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Premades in GSF


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Premades in GSF are even worse than premades in the regular game. If you have a group of 4 players who have voice communication and are consistently queing together they have a MASSIVE advantage over any pugs because for starters they are going to have 3 other pilots they know and can coordinate with, and for continuation they can actually call when a node gets pushed. In GSF its not possible to call as a pug, you'll crash or get shot down while doing it.


But hold on, this isn't a "NERF PREMADES NAAAAUW!!!" thread. This is a request for a function to help pug players communicate. Could bioware please include buttons 5-7 with the following simply voiceover broadcasts that everyone on your team gets "Node A being attacked", "Node B being attacked", "Node C being attacked". This would help a TON.

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Premades in GSF are even worse than premades in the regular game. If you have a group of 4 players who have voice communication and are consistently queing together they have a MASSIVE advantage over any pugs because for starters they are going to have 3 other pilots they know and can coordinate with, and for continuation they can actually call when a node gets pushed. In GSF its not possible to call as a pug, you'll crash or get shot down while doing it.


But hold on, this isn't a "NERF PREMADES NAAAAUW!!!" thread. This is a request for a function to help pug players communicate. Could bioware please include buttons 5-7 with the following simply voiceover broadcasts that everyone on your team gets "Node A being attacked", "Node B being attacked", "Node C being attacked". This would help a TON.


wouldn't matter its not about sat capping its ganging up for kills, watch the guys with the highest kills they travel in groups of 2 - 3 and hunt down single targets


I don't think there is anyway to get pugs to help each other out because if you have 2 guys on your tail you are never going to get the drop on both of them unless someone helps out. every dog fighting movie will tell you the same including han saving luke and you will never get that coordination from pugs


it might help removing group queue all together or only putting group queues matched with group queues but there is still the chance that they will be randomly thrown together but I would be all for it if it meant at least some variety in the teams I get matched against especially if there is some mechanic to prevent the same team twice


sure group queues would never pop but if people don't want to wait for group queues then they can always queue solo

Edited by Vis-Tecum
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Premades in GSF are even worse than premades in the regular game. If you have a group of 4 players who have voice communication and are consistently queing together they have a MASSIVE advantage over any pugs because for starters they are going to have 3 other pilots they know and can coordinate with, and for continuation they can actually call when a node gets pushed. In GSF its not possible to call as a pug, you'll crash or get shot down while doing it.


But hold on, this isn't a "NERF PREMADES NAAAAUW!!!" thread. This is a request for a function to help pug players communicate. Could bioware please include buttons 5-7 with the following simply voiceover broadcasts that everyone on your team gets "Node A being attacked", "Node B being attacked", "Node C being attacked". This would help a TON.


I have thought on this a few times actually and it would be a really good idea, sound awesome, and save losing precious defensive time typing it into chat where it may well get missed due to furious action....I like this.


Winning teams are tending to flood together moving and taking everything AND you are told turrets are going, losing a base or whatever and can see them being turned but as an extra this would seem a really really good idea I like it.

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I sometimes see groups of 3-4, often 4, imperials (I exclusively play on republic side) travelling to places, almost like locusts. The swarm gets a satellite, holds it until it has 3 turrets, then moves on.


They are also very quick in travelling from satellite to satellite.


When this locust swarm is there, then the game is almost lost. They are very, very quick in re-taking a satellite, because they act coordinated like a swarm (maybe under the influence of TS, Skype or similar tools) and it's always almost the full swarm arriving there. 2-3 attacking 1 starfighter is very easy - for them.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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The 5 - 7 buttons would only work to an extent. Back on TC I wondered about how much pre-mades were going to affect the games, I honestly thought it would be less then they do in warzone , but I was a bit wrong, at least for now.


But in my opinion is that it affects both sides. If you pop over to the Harbinger boards you will even see that Republic dominates pvp ground and now space and that seems to be where all the pre-mades are (I have yet to see a coordinated Imperial pre-made except maybe once) . I mainly play republic and for the first day and a half it was fine, not a lot of pre-mades if any but then it seemed like every match had one and it got...boring I felt like I wasn't even contributing at that point, things were captured or dead before I got to them. Where now I pretty much only fly Imp (Although I will still do the daily on my rep), sure may win-loss is probably 50% but at least it is somewhat more entertaining.


Anyways I am veering slightly offtopic, back to the buttons. Like I said it would assist but not enough to counteract it. As some of the others in this thread have said, the amount of killing a pre-made can do is insane. The most common composition I see is 2 gunships + 2 non-gunships (mixture of scouts and SF) and it is brutal when you get by one gunship you are usually immediately being chased down by the 2 non-gunships making for quick deaths. Like I said its boring or irritating for both sides in my experience.


