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Tracking Win% Beyond 1000 Games


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I've been using the Games Played and Overall Wins achievements to track my win percentage. I'm sure it will drop as more people become aware of the objectives and get used to the controls, but it's still fun to see how I'm doing. Unfortunately, it will be a lot harder to do after I get to 1000 games played. I'd really like to see some way to track win percentage in game beyond that mark. Even just something subtle like a meaningless 1,000,000 games played/wins achievement would work for me.


Anyone else hoping for this feature? Maybe Bioware will hook us up if enough people ask for it.

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Currently I am sitting at around 75% W/L ratio and it would be nice to see how this measures up. Although in a team based game the stat can be misleading due to how much you lift/ or are lifted.


for our server Na'bi I'd say thats about right. Mine was at 71-72% earlier today, and my first handful of games was god awful beatings lol

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This game would be better with all sorts of stat tracking, and that would form it's own little meta game (worlwide leader boards for anything that you can count!)


Short of that, you may have to track it manually. After every match just put another mark in the win or loss column.

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I would support as last week I had a bunch of wins over several days back to back, but , since two days ago its been nothing but losses I do not know what happened at all, its like all the imps on the bastion got better, even in the ground game all the pubs are having problems, I seriously do not know what happened I had a high win percentage in both up until a few days ago.
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