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Laser Cannons - Time to rethink mechanics?


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As far as I can tell with the game mechanics at the moment. In order to hit a target with laser cannons you need to have the crosshairs over the aiming reticule for about half a second to a second until the crosshairs focus and the target starts to take hits.


This means that unless the target is flying straight or stationary, chances are you'll be chasing the target like a cat going after a laser pointer as it flashes across the screen and you'll hit absolutely nothing while laser bolts visibly fly through both you and the enemy.


If you're stuck in a close range dogfight you'll get a fraction of a second to target the enemy as you roll past each other and there's no time to hit anything, or if you're chasing someone around a satellite you'll not have the time to target and hit the enemy if they hug the satellite too closely.


I think this mechanic needs to be updated to be like the Railgun. If the mouse pointer goes over the targeting reticule you should start to do hits immediately (assuming no evasion of course)

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Could also be weapon type. Even though they have lower DPS, I've noticed that I get kills more often and much easier using lasers that fire faster. I tried quad lasers, which are supposed to be among the best for damage output and accuracy (for scouts, at least), and I couldnt kill anyone with them. Rapid fire lasers seem to do much better.


So, I dont think it's so much that you need a half second to lock your lasers on, I think it's that the travel time and interval between shots causes your aim to be off by more than the aiming reticule or your intuition says it should be.


I've been trying the rapid fire lasers lately, which have a shotgun/scattergun effect, and they seem to hit fairly well. Unfortunately the damage is severely lacking.

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As far as I can tell with the game mechanics at the moment. In order to hit a target with laser cannons you need to have the crosshairs over the aiming reticule for about half a second to a second until the crosshairs focus and the target starts to take hits.


This means that unless the target is flying straight or stationary, chances are you'll be chasing the target like a cat going after a laser pointer as it flashes across the screen and you'll hit absolutely nothing while laser bolts visibly fly through both you and the enemy.


If you're stuck in a close range dogfight you'll get a fraction of a second to target the enemy as you roll past each other and there's no time to hit anything, or if you're chasing someone around a satellite you'll not have the time to target and hit the enemy if they hug the satellite too closely.


I think this mechanic needs to be updated to be like the Railgun. If the mouse pointer goes over the targeting reticule you should start to do hits immediately (assuming no evasion of course)


I cant agree to this,


Each Laser has an RPM so if you are shooting at the moment your crosshair is at the enemy you hit (except of dogfights within 900 meter range) i had hits instant after pressing mousbutton cause my crosshair was at the target at this moment so as i said i cant agree to this.


The only thing i dont understand is hitting enemys within 900 meter range....

If your Crosshair is at the target you dont hit but if your fokus (your ships is looking directly to the enemy) is at the target and you shoot you will often hit.

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Could also be weapon type. Even though they have lower DPS, I've noticed that I get kills more often and much easier using lasers that fire faster. I tried quad lasers, which are supposed to be among the best for damage output and accuracy (for scouts, at least), and I couldnt kill anyone with them. Rapid fire lasers seem to do much better.


So, I dont think it's so much that you need a half second to lock your lasers on, I think it's that the travel time and interval between shots causes your aim to be off by more than the aiming reticule or your intuition says it should be.


I've been trying the rapid fire lasers lately, which have a shotgun/scattergun effect, and they seem to hit fairly well. Unfortunately the damage is severely lacking.


totally agree to this except of the point that rapid is better than quad xp

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Might be worth me going back through a few of my recorded matches and checking.

Been in a situation where I parked 500M behind a gunship and opened fire with it taking a second or so before damage started registering.

Maybe I'll put a vid up later comparing quad and rapid fire on my scout.

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It could also be an issue of lag, perhaps? The server thinks the enemy ship is at position x, but you see it at position y and aim there instead, so it things you're shooting at y where no target appears. If y ou have hire rate of fire, you will likely sweep over a lager area and may hit both x and y durnig that time, so some shots will hit.


This is usually not such a big issue in usual MMO combat mechanics because your just picking a target with your mouse once and then the computer does all of the "aiming".

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Could also be weapon type. Even though they have lower DPS, I've noticed that I get kills more often and much easier using lasers that fire faster. I tried quad lasers, which are supposed to be among the best for damage output and accuracy (for scouts, at least), and I couldnt kill anyone with them. Rapid fire lasers seem to do much better.


