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PvP Community Event with your Host Pacifism


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Hi everyone! Some of you know me as that douche bag who carries you in ranked, some of you know me as a friend, and some of you just wanna steal my girlfriend. Whatever our relationship, you are all welcome to join my improvised Community PvP Event featuring same class/same spec duels.


I will personally stream/DJ/commentate and even participate in the event. I am leaving on vacation soon so we will have to do this soon, so I am setting the date and time for next Friday afternoon or evening for some, starting at 5 pm server time or for east side hoodlums such as myself that's 8 pm EST.


There will be prizes, for the person I deem the best dueler as well as best of every class and possibly more. I'll confirm the details of this next week.


Feel free to argue about the date and time, but it seems pretty suitable to me, and this is bsically a 1 week notice for the event which should give everyone plenty of time to be available and to sign up for.


I would like there to be some organization to this event, so I would like participants to reply to the thread with what class/spec they would like to play. Use pub or imp names for your characters/specs, it doesn't matter, they are all the same and I think by now we all know the mirror name for each one.


I know there have been some duelling tournaments in the outlaws den in that big pit, but personally I think we can find a better place. I'm a PvP only kind of guy who doesn't know the game that well, so if anyone has suggestions on the location (preferably easy to film if I'm not actually in the duel, pleasurable to watch, hopefully never used before for this kind of event, and obviously easy to get to for both pubs and imps).


If you want to duel someone of a different class and/or spec, you must get approval from both me and the person you're duelling against. This is to ensure we have some quality duels, and aren't getting surprise/stupid match-ups at the last minute. You can also in-game e-mail me, please send them to my Vanguard so I can easily sort through it on one character :) Or Pacifism if you really have no pubs.


I'll end my post with the format with which I want you to enter, as well as my own entry to the event. Feel free to copy paste the following and replace it with your own info.


Toon(s) name(s): Pacifismkiller, Mdmachampion, Acidropper

Toon(s) class(es): Marauder, Sorcerer, Vanguard

Preferred spec(s): Smash, Madness, Tactics

Comment(s): I obviously approve of my own suggested day/time, and have no suggestions for the place.


Good luck, I will work on match-ups myself, but feel free to call people out as I so often do, or suggest two players that should square it off. This game is dying and I often alt+f4 and go do other stuff because of how inactive my friends/guild are, but hopefully next week we can have a good turnout and remember how fun this game is with lots of people collaborating and basically doing bioware's job. Thank you bioware development team, for making a sick game that the users then had to create all the fun in themselves, after you continually updated it with stupid content such as repetitive raids and a new form of PvP completely unrelated to the characters I spent months levelling and gearing out. Thank you so much. Poop balls.

Edited by PacifismActivist
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Names: Deal-with'it, Dazkkum

Class: Mercenary, Powertech

Specs: Pyrotech, Advanced Prototype (full, not hybrid)

Comments: I can't actually make it because i have work but I <3 you Pac and wanted to be supportive :D:p


ugh already 1 person can't make it and I wanna either change the time or host more than one event... it's either people like you have to just enjoy watching the replay and pretending you were actually there, or... I do the event more than once, OR WAIT OMG OUTLOUD THINKING AND BEST IDEA YET We could do it in a kind of brakets thing which I'm sure people want, over different days... say... Wednesday - Thursday - Friday. Only problem is I work Thursday so I'm not too down to duel when I get home at 8 server time, but I am down to film it which could workout.


What about an event that's over 3 days, next Wed Thurs Fri starting at 5 pm server (except thurs would be at 8 pm I guess because I won't be home), For this to work though we would need a lot of duelers, which opens up the doors for letting more people in, or having less same spec vs same spec duels or maybe having those first and then different ones after.

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A short time after release Maven took part in a tourney held in Nar Shaddaa. Maybe that wouldn't work anymore as I think they changed how you see enemy players and I am not sure if you can duel in there anymore. Just a thought on location. Think of some other nuetral plants both sides have easy access too that have cool locations.
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A short time after release Maven took part in a tourney held in Nar Shaddaa. Maybe that wouldn't work anymore as I think they changed how you see enemy players and I am not sure if you can duel in there anymore. Just a thought on location. Think of some other nuetral plants both sides have easy access too that have cool locations.


I was thinking Ilum , I like how it looks and it's a big wide open map and im pretty sure its an easy one to meet with people from the opposite faction

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Anywhere you can use wz medpacks.


**** you're right, some parts of ilum fall in that category right? I just dont wanna do this in outlaws den, it's too a-la-maniac


@waka be nice to maniac man he refused to be in my tournament because he knows he would get embarrassed, could breakfast please come defend him or something?

