seen with the rather ugly Ashfall Tauntan, the market is happy to bear these prices. It makes me sad when I see someone riding one because they are just encouraging EA to raise the prices even further because if a boring reskin gets 3,000 CC, how much will a nice looking one get?


I like that the Cartel Market, and the grab-bag packs in it, have pretty much saved this game. It is a sleazy business model that works really well and so there is no incentive for it to be changed.


With all of that firmly in mind, would you still find it a sleazy business model if the prices were 1/10th of what they are now? If you could get an Ashfall Tauntaun for 300cc instead of 3000? If you could get a Hypercrate for 700cc instead of over 7000?

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The OP has a real legitimate reason why he thinks EA/Bioware should do things to avoid taking advantage of people's real life health/mental problems & bad habits they may have.

The OP is a rant, not an expression of a "legitimate concern."


I can understand his/her feelings and agree it would be wise for bioware to think about changing the way they run their cash shop. People have given some nice examples like packs for only particular items / just have that item only for sale.

The CM works the way it works. If you don't like the way it works, don't participate in it. It's just a game. Crikey. MMO forums are awash in "first world problems."

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Thanks! :D


Well aware, I shop on the GTN all the time. Still, someone has to buy the cartel packs first for them to be on the GTN, right?


Absolutely. Does it bug you that other people that aren't you are spending money that isn't yours in order to get things to sell to you for make-believe money?

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Thanks! :D


Well aware, I shop on the GTN all the time. Still, someone has to buy the cartel packs first for them to be on the GTN, right?


Yea and then only after buying the Cartel pack...

Someone then has to play roulette and see if their lucky enough to get the item.

Then post it up on the GTN if they don't want it so you can even buy it.

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The "vulnerable" members of their player base choose to purchase the CC and the packs with the CC. It's not BWEA's to curb people's obsessions.



The ashfall tauntaun is 3000 CC. That's what a varactyl would be (well, maybe a bit less it it's your hypothetical pack which could contain any of the varactyls). You seem to think 1000 CC is a good price. BWEA seems to think 3000 CC is. You willing to pay 3000 CC for that varactyl (assuming you actually want a varactyl)?


wouldn't call my self "vulnerable"...excess free money and time maybe.


would I have paid 3000CC for it..well considering I purchased 5 of the pumpkins, probably...


I would probably be embarrassed If i actually tallied up my total money spent on the game...but given the number of hours I've spent in game, it probably averages out. i've had a BLAST with the CM stuff, and yes I've even given alot of it away and made a BOAT ton of money for our guild. Rather than being dependant on people willingness to part ways with credits.


I bought about half dozen hypercrates, auctioned off the items and then donated that to the GB.


I kept what I wanted for most of it, and auctioned off the excess to guild mates rather than the GTN.


I had fun, they had fun. Guild made money adn was a nice event for all of us.


damn me and my vulnerable money :D

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With all of that firmly in mind, would you still find it a sleazy business model if the prices were 1/10th of what they are now? If you could get an Ashfall Tauntaun for 300cc instead of 3000? If you could get a Hypercrate for 700cc instead of over 7000?


How about a Tauntaun pack for 1000 cc but the tauntaun skin is random. Like the varactyl example. Low risk, high reward. For both EA and the customer. Not asking for free products here, just asking them to be more reasonable and maybe have some morals every once in a while.

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How about a Tauntaun pack for 1000 cc but the tauntaun skin is random. Like the varactyl example. Low risk, high reward. For both EA and the customer. Not asking for free products here, just asking them to be more reasonable and maybe have some morals every once in a while.


So, you really don't have a problem with the CM at all, you just think it's all too expensive.


At this point, we're in agreement, we just have different opinions on what's 'affordable' and what's 'expensive.'

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How about a Tauntaun pack for 1000 cc but the tauntaun skin is random. Like the varactyl example. Low risk, high reward. For both EA and the customer. Not asking for free products here, just asking them to be more reasonable and maybe have some morals every once in a while.

No matter where the "reasonableness bar" is set, someone will complain it is unreasonable. The free market does not work for everything, but it works just fine for yachts and computer games.

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With all of that firmly in mind, would you still find it a sleazy business model if the prices were 1/10th of what they are now? If you could get an Ashfall Tauntaun for 300cc instead of 3000? If you could get a Hypercrate for 700cc instead of over 7000?


I was speaking in broad generalities about the blind grab bag concept regardless if its baseball cards or cartel packs or price. It works. Companies make money. It will continue.

Edited by RandomXChance
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So, you really don't have a problem with the CM at all, you just think it's all too expensive.


At this point, we're in agreement, we just have different opinions on what's 'affordable' and what's 'expensive.'


Yea, pretty much. I just think most of the items are unreasonably priced and people don't have the self-restraint from stopping themselves from spending stupid amounts of money. And EA profits from this, which is their goal anyway, but that doesn't make it right.


