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Doomsday [spoiler]


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I'm doing this mission Doomsday for my class Jedi Knight Guardian.


At the start you only get your tiny T7-01 droid. And i havent put any gear etc. on him. Still the low lvl ****.


How am i supposed to kill lvl 50 semi elites and gold elites with him ?


I cant do this mission cause of it. Buy new gear for that tiny little junk? no way, will never use him.

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This quest is insane. I worked on it last night for about 30 minutes before I gave up entirely and decided to buy gear for T7 today.


Unfortunately the server I'm on doesn't have high end droid items, so I ended up with level 30-46 droid parts. Even then I found T7 dying almost after every fight with trash mobs and semi elites. I'm 1/4th of the way there and will spend another 50k in repair costs before I give up.


I'm a sentinel with 12k hp and these mobs seem to go through my hp pretty quickly. They might as well have taken away my lightsabers, given me hot dogs for weapons, and said "May the force be with you."

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Just wait until you get to the Emperor himself. Even with T7 all geared up, he'll get pwned and so will you. I gave up on this quest entirely until they make the Emperor at least reasonably beatable via soloing or until I can find someone else on my server willing to help out.
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Yep the end boss is insane, but I was able to lure him to the stairs and use the force push to push him down, got him from 80% to 10% he teleported then to the throne room and came back with his shadows but I was able to kill him.
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This is really crazy, I followed some others advice about luring him to the stairs and force pushing him down, to get him past 50% HP, well it works until he comes back to fight you, and hits you in one move for 11k dmg =/.


This quest is no longer fun tbh, hopefully they sort this somehow, as just now its a complete joke.

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This is really crazy, I followed some others advice about luring him to the stairs and force pushing him down, to get him past 50% HP, well it works until he comes back to fight you, and hits you in one move for 11k dmg =/.


This quest is no longer fun tbh, hopefully they sort this somehow, as just now its a complete joke.

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This is unbieveable T7 is useless and ive spent all my creds giving him half decent gear and I still cannot do it.


They got people to test this before realse right? because I cannot believe noone told them this quest is too difficult :(

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Okay so this quest is officially impossible for a sentinel trying to solo it (as lore would dictate). First of all as many have said before T7 is useless. The emperor 2 shots him, and then 4 shots me. I did get lucky somehow and was able to one time get his health down to 3/4.
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I beat him as a sentinel with 12.4k hp. It wasn't easy but it can be done. My t7 had 8k hp. He was in all starting gear except for the 77k droid part on coreila. It isn't easy, anyone who says that is a liar. However it can be done with your 20min cd, a medpack and a level 36 strength stim.


I must've missed the chest though. I didn't see it but I didn't clear everything. I burned a path from the ship to the emp, rescued Kira and called it a day. Is there something good in the chest? Most of the time they just contain greens.

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I'm doing this mission Doomsday for my class Jedi Knight Guardian.


At the start you only get your tiny T7-01 droid. And i havent put any gear etc. on him. Still the low lvl ****.


How am i supposed to kill lvl 50 semi elites and gold elites with him ?


I cant do this mission cause of it. Buy new gear for that tiny little junk? no way, will never use him.


I was lucky that i had chosen Cybertech as my profession. My advice would be to ask a guildee who is cybertech to help out. You can fill 4-6 slots easily with their crafted lvl 46-50 gear, which more than prepares t-7 for the Doomsday quest.


I know it seems counterintuitive, especially for a tank class, to gear up T-7, but I think its the only option you really have.


One more piece of advice - since you are (probably) a tank, change T-7's stance from tanking to dps (cant remember the exact names of the stances). His damage goes up considerably when you do so and he lives alot longer when he isnt taunting everything in sight.


Even playing as sentinel, I chose to use T-7's dps stance. This allowed me to use the "sentinel tank/stealth/companion aggro" swap strategy. i still lost T-7 pretty fast, but it gave me the advantage I needed to finish the fight.


Like others have said here, it is very very hard and anyone saying otherwise hasnt done it.

Edited by Blaeys
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I'm disappointed how this quest is damn unbalanced.

I mean, I've been helping Sages and Shadows with their class quests and they weren't not even close as hard as this one is.

I'm a Sentinel LvL 50, never used T7 and I've gone all "***??" when I've got forced to use it instead of Doc or Kira.

I've spent a fortune trying to gear it up...Results? Same failure as before, at this point I could just go running without armors nor lightsabers.

Now, tell me how can this be done as just few have got to LvL 50 on my server and most of them are Jedi Knights.

Not to say that the "normal mobs" hits just too hard.

Like "Normal Mobs" hit like "Strong ones", "Strong ones" hit like "Elite ones", "Elite ones", hit like "champions"....If that's it, what would be the Emperor like? Would it be like facing Chuck Norris or something?

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Oh my, it took me 10+ tries, but I did it as a 50 Vigilance Guardian. I bought T7 all this corellian commendation gear and had to interrupt EVERYTHING the Emperor did.


Force Kick > Force Stasis > Force Kick > Awe > Force Push > Force Kick


With all your attacks peppered in. Had to use a medpac and all my CDs, although Call on the Force was still on it's second CD when I beat him. Painful, luckily I just got a new guild I chatted with between deaths and cooldowns!

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well this may have little to do with this topic, but here's something they REALLY need to fix in this... if you get to the part where you have to look for the emperor, but havn't reached the first check mark yet, and die, don't respawn to the medical droid, it tp's you behind the blast shields, making it impossible for you to continue the mission. Why did Bioware do this? I mean couldn't they of tped us back to the ship or something? had a droid there, and once we lower the blast shields, THEN tp to the droid that's in the temple?
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