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**** you're right, some parts of ilum fall in that category right? I just dont wanna do this in outlaws den, it's too a-la-maniac


@waka be nice to maniac man he refused to be in my tournament because he knows he would get embarrassed, could breakfast please come defend him or something?


Or a-la-scold, while you were still on the harby. Don't hate on maniac, he's #1 ranked mando/merc in bastion solo Q.

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Or a-la-scold, while you were still on the harby. Don't hate on maniac, he's #1 ranked mando/merc in bastion solo Q.


that would mean ironhide is better than me... nope, just nope


go compare our group ratings (me and ironhide) that sould tell you all you need to know about what solo rank means

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I don't really know ironhide... but I'd believe it. High solo rating doesn't prove you're good, but it probably indicates that you aren't bad.


every time im vs him he has 2-3 guildies with him, every time I queue on my imp I am with people as bad or worse than murkin.


group rating means 1000000 more than solo rating... this is pure fact. 1000 group rating means you suck, doesn't matter if you have 1000 or 2000 solo rating, it means you're crap.

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every time im vs him he has 2-3 guildies with him, every time I queue on my imp I am with people as bad or worse than murkin.


group rating means 1000000 more than solo rating... this is pure fact. 1000 group rating means you suck, doesn't matter if you have 1000 or 2000 solo rating, it means you're crap.


Or that the friends you run with are crap. Yes, people queue synch, it sucks.

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If u go through with this then...


Toon(s) name(s): Lieben, Faxme(if can get it geared quick enough)

Toon(s) class(es): Sniper, Sage

Preferred spec(s): Eng, Full balance


Edited by Aewu
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If u go through with this then...


Toon(s) name(s): Lieben, Faxme(if can get it geared quick enough)

Toon(s) class(es): Sniper, Sage

Preferred spec(s): Eng, Full balance



if ****** little noobs like maniac are gonna boycott my dueling tournament it's their loss, I'm sure people will want to come watch a big dueling ceremony, if they don't then this game is truly dead and I will unsub.

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if ****** little noobs like maniac are gonna boycott my dueling tournament it's their loss, I'm sure people will want to come watch a big dueling ceremony, if they don't then this game is truly dead and I will unsub.


When maniac did his tourny it was a mesh of all the classes(which was a bad choice), but he had a cool prize at the end. Just do it on tat, every1 knows the pit.

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When maniac did his tourny it was a mesh of all the classes(which was a bad choice), but he had a cool prize at the end. Just do it on tat, every1 knows the pit.


ya becuase I don't know the format of my tourny yet I won't announce a prize, but as most people know im pretty filthy rich in this game so I can easily provide items or money to winners of their class/over all



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Is everyone's pride so far up their *** they can't see a genuine community support event like these is alot more fun and interactive than Q pops all night?


I think the best of the best should meet up and do some duels every now and then, to show off some swag and maybe make some friends along the way to mingle or what not.


You guys should support Pacifism, I know when I am 55 I will and think the kid deserves some help.


He got a great community idea, is there too much butthurt/crying about arena rating going on?


Suck it up and put some baby powder on that bum bum, this game is more than a stupid arena rating.


Support your community leaders.


My 2 pennies.



Edited by Makavelithug
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I love how you have an open invite then insult the people who sign up lol. I find it hilarious you insult people at all considering you dueled me, won the first one said you owned me with 2k health left saying I sucked, we dueled 2 more times and I destroyed you with 40%+ health left you rage quit and logged out then edited your twitch video to cut out your losses. It was by far one of the funniest things ive seen I really wanted to hear you whine and cry about getting destroyed by a commando. Edited by headshot_hendo
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I love how you have an open invite then insult the people who sign up lol. I find it hilarious you insult people at all considering you dueled me, won the first one said you owned me with 2k health left saying I sucked, we dueled 2 more times and I destroyed you with 40%+ health left you rage quit and logged out then edited your twitch video to cut out your losses. It was by far one of the funniest things ive seen I really wanted to hear you whine and cry about getting destroyed by a commando.


^ this scrub from Harbinger continues to harass me after losing a duel to my scoundrel, who is in 63/65 gear vs his FULLY geared 67 commando. I highlighted the win because it's hilarious to see a fully geared guy lose to me on a toon I literally play 1 game a week on. I then deleted it, to show him I don't need to brag about winning vs some scrub from High Valor who are basically the mX of Harbinger. Please leave me alone.

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Toon(s) name(s): Rilok, Isr, Ryyjin

Toon(s) class(es): Shadow, Vanguard, Guardian

Preferred spec(s): Infiltration, Tatics, Focus

Comment(s): Most likely will run with Rilok since other toons are nowhere near as geared for this

Edited by Rilok_Singz
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