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Sorc idea from a noob sorc


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As the title implies, I have a few idea's on how to make sorcs a little more viable in some content and I would like to see what my home server thinks about my ideas.


Starting off I would like to see consumption removed from the game, I know this might sound terrible but it is a terrible idea for content like arenas and other things that you have no room to waste a gcd that hurts yourself just to get a moderate amount of force back. That being said I would like for them to instead add a 15-30% buff to our force regen and make it more closely resemble the sin system but not enough to be game breaking just enough to know you wont be sitting there forever waiting to get your force back. For healers I would would suggest that instead of the somewhat useless increase from innervate to consumption be replaced with a buff that makes dark heal, heal for 30% more and become instant meaning it would increase 33% off cast and 10% to heal each stack. I believe this would help with our single target healing without taking away from our aoe healing. If the dark heal buff becomes to much then it could be taken down to a lower number. I believe it would most likely make dark heal, heal about the same as dark infusion but have a slightly higher cost. This however would make it so you could use the 60% bonus to its crit on this abilites that you get from resurgance. This might become over powered but could possibly be fixed by some adjustment made to the dps buff from the force surge stacks.


Just some of my ideas, helpful responses are appreciated, if this goes down well on this server i will repost it on the class forums and hope for the best.


With great respect~Ryshaz

Edited by windogie
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The best suggestion I can think of to make Sorcs more viable is to make it so when you use consumption that it immediately returns 2% of your current health as force. This would allow the feeling of not killing yourself in PVP yet still be killable, further more in PVE in long fights the force management will be more bearable.
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The best suggestion I can think of to make Sorcs more viable is to make it so when you use consumption that it immediately returns 2% of your current health as force. This would allow the feeling of not killing yourself in PVP yet still be killable, further more in PVE in long fights the force management will be more bearable.


Yeah I agree with that or something close to that. Consumption just needs some work and idk what for sure but i do know it needs work.

This is just how i would feel comfy with since I play shadow, but would be sad to see consumption go to be honest the free heals for killing yourself in wzs haha.

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An idea I saw a while back was that instead of Madness parasitism/Death Field returning HP, It'd return Force instead. I think it's a great idea, personally.

That would work for madness spec and I love the idea but it still leaves heal spec in the same spot as it was which is where you can heal the damage (or cant) but then run out of force and have to kill yourself or neglect your team and they die. Whereas operatives can get their energy back by using a channel. Maybe you get a tiny refund from your heals. That might help some but I am not sure it would work.

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