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How to counter gunships


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Please do keep giving all these examples of how a scout can take out gunships that camp...

Please keep assuming all gunships camp...

Please keep assuming gunships are gonna be your target before you're his...


I'm just your average joe gunship pilot when I do play my gunship...

I've already told you, I'm gonna tab target till I find "any" target within 15K... and I only need 6 seconds stationary to score that kill... if I sit longer than 6 seconds, it's because I'm already targetting kill #2... while you hunter scouts are hunting gunships, he's got a much richer selection of targets... any red square will do.


All those red squares that you see, the gunship sees also... again, that's what make the gunship OP... he just needs a target, any target, to score kills... he doesn't even need to score kills... in less than 3 seconds stationary, he can take down shields and apply hull damage making that enemy a soft target for team-mates.


Nope, this is not a dogfighting game... it's an objectives game... yet it seems everytime I get anywhere near a dogfight or Satelite, I have to focus on that gunship that just potshot me... it's turning into a hunt the gunship game.

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Please do keep giving all these examples of how a scout can take out gunships that camp...

Please keep assuming all gunships camp...

Please keep assuming gunships are gonna be your target before you're his...


I'm just your average joe gunship pilot when I do play my gunship...

I've already told you, I'm gonna tab target till I find "any" target within 15K... and I only need 6 seconds stationary to score that kill... if I sit longer than 6 seconds, it's because I'm already targetting kill #2... while you hunter scouts are hunting gunships, he's got a much richer selection of targets... any red square will do.


All those red squares that you see, the gunship sees also... again, that's what make the gunship OP... he just needs a target, any target, to score kills... he doesn't even need to score kills... in less than 3 seconds stationary, he can take down shields and apply hull damage making that enemy a soft target for team-mates.


Nope, this is not a dogfighting game... it's an objectives game... yet it seems everytime I get anywhere near a dogfight or Satelite, I have to focus on that gunship that just potshot me... it's turning into a hunt the gunship game.


If a gunship is stationary and glowing its a target in my book I don't care if its for 6 seconds or 60 seconds, if I see it I can kill it. Only time I ever had trouble killing a gunship or driving it off was when he had a strike fighter out there with him doing nothing but taking on people going for the gunship.


If the gunship is not camping and is flying around using main guns that's even better in my book since they cant keep up with other ships in maneuverability. If you are flying around and occasionally taking a rail gun shot at near max range from people dogfighting sure you will get some kills, but if you get noticed you are still just as dead and its no different then me pickling off a few missiles at the guys dog fighting 7km away, or sweeping in from the side on my scout with 2 guys dodging each other and dealing a ton of quick damage changing that outcome of that fight.


There is no balance issue, and no need to counter a gunship using his gunship like a fighter because its just a fighter then, you only need to do something special against someone using the rail gun at a distance and its easy to do on a scout. If they are flying into the furball and then using rail gun every so often they are even easier targets. If they are moving after each shot, its still not hard to follow them and chase them off or kill them. tab target and boost out to them and start shooting or just get in position and wait for them to charge and as soon as they start to charge unload on them.

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I think the bright mist that surrounds them is enough. A noise would be to much, and make them stick out like a sore thumb, in essence destroying their viability as a Sniper.


Just see my above post for tips on avoiding being the Sniped.


Your tips are spot on! I'm just trying to see what others would like to see happen. I enjoy sneaking up on them and destroying them :)

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If a gunship is stationary and glowing its a target in my book I don't care if its for 6 seconds or 60 seconds, if I see it I can kill it. Only time I ever had trouble killing a gunship or driving it off was when he had a strike fighter out there with him doing nothing but taking on people going for the gunship.


If the gunship is not camping and is flying around using main guns that's even better in my book since they cant keep up with other ships in maneuverability. If you are flying around and occasionally taking a rail gun shot at near max range from people dogfighting sure you will get some kills, but if you get noticed you are still just as dead and its no different then me pickling off a few missiles at the guys dog fighting 7km away, or sweeping in from the side on my scout with 2 guys dodging each other and dealing a ton of quick damage changing that outcome of that fight.