I think a compromise is in order. EA continues to make money, people are more happy and criticize the CM less.

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The OP is a rant, not an expression of a "legitimate concern."



The CM works the way it works. If you don't like the way it works, don't participate in it. It's just a game. Crikey. MMO forums are awash in "first world problems."


You may feel it is a rant and you are entitled to your opinion ((which truly is a first world problem i know))

Whether i participate is regardless. If someone has a concern great let them be concerned if you do not feel it is worthy of discussion that is fine do not discuss it move on.


If you wish to not bother with our first world MMO problems. Please go save kids in Africa and go on those forums and join the peace core. ect ect ect that is cool and i am happy for your life choice.


However a good portion of people replying have mixed feelings or go one way or another about it.


Back when this game first started PVP gear was all a ""grab bag, Lotto, Gamble"" people complained of it as gambling. Sure it wasn't money but you had to play your warzones spend your time. Then spend your Comms*money** and Hope that you get what you want.

I don't know, kind of like a slot machine or a horse race huh.


People were upset at that. Oh and Look they changed it because of Forum Outcry.

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How about a Tauntaun pack for 1000 cc but the tauntaun skin is random. Like the varactyl example. Low risk, high reward. For both EA and the customer. Not asking for free products here, just asking them to be more reasonable and maybe have some morals every once in a while.


So "gambling" is perfectly moral, except when you don't like the odds?

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Reading many of the posts here, I came to the conclusion that a lot of the posters should first study basic psychology, sociology and marketing, then they'd understand why cash shops in games, as well as stuff like:


-collectible cards


-grinding mobs for rare drops



Don't forget Fantasy Football! Edited by GalacticKegger
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No matter where the "reasonableness bar" is set, someone will complain it is unreasonable. The free market does not work for everything, but it works just fine for yachts and computer games.


At least when i bought my Yacht i got the one i wanted...

It didn't come in a bag that would randomly give me either a canoe or a yacht.

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No matter where the "reasonableness bar" is set, someone will complain it is unreasonable. The free market does not work for everything, but it works just fine for yachts and computer games.


Ok, someone will always complain. So what, there should never be any changes because you can't please everyone? Bioware could still make improvements that will benefit the community (and themselves in the long run).


I think most people out there will agree that the CM is a bit unreasonably priced. Lower the prices, make the packs more fair items of fairly equal value in a pack for example) and people will complain less and buy more.


Again, I mainly buy my stuff on the GTN but I'd be more inclined to spend money on the CM if the prices were more reasonable and the "gambling" more fair.

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You may feel it is a rant and you are entitled to your opinion ((which truly is a first world problem i know))

Whether i participate is regardless. If someone has a concern great let them be concerned if you do not feel it is worthy of discussion that is fine do not discuss it move on.

When someone puts a comment on a (semi-)public discussion forum, they are opening it up to everyone. The OP is just a re-hash of the same old "CM packs are evil, greedy, cash-grab gambling!" rant.


Back when this game first started PVP gear was all a ""grab bag, Lotto, Gamble"" people complained of it as gambling. Sure it wasn't money but you had to play your warzones spend your time. Then spend your Comms*money** and Hope that you get what you want.

You mean people were forced to spend time playing a game they paid money to be able to spend time playing? That's outrageous.


People were upset at that. Oh and Look they changed it because of Forum Outcry.

That had nothing to do with making money. CM packs are about making money,. It's all cosmetic. And as noted, you can just buy exactly what you want off the GTN anyway.

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So "gambling" is perfectly moral, except when you don't like the odds?

It's not just me, have you missed all the "OMG I BOUGHT A HYPERCRATE PACK AND GOT NOTHING! F@@K!" threads?


Personally I've spent about 10 dollars worth of cc. Didn't get anything I liked, shrugged, moved on, forgot about it. But then I resubbed and I've been shopping on the GTN and the prices are starting to bother me. Plus people moan often enough.


Seriously, the CM has a lot of potential to be something really positive. Right now people who don't play the game only hear that it's a cash grab. Some good press couldn't hurt.

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Oh look, a new topic.


Fact: Gambling is legally defined and heavily regulated.


Fact: The Cartel Packs, Magic The Gathering Cards, Baseball Cards, etc, do not fall under these regulations.


Using "gambling" in the colloquial sense is really up to the subjective opinion of the user. Stating something is a fact does nothing to prove or disprove it is.


This is 100% correct. Is there an element of randomness or chance in buying a CM pack and what contents you get out of it? Yes, absolutely. Duhhh. Do the CM packs fall under the legal definition of "gambling" as far as the law is concerned? Absolutely not.


