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Recent shadow tank nerf


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Okay troll...

Puck off.

I am not (Nor will I ever be) a bad tank of any class.

While I admit it's taking some getting used to, I am learning to manage it a bit differently.

It did do a major shift in playstyle on the class.

Also, this post got people talking about what would make it better. That's always a good thing.


One other thing: Nerfs are NOT a good thing. WoW has been nerfing classes since around 1.1. Still not balanced.




Dude, do you even KNOW what "trolling" means?


But whatever. I don't want to speak with a man, who think that his opinion is the only right.

So long, TROLL :D

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While it is a nerf for casual content, that is only when compared to how shadows were before the patch when they were far superior to the other tank classes. How exactly was that fair? The other tank classes didn't really complain much, because well, it was low-level content that doesn't really matter. All this change did is bring shadows more in line with the other tanks at every level.


In casual game there is no content that don't realty matter - that was my point.

Have 3 tanks, never seen shadow as OP on low level PvE ... but it may be due to different play stile.

PvP "balance" is one of the things that make me mad when I see it ... because it never work enough for PvP players and only thing that do is to mess and nerf PvE play.

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In casual game there is no content that don't realty matter - that was my point.

Have 3 tanks, never seen shadow as OP on low level PvE ... but it may be due to different play stile.

PvP "balance" is one of the things that make me mad when I see it ... because it never work enough for PvP players and only thing that do is to mess and nerf PvE play.


I agree. This is always the case.

PVP and PVE are always at odds with each other.

In PVP, you are trying to gain the advantage over other classes. Thus the "flavor of the month" builds. (Can also go into the "medal hunters," top end gear, etc.)

Where as PVE, is more of a cooperative effort to reach a common goal. There is still a competitive edge, but there is some cooperation built into it.

Any time you have both in a game, you will always have people that whine when they aren't as good as someone else, and that the other person/class(es)/etc. need to be nerfed.

From what I have seen of hard core PVPers, they aren't happy unless they are always on top.

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Shadows & Assassins aren't meant to have high armour rating\DR. Their advantage is in their Shield buffs & Defense Rating. They wear Medium Armour ... that can't compare to Heavy.


If you look at dark charge it gives a 130% armor increase, while Soresu form only gives a 60% armor increase. The tanking stances even out the armor disparity.

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I agree with this. I'd like to see an increase to the length of the buff, or make it faster to get to 3 stacks, because on bosses that do a lot of stuns it seems very easy to lose that 4%.


Personally, I think they should do away with the 4 stacks bs, and just make it a straight 4% mitigation bonus in one stack. It's either up or it's not. It would be more comparable to the old rotation then, for sure, and probably get some unhappy people to relax.


As the main tank a lot of other people are depending on you to get things right, so it's probably not the class to add arbitrary complications to in a rebalance. That's going to stir up some flack no matter whether you get buffed or nerfed or stay the same in performance, imo.


(That, or they could just add 4% to the talent tree somewhere, or to dark charge, and leave force lightning with only the damage boost from shock and wither, but that might just be dumbing things down a little too much.)

Edited by laughingbuddha
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The only ones this change has been good for is the 2% of Sin tanks that tank HM and NIM ops. The rest of us often only tank from 10 to 55 With crappy "healers" to boot. Taking away Our already very meager selfheal was not a good move.


I ask that you reconsider this and reinstates Our selfheal as it was before the change. Keep the armor buff if you want for the very small amount of us that goes to OPS tanking.

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I have to admit that this change makes me a little less motivated to level up my Shadow alt. Even though I understand why this change was implemented for endgame, the self heals pre-patch offered me a different way to tank (kinda like the Regen Scrapper in CoH) which was my motivation to roll a Shadow in the first place.
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Shadow protection and removal of self heals brings a benefit to the table believe it or not. When one of my guildies hits 55 on a new healer, i always get drafted to tank because for 'some reason' I am still easier to heal than guardians / vanguards. Even after removal of self heals, Shadows are easier to heal. With over 8000 armor rating and 44.45% damage reduction with shadow protection active, my shadow does an excellent job even in flashpoints where content does not hit hard. Sure, i am worse off here but better off in hard hitting operations.



At the end of the day, I worked a lot to get BIS 78 gear for NiM DF/DP and not hammer station. Sorry to sound so blunt but flashpoints are the lowest tier of content and it is a well known fact that shadows do not perform well when :


1. Low mitigation budget

2. Badly geared

3. Badly managed cooldowns

4. Re-active healers.



I stand by my point that overall this is a good change in PVE for those who do top tier endgame content. In PVP and low tier raiding, this is not so good.

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