There is no balance issue, and no need to counter a gunship using his gunship like a fighter because its just a fighter then, you only need to do something special against someone using the rail gun at a distance and its easy to do on a scout. If they are flying into the furball and then using rail gun every so often they are even easier targets. If they are moving after each shot, its still not hard to follow them and chase them off or kill them. tab target and boost out to them and start shooting or just get in position and wait for them to charge and as soon as they start to charge unload on them.


True Words. Gunships trying to Dogfight? Lol.... I do my team a favor, and I LOOK for Gunships to harass. Do I sacrifice anything in doing that? Not at all.


Like I mentioned before, look at my previous tips. They work for Strikers too, not just Scouts (Although the extra Speed of a Scout helps tremendously.)


And I'm glad my tips helped you TUXs!

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here is how to counter a gunship: look for a big glow that is made from a gunship charging to fire its railgun, then go and take it out, sensor dampening has no effect on that glow, if you are a scout and even a strike you are faster than a gunship and have more maneuverability and taking the gunship out will not take long.
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You need to sneak up on them, and take them out fast to be assured of destroying them. Generally scouts are best at this for obvious reasons, I fly the Flashfire, and usually what I'll do is try to approach them while they're focused on someone else, or from behind.


I'll pop my targeting ability for extra accuracy, and concentrated fire for the extra crit, and, the next part is very important, I don't start shooting until I'm quite close to them, this ensures that most or all of my shots will hit them rather than missing, which allows me to do the maximum damage before they have time to react to my presence. An unskilled gunship pilot will react slowly or might not even notice they are under attack at all until they blow up, but a skilled one can often slip away from you with their crippling debuffs like interdiction drive.


Remember, though, the gunship is slow, so even if you don't manage to destroy it, forcing it to flee is still a partial victory as it will take them time to get set up again due to their slow speed, or allow someone else to destroy it since you expended its engine power and defensive abilities. Counter-sniping can be effective too, particularly if you have multiple gunships on your side, and I'd imagine that Strike Fighters would also be an effective counter if they can sneak up on them since they tend have greater, longer range firepower which would render some of the Gunship's defensive abilities ineffective.

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was there a example of how to counter gunships in this thread? and in what situations?


as in what specs / secondary are you using? how do you counter ion blasts / interdiction drives? how to track when in pursuit and they can round a corner stop on a dime and barrel roll in the complete opposite direction? how to stop gunships from running to the capital ship? best way to sneak up on a gunship with its back to cover? how long is the time to kill against fortress shielding? and how to counter gunships protecting gunships? or how you can keep pursuit with a fighter on your tail?


1. drive into them before they can snipe you.

2. open up with your primary weapon

3. keep them in your sites

4. enjoy your kills


5. defensively; los them and hang in a place they have to get closer....

6. close range on them and proceed to greeble them.


PS; in scout you dont need to sneak; you got speed that makes them look like they riding a bicycle while you are rollin in a ferrari

Edited by thegreebler
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Whatever anyone else replies, your point is correct: YOU CAN'T. Not unless you don't have anything else to do but scan for gunships.


That said, you can try to mitigate it by spending time to look for gunships as you approach an objective, but the simple fact of the matter is that if you are busy doing ANYTHING OTHER THAN LOOKING FOR GUNSHIPS, you cannot prevent being one-shotted.


That is a major issue, and it needs to be rectified. It should not be possible to one-shot someone without any warnings whatsoever.


Why not? If any ship decides they want to kill a gunship- they get an auto kill because GS are clunky blocks in space. Why shouldn't a ship that dies if you look at it be able to get one shots if you aren't?


For the GS to lose this distant, one shotting ability- they'd need a great deal of mobility to make up for their only strength.

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