So, I dont think it's so much that you need a half second to lock your lasers on, I think it's that the travel time and interval between shots causes your aim to be off by more than the aiming reticule or your intuition says it should be.


I've been trying the rapid fire lasers lately, which have a shotgun/scattergun effect, and they seem to hit fairly well. Unfortunately the damage is severely lacking.


It's the same with strike fighters. I find that on the star guard, I hit easier, albeit weaker, with rapid fire weapons than on the quad laser...

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So when you guys do this do you check your ranges? Anything outside 3750m w/ quads is most likely missing. That's also why Rapidfire works "better". Range is closer, and it has a higher RPMS that it can be shot at giving the player a more real and tactile response from the weapon.
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I think there's a few things going on here.


First, the aim point is not anywhere inside the lead indicator. It is the very center of it. You've gotta bullseye the thing. With slower firing weapons, it's far easier to hit on one side of the bullseye, then the other side with the second shot. I personally like rapid fire because it gives faster feedback for when I'm on target, and when I trail off of it.


Then there's the aiming penalty. The further off of dead center in your screen, the lower your accuracy. This is actually very harsh, and you'll quickly find your accuracy hits 0% even before the large circle. ( It's definitely 0 outside of that, as that is the limited firing arc. ) Because of this, when I roll up on unsuspecting gunships, I don't start firing immediately. Iget them dead center, within 500m to max damage and accuracy. Then I cut loose, shredding them in about 2 seconds.


In circle fights, you have to out turn your oponent, aim for center, and unload as they come into view. This is very difficult, and the best outcome is really just that they think someone is behind them and they have to flee. Once they flee you can pick them off. The actual best solution to circles though is that a friend does come by and destroys them. So: If you're in a circle with friends around, keep circling. If enemies are around though, you need to break away before they get a bead on you.

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I think there's a few things going on here.


First, the aim point is not anywhere inside the lead indicator. It is the very center of it.



Then there's the aiming penalty. The further off of dead center in your screen, the lower your accuracy.




Quads are devastating at close ranges where the cursor fits inside the lead indicator ~ but you still have to aim for center.

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Then there's the aiming penalty. The further off of dead center in your screen, the lower your accuracy. This is actually very harsh, and you'll quickly find your accuracy hits 0% even before the large circle. ( It's definitely 0 outside of that, as that is the limited firing arc. ) Because of this, when I roll up on unsuspecting gunships, I don't start firing immediately. Iget them dead center, within 500m to max damage and accuracy. Then I cut loose, shredding them in about 2 seconds.


This and evasion are primarily the problem mechanics with lasers. Some lasers have brutal penalties once you get more than a few degrees off center, once you factor in evasion (which lowers the accuracy stat further) you can quickly hit 0% accuracy being only a few minor degrees off center.


Now i get that they ported accuracy/evasion (dodge) from the ground game but let's be honest this isn't a RNG game mode that relies on character stats, this is a twitch game mode that depends on player reflexes to determine success.


To some extent accuracy makes sense (in twitch games like Battlefield you suffer accuracy penalties for movement, ROF, range etc.) but there is a good reason NO twitch game has an evasion stat: it would allow you to dodge bullets like Neo and RNG roles do not belong in twitch based games.


So the solution: rework how firing arc accuracy penalties work to be a little more forgiving and REMOVE evasion. Evasion is not well suited to a twitch game mode like GSF and really can't be fixed through nerfing. Again there is a reason twitch games don't have evasion/dodge stats and we're witnessing exactly why that is.

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It could also be an issue of lag, perhaps? The server thinks the enemy ship is at position x, but you see it at position y and aim there instead, so it things you're shooting at y where no target appears. If y ou have hire rate of fire, you will likely sweep over a lager area and may hit both x and y durnig that time, so some shots will hit.


This is usually not such a big issue in usual MMO combat mechanics because your just picking a target with your mouse once and then the computer does all of the "aiming".


This, which is BS IMO because in a fast-paced fight lag can completely torch you. I have a bloody cable business line and still have issues hitting people with lasers. And travel time... the concept of travel time for lasers is stupid, so if there IS a travel time it needs to be removed.

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