I liked the recommendation I saw about putting groups vs groups but I doubt it will happen anytime soon.

Edited by BardaTheHobo
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Coordinated play and team work being superior to random players playing randomly. Who would have guessed? :rolleyes:


Come on guys... if there was ever an environment where coordinated play and teamwork should pay dividends to players... it's in squadron style play in free flight space combat.


This is the way it should be IMO. Play appropriate tactics and teamwork and thrive. GSF is not for rogue play IMO.

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Coordinated play and team work being superior to random players playing randomly. Who would have guessed? :rolleyes:


Come on guys... if there was ever an environment where coordinated play and teamwork should pay dividends to players... it's in squadron style play in free flight space combat.


This is the way it should be IMO. Play appropriate tactics and teamwork and thrive. GSF is not for rogue play IMO.

+5 ... though the team-oriented rogue player can still get a feel for what everyone else is doing and plug role holes.


Personally, I think adding a built-in voice comm system would help fix that. It wouldn't altogether alleviate teamwork issues arising from non-communication, but it would provide a centralized voice chat channel that anyone could use if they chose. If nothing else, it would help diminish not being able to communicate in real time with teammates as a reason for lack of contribution.


Ya, it could get chaotic, but eventually a leader would emerge and real-time coordination become possible on a broad scale. Might even see players group up for extended play sessions ... kinda what I envision an MMO being all about.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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+5 ... though the team-oriented rogue player can still get a feel for what everyone else is doing and plug role holes.


Personally, I think adding a built-in voice comm system would help fix that. It wouldn't altogether alleviate teamwork issues arising from non-communication, but it would provide a centralized voice chat channel that anyone could use if they chose. If nothing else, it would all but eliminate not being able to communicate in real time with teammates as a reason for lack of contribution.


Ya, it could get chaotic, but eventually a leader would emerge and real-time coordination become possible on a broad scale. Might even see players group up for extended play sessions ... kinda what I envision an MMO being all about.


Thing is.. they could put in a voice channel.. and then people would be complaining about dip-dunks abusing it and clogging it with mindless nonsense and arrogance. I'm pretty sure random rogue players would be the worst offenders too. Real teams (ie: friends or guild mates) are likely already using an internet voice channel anyway.


GSF is designed to encourage organized and persistent team play, NOT PUGs, IMO. Personally, I like it that way too.

Edited by Andryah
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Thing is.. they could put in a voice channel.. and then people would be complaining about dip-dunks abusing it and clogging it with mindless nonsense and arrogance. I'm pretty sure random rogue players would be the worst offenders too. Real teams (ie: friends or guild mates) are likely already using an internet voice channel anyway.


GSF is designed to encourage organized and persistent team play, NOT PUGs, IMO. Personally, I like it that way too.

Great point. The possibility of getting a nerd-raging teen who got dumped on their first date and chose to take it out on a bunch of 1s and 0s in general voice chat exists. So the system would need a way for player to mute another player if they were being a schmuck a'la ignore in text chat. I personally would have no issue with "air hogs" if the ability to mute them was available. Edited by GalacticKegger
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So the system would need a way for player to mute another player if they were being a schmuck a'la ignore in text chat. I personally would have no issue with "air hogs" if the ability to mute them was available.




A vote_2_mute feature would take care of that nicely. :)

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The problem with in-game voice chat is that


a) it is usually worse than a standalone client, and

b) people have to usually opt-in to use it.


Remember WoW's voice chat? The one that lagged a ton and nobody ever used because it was rubbish?


My issue is that if a voice channel is going to be awful and/or slow down the game, then it's really not cost-effective to implement it.


IDK, I haven't played any MMO that implemented a voice chat effectively except for EvE (and EvE is the black sheep of MMOs, so it figures lol)


If BW could come up with a voice chat that worked properly and was roughly as good as mumble I'd be all for it. Heck, even if it was ventrilo-quality it'd be a good addition.


I just don't want them sinking dev time into something that nobody will use, is all.

Edited by Beslley
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The problem with in-game voice chat is that


a) it is usually worse than a standalone client, and

b) people have to usually opt-in to use it.


Remember WoW's voice chat? The one that lagged a ton and nobody ever used because it was rubbish?


My issue is that if a voice channel is going to be awful and/or slow down the game, then it's really not cost-effective to implement it.


IDK, I haven't played any MMO that implemented a voice chat effectively except for EvE (and EvE is the black sheep of MMOs, so it figures lol)


If BW could come up with a voice chat that worked properly and was roughly as good as mumble I'd be all for it. Heck, even if it was ventrilo-quality it'd be a good addition.


