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Rydarus' Vigilance Guardian Compedium.


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That is in reference to PvP. You keep your taunt up on someone so they get the debuff to their damage if they attack anyone other than you.


For PvE, you'd use it if a tank dies and something needs to be picked up. You'd switch to soresu and pop a taunt.

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That is in reference to PvP. You keep your taunt up on someone so they get the debuff to their damage if they attack anyone other than you.


For PvE, you'd use it if a tank dies and something needs to be picked up. You'd switch to soresu and pop a taunt.


Ok I just saw references to "keeping people on taunt" and thought I was missing something. I've had fun with the AoE taunt and Saber Reflect vs a mob of ranged enemies but thought maybe I was missing a key part of Guardian play.


Kind of sucks that the only character I really like and want to play is currently considered to be so bad in the game.

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Well it isn't "Bad" as you think of it. Its just not competitive in the highest tier of PVE. Every class in this game is usable in about 90 percent of content. The last 10 percent is the hardest of hardest core PVE and PVP, and that is where the spec needs help in.


As a new player to SWTOR (signed on 12/14) with a fresh 55 it seems all the endgame content/talk on here makes it seem as if you are an unwanted class. I really couldn't care less about PvP now that I'm 55, I just used it for daily XP before. The talk of not being wanted in Operations is what I think is kind of a downer, I want to get all the best gear.

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I think you are slightly misunderstanding this, we are FINE for the average operation. We are viable for story and hard mode. Its the highest echelons of operation, the nightmares and the new nightmares that WILL be coming out eventually that are the problem, because when doing something at that difficulty, at the moment the guardian is holding the team back due to randomness of the spec.


For a Story mode, a blind hobo could do it with any class. You will be fine. Hard mode, if you are competent and the group knows you can bring the goods, you can get on the team. For a Nightmare, you better be a *********** great guardian, and even then you'd probably be better rolling around in a Sentinel or operative.

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Also tanking is solid. You are not a burden in that department. There are some very minimal complaints that I have, but if you're a good tank the class won't hold you back. All of the levels of operations will be available for you. As for DPS. You're gonna have some trouble with nightmare. It's doable in nightmare (I did it for most of TFB/SnV and all NiM before that), but the margin of error is razor thin.
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What is the best way to get the 110% accuracy? Initiative enhancements?


I'm getting closer to being in all 72 gear (my relics are still lv 50 equippables though) and need mostly enhancements. Just 1 or 2 mods and 1 might armoring short and don't want to augment gear I will be swapping out still (relics, implants, earpiece). So far I've settled on or already have:


Adanced Might hilt in mainhand with +41 power crystal. same crystal in offhand

Advanced Might armorings in every armoring slot

Advanced Deft Mod 31s in every mod slot


And then the tricky part...........enhancements. Right now every slot has an Advanced Adept Enhancement 28, with a few 31s thrown in. Now I know I need accuracy and my implants and earpiece are straight str/end/pow/surge. I see that many recommend Initiative enhancements to get the accuracy requirements. Is the desired mix 3 Adepts and 4 Initiatives?


Also it seems going from 28/66 to 31/72 gear is long and/or expensive and my relative strength isn't really going up by much.

Edited by Kain_Turinbar
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all your enhs should be initiative and adept, period. If you cannot afford them in the 31 tier get the 28 initiatives and work your way up. the 28 adepts are alright but horrifyingly low on surge and getting the 78 surge enhs from vendor will be better in the short term until you can get the adepts
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