It's no different than buying a pack of baseball cards. Do these people know how long baseball cards have been around? CM packs aren't going anywhere. All this gambling addiction stuff is nonsense. Gamblers get a rush from winning money and will bet on any and everything to win money. It doesn't matter whether it's blackjack or poker or horse racing or lotteries or tiddlywinks. Money is money. By contrast, the items from CM packs have no monetary value and no actual perceived value to anyone outside of this game. There are people playing this game who are obsessed with collecting all the gear/items and all the achievements who do not have the slightest gambling problem. There are also people all around the world who have gambling problems that don't have the slightest interest in this game or getting Revan's Sash in a CM pack. Frankly, this gambling addiction talk has been nothing but an obviously transparent agenda by some people who think they can convince BW to do away with packs because they want to buy stuff directly without having to do it through packs.

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Yea, pretty much. I just think most of the items are unreasonably priced and people don't have the self-restraint from stopping themselves from spending stupid amounts of money. And EA profits from this, which is their goal anyway, but that doesn't make it right.


I think a compromise is in order. EA continues to make money, people are more happy and criticize the CM less.


Remove the right vs. wrong and I agree. I think most of the stuff is overpriced and I don't like the idea of spending money for random items that I may or may not want. I'd prefer that I could buy it outright. This is why I buy the things I want from the GTN instead of getting packs. I wish that people wouldn't pay for things like this and cash-in DLC that are held back purposefully to charge extra, even though they add minimal play time.


However I can't and won't try to determine how others should spend their money, and how companies sell their products (as long as it's within the law). I will simply choose to exercise my consumer right to not purchase it.

Edited by MillionsKNives
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When someone puts a comment on a (semi-)public discussion forum, they are opening it up to everyone. The OP is just a re-hash of the same old "CM packs are evil, greedy, cash-grab gambling!" rant.


It's only an old rant because so many people have complained before. You don't think the CM can be improved?


Imagine a CM where people were glad they spent money and got exactly what they wanted instead of moaning and complaining all the time about having to buy a bunch of packs and not getting what they want.

Edited by Blackholeskipper
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Yea, pretty much. I just think most of the items are unreasonably priced and people don't have the self-restraint from stopping themselves from spending stupid amounts of money. And EA profits from this, which is their goal anyway, but that doesn't make it right.


I think a compromise is in order. EA continues to make money, people are more happy and criticize the CM less.


Ah, most players do not have adequate self restraint so we need to step in and help them? My wife complains all the time about the excessive (in her view) amount of time I play this game. I am sure she would like EA to put in some mechanism to help me with my self restraint.


The grab bag concept is something a capitalist economy encourages and it is here to stay. Prices in the Cartel Market will continue to rise because people happily pay the prices. Expecting most any company (and especially those at EA) to change a successful and legal business model to "help those without self-restraint" is unrealistic.


We could talk about weekly/monthly limits on CC purchases, but I am sure that numerous players would be strongly opposed to that. I am not sure what else you could do.

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It's no different than buying a pack of baseball cards. Do these people know how long baseball cards have been around? CM packs aren't going anywhere. All this gambling addiction stuff is nonsense. Gamblers get a rush from winning money and will bet on any and everything to win money.

Actually, I think gamblers get that rush from the anticipation of winning.


It's only an old rant because so many people have complained before. You don't think the CM can be improved?

Works fine for me. Seems to work fine for most people. It is ...


... just a game.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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When someone puts a comment on a (semi-)public discussion forum, they are opening it up to everyone. The OP is just a re-hash of the same old "CM packs are evil, greedy, cash-grab gambling!" rant.



You mean people were forced to spend time playing a game they paid money to be able to spend time playing? That's outrageous.



That had nothing to do with making money. CM packs are about making money,. It's all cosmetic. And as noted, you can just buy exactly what you want off the GTN anyway.



The OP a Rehash?!

If you had bothered to read, he never called for the DEATH or ENDING of the CM. On the contrary he just recognized that packs in general are a form of gambling. Which IMHO and others feel the same way. He asked that EA/BW adjust their business practices with warnings.


Read his post for what it is. Not what you think it is please.


Now as a community some are nay saying and others are agreeing.


As well as others are coming up with ideas that would make it less like a gamble and more of a PAY for what you want. Get What you want deal. Which is a lot more sensible, practical, and again imho legitimate.



I was using the PVP gear packs as an example of poor business. People were upset and did not appreciate gambling their time and comms for something they may or may not get. Which is similar to the CM Packs.

We should pay for what we want. I payed 15$ for my sub to swtor to play swtor.

I don't pay 15$ for a chance to play swtor and hopefully get it play it....

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It's only an old rant because so many people have complained before. You don't think the CM can be improved?


Imagine a CM where people were glad they spent money and got exactly what they wanted instead of moaning and complaining all the time about having to buy a bunch of packs and not getting what they want.


Sure, it could certainly be improved to my tastes, but they're here to make money, not to cater to me. If they think they get the best returns from how it's structured now, and I'm guessing their numbers agree, then that's how they'll sell it.

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