I just don't want them sinking dev time into something that nobody will use, is all.

I have both Vent & TS, and didn't think I'd need anything else until I ran instances in LotRO where I am unguilded. (Been playing since beta and never hooked up with a guild long term that tripped my trigger.) Regardless, their built-in voice chat sucks quality-wise ... but it works and allows groups to step outside their guild's proprietary VC box and communicate in real time with other players. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Could bioware please include buttons 5-7 with the following simply voiceover broadcasts that everyone on your team gets "Node A being attacked", "Node B being attacked", "Node C being attacked". This would help a TON.


not a bad idea, but that funcionality already exists on your own end.



Edited by Arlanon
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  • 3 weeks later...
No. What they NEED to do is make it so that pre-mades will only be queued with and against other pre-mades, and pubs will only be queued with pubs. That way, pubs can't be screwed over, and pre-mades can't get an easy win. However, it would still allow coordinated team play. That is the only correct answer.
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No. What they NEED to do is make it so that pre-mades will only be queued with and against other pre-mades, and pubs will only be queued with pubs. That way, pubs can't be screwed over, and pre-mades can't get an easy win. However, it would still allow coordinated team play. That is the only correct answer.


I don't think I would want a system like that. Now if the system *prioritized* placing premades against premades, but just threw them in with the PUG if none was available, I wouldn't mind.


I miss EVE voice chat. I hate having to run an extra program just to communicate with my team. I may be old-fashioned, but I think everything I need to play the game should be included *in* the game.

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"Premades"... this has got to be one of the silliest complaints i have ever seen... why on earth would someone go into a team oriented game and complain about people forming teams, to complain about organized teams defeats the whole purpose of having a team oriented game...

they're called Wingmen for a reason and you have to trust your wingman will be there when you need them and not flying off in the opposite direction plying Lone Wolf McCloud completely ignoring any objective to increase their kill count... i often wish i had a squadron i could rely on as opposed to these reckless cowboys with no concept of strategy i keep getting stuck with in PuGs...

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OP is asking for ways to better coordinate with PUGmates. Not everyone has the time or inclination to want to form up a group and load up TeamSpeak every time they want to do a little pew pew. You are exactly right in stating that GSF is a team-oriented game. I think most people would be happy if there were some features built into the game that actually allowed that.



Edited by Svarthrafn
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ok, with that i'll agree, it is sometimes frustrating when you're the only one guarding a node and a small team heads right for you with a gunship sniping from off the side, and you barely have the time to type out "Support on C" or something to that affect, and you're lucky if your team sees it, with all the combat data mixed into the chat...
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I like the idea of having single button activated vocal commands available...perhaps in the voice of the person that gives the pre-mission briefing?


Use the preference editor to allow people to keybind the various commands to unused GSF keys and have a series of options for the vocal cues.


It would be nice to be able to quickly coordinate attack and defense outside of voice chat since even pre-made groups are only half or a third of the total number of pilots in a match.

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There's a pre-made on The Bastion. They have 2 Gunships, 1 Scout, and 1 SF at every base. You can't get anywhere near them.


I wonder how they do this at every base. On my server, we've tried to queue as an op of 8 players several times. On each occasion, we do not end up together, rather each group of 4 from the ops group gets pulled either a) into a different battle or b) into the same battle on the other side (pub vs. pub). We tried queueing all night, I think a total of 5 or 6 matches, we never ended up together on the same side in the same battle even once. Each time we were split onto different teams or into a different battle. Which was pretty funny--we were all on voice chat together while fighting against each other. :p


Can't say I'm complaining about it--if a guild were able to queue in groups of 12 with voice communication they instantly own every single match unless the opposing team was also coordinated and on voice. 12 v. 12 with TWO voice communicating teams would be an absolute thrill though!

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I wonder how they do this at every base. On my server, we've tried to queue as an op of 8 players several times. On each occasion, we do not end up together, rather each group of 4 from the ops group gets pulled either a) into a different battle or b) into the same battle on the other side (pub vs. pub). We tried queueing all night, I think a total of 5 or 6 matches, we never ended up together on the same side in the same battle even once. Each time we were split onto different teams or into a different battle. Which was pretty funny--we were all on voice chat together while fighting against each other. :p


Can't say I'm complaining about it--if a guild were able to queue in groups of 12 with voice communication they instantly own every single match unless the opposing team was also coordinated and on voice. 12 v. 12 with TWO voice communicating teams would be an absolute thrill though!


GSF only allows a premade group of 4 in. So your quoted post is lying.

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