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Why is the Republic so dominant?


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The general theme after a week of GSF is that the Republic is overwhelmingly dominant. While I can only speak from experience on Jedi Covenant, where we are winning over 90% of matches, this seems to be the trend on many other servers as well.


This seems strange to me: It's generally understood that the Empire has an overall population advantage, and generally pvpers are more inclined to play Imperial. The Empire tends to dominate traditional pvp. So why is GSF so lopsided in the other direction? Both sides have their share of good looking and mediocre looking ships, so I don't think it's that everyone is going Republic for the looks.

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Honestly I think it has a lot to do with the ship design.


With the exception of the Sting and the gunship the Imperial ships look horrible IMHO, and honestly don't even remotely look Imperial.

I get the feeling a lot of the people one my server feel the same too, and some of the better pilots have said as much. Probably the reason most decided to be a Republic pilot. That, and to give their Pub side toons something to do.

There are a few Imp diehards though.

Edited by ObiWanJabroni
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My opinion is that it's simply the aesthetics. I also notice a LOT of same faction matches in GSF. Something I've not experienced since I PVPd on Imp side.


It's why, by and large, Imps dominated ground PVP for so long. The overall Imperial aesthetics are just cooler than the pub aesthetics.


In GSF this flipped. Imps have one good looking ship and the rest just look dumb. Pubs have 4 very good looking ships, which are very evocative of the rebel ships from the movies.

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Highly depends on the server and TZ you play in. On my server (The Progenitor) the reps and imps are almost evenly matched. Both sides have pretty good pilots. I play imperial side, and may have 3 wins in a row (though I suck at GSF myself). I noticed that Imperial team loses when there is a lot of "rambo style" solo pilots....
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Well my experience was similar, but being always on the losing side, I figured there was one common denominator and it was my fault. And since I only recently came back, I stopped playing GSF and returned to finish up leveling.


Is ti really just selective perception?


Is there a population imbalance? For GSF only?

I would say t hat I don't like the Imperial ships much, at least not the base ones. But could that be it?

Are subscription players usually playing Rep side?


Or maybe for some reason Imperial ships have larger hit boxes (is that relevant?), or are easier to recognize?

Are the maps unintentionally adantageous for the Republic side?

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Its simple really. Teamwork. However, in my experience, both sides win equal. its just when a side loses, its a major loss, because people dont understand the concept of an objective map and think its a pure deathmatch. This means a lot of players (sometimes 2-3 at a time) chase one ship 35k away from a satellite.


As an example, i had 3 scouts on me last night for 75% of the match. I only died once, but that must have frustrated them, as they kept chasing and never let up.

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I disagree, on my server it varies. During prime time Imperials tend to win more than Republic, a bit later the balance shifts the other way and very early morning it shifts back. And, at all times it is reasonably even with both sides able to win in the other side's main time.


Except when the bots start farming and the Republic lose constantly because they are down 3 or 4 players in every match.

Edited by Irongut
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The general theme after a week of GSF is that the Republic is overwhelmingly dominant. While I can only speak from experience on Jedi Covenant, where we are winning over 90% of matches, this seems to be the trend on many other servers as well.


This seems strange to me: It's generally understood that the Empire has an overall population advantage, and generally pvpers are more inclined to play Imperial. The Empire tends to dominate traditional pvp. So why is GSF so lopsided in the other direction? Both sides have their share of good looking and mediocre looking ships, so I don't think it's that everyone is going Republic for the looks.

Imps on The Shadowlands are getting smacked around too, I've won probably 3 games in 30.

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The general theme after a week of GSF is that the Republic is overwhelmingly dominant.


Which server ? On Vanjervalis Chain it is the Empire faction, in the evenings & at night at least.

I find them much more coordinated, then. It's almost as if a few premades were dropping in, all having voice chat somewhere available.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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On Prophecy this is far from true, I have nearly as many Imp vs imp matches as I do ones against Republic, and win often as an imperial, but you have good times and bad times, later last night after 10 eastern I had 4 horrible matches in a row with my team barely got 200 points , at least one of those was vs another imperial team. I have been on the flip side of those numbers as well, and in matches that are won 1000 to 970


It just depends on server, and time period and who you end up with on your team.

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I guess that would depend on the server,


my server pvpers migrated to the pub side awhile ago when all the imps quit after the ilum fiascos. I have noticed pvpers will migrate to the winning faction for the ease of kills and boosting their numbers, this happened quickly with space pvp, known imp guilds and imp raiders solely pvp pub side for the easy wins. then it starts to snowball and all the competition becomes pub vs pub matches and imps are left to horrendous teams so they quit or go pub lol


I assume it is the same on other servers whether the dominate faction is imp or pub


now why is that team that just kicked your butt so dominate... probably teamwork

Edited by Vis-Tecum
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I'm flying imp side on JC and I've noticed the same thing, its a huge pain to get people to even call out where they are going much less try to hold the satellite. Its not at all uncommon for us to have 4-6 strike fighters with 0 objective points, they are all off chasing kills and ignoring objectives. Imps have the same plight in ground pvp as well but there KILL MOAR is actually a viable tactic so its not as noticeable.


Here is an example from last night, I hopped in my blackbolt and shot off for node B along with 4 strikers. I get there first, cap, and start orbiting. I get knicked by a gunship and blast off to go shove that obnoxious railgun up his arse. I figured the fact that there were 4 other people nearby according to the map means we would hold the node. Nope. In the time it took me to boost out to the gunship we lost it. When I got done scrapping that bugger and turned around I saw a rep gunship sitting under the sattelite while all 4 of our strikers continued to chase a pair of scouts 15km above the node..... Those morons didn't even turn around when the node flipped. Had to do everything myself.

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I'm starting to notice similar trends in GSF as the ground pvp. We only hold one node? Yeah, lets have 6 guys all defending chasing that one or two scout/strikers, while the other 6 get in a single file line and proceed to get caught in 1vs4's over and over again trying to take the other two at the same time. Re spawn rinse and repeat. That's why you're seeing a lot of these lopsided scores; one team supports each other, goes in groups or pairs and doesn't try for a three cap when you can't even take one without half the team over there.


And the pubs have cooler ships. :(

Edited by Ridickilis
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I am on Jedi Covenant, and have noticed this as well. Between my toons, I have played 72 matches, with only 6 losses...all of them to other Republic squads. It seems like the pubs destroy the imps every match, and I am not sure why.


I am as well....and I play toons on both sides.....each side wins about the same.....depends on your time of day and other factors....occasionally republic dominates, then Imps dominate...then other times all the battles are within 100 points at end....


If you always play at the same time of day or on the same days, you likely are grouping yourself in a specific pool of players....

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