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Up-dates that are not true to the genre.


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Definitely an MMO expansion, lots of people playing online.


MMORPG, yup there too. Roles: recon/com relay, light fighter, medium fighter, heavy fighter, anti-aircraft artillery.


The thing is the Roles in MMORPGs are functional roles like tank, healer, and dps, not storytelling roleplaying in the sense of a traditional tabletop RPG. MMORPG's aren't even intended for storytelling style roleplaying, the user interface design and gameplay show that pretty clearly. Sure, you can roleplay in them using chat, but you can also chop down an 16 inch thick oak tree using the claw of a claw hammer. It works, sort of, but that's not what it's designed for.


SW:TOR does have a nice storyline element to it, but it's really just background scenery while you run around killing things, fetching objects, and blowing stuff up.


It just a consequence of how hard it would be to code an AI that would be a decent GM for a few thousand people at the same time. For that matter the lack of space PvE is mostly a matter of AI coding difficulty for having non-idiotic AI ships. Even specialist flight sim developers with decades of experience still haven't mastered creating good AI pilots.

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The thing is the Roles in MMORPGs are functional roles like tank, healer, and dps, not storytelling roleplaying in the sense of a traditional tabletop RPG. MMORPG's aren't even intended for storytelling style roleplaying, the user interface design and gameplay show that pretty clearly. Sure, you can roleplay in them using chat, but you can also chop down an 16 inch thick oak tree using the claw of a claw hammer. It works, sort of, but that's not what it's designed for.


Which I find sad, because "role playing" in the sense of storytelling role-play is actively dying out right now - saved only by a few Indies.


Mass-Hack & Slay-Action-RPGs and MMOs seem to be the future. Storytelling will die out. Because only games with multiplayer-elements provide enough DRM through the multiplayer part to keep the big companies satisfied.


And because offline games just have no online DRM thing, they are soon forgotten and no more developed.

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I think what the OP may have been saying here was that this mini-game has little to know reverse interaction with the ground based part of the game other than XP and after you hit cap that no longer even applies. Basically, I can spend all the time I want in GS and it does nothing to further my character, his story or even his gear, unlike warzones.


The game seems more to exist to draw away from the imbalance of warzone based PVP and to create more opportunities to sell Cartel Coins and CM goods. Is it fun, sure, but it's a further distraction away from the primary game and not any kind of relevant piece of the puzzle.


The fact is that Bioware should have spent a little more tie making it have some kind of relation to the ground game like at least elite coms instead of a totally closed off system.

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I think what the OP may have been saying here was that this mini-game has little to know reverse interaction with the ground based part of the game other than XP and after you hit cap that no longer even applies. Basically, I can spend all the time I want in GS and it does nothing to further my character, his story or even his gear, unlike warzones.


The game seems more to exist to draw away from the imbalance of warzone based PVP and to create more opportunities to sell Cartel Coins and CM goods. Is it fun, sure, but it's a further distraction away from the primary game and not any kind of relevant piece of the puzzle.


The fact is that Bioware should have spent a little more tie making it have some kind of relation to the ground game like at least elite coms instead of a totally closed off system.


the connection to ground that you spoke of is actually coming. Its not as closed off as you think, in February the story accompanying GSF including a flashpoint will come with the OFFICIAL RELEASE of GSF. Keep in mind we are still in early access, the full content has not even been released. So all of you, stop complaining about the lack of connection to ground because it is coming, just not now due to the fact its STILL EARLY RELEASE.

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Why is 12x12 space pvp not appropriate for an MMO?


That is not what OP asked. You remind me of FOX news.


The problem is not the concept, it is the implementation.


In an MMO like SWTOR the hanger should have been a place, not a screen that looks like the opening of an iPad app.


The new companions should actually exist? (/facepalm)


The ships should have been in the hanger.


You should be able to go in the ship and view the picture of the companion that doesn't exist who is running your ship :D


This update is not part of SWTOR at all, it may as well be a $0.99 iPad app, for all it has to do with SWTOR.

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That is not what OP asked. You remind me of FOX news.


The problem is not the concept, it is the implementation.


In an MMO like SWTOR the hanger should have been a place, not a screen that looks like the opening of an iPad app.


The new companions should actually exist? (/facepalm)


The ships should have been in the hanger.


You should be able to go in the ship and view the picture of the companion that doesn't exist who is running your ship :D


This update is not part of SWTOR at all, it may as well be a $0.99 iPad app, for all it has to do with SWTOR.

I think they mentioned that they are going to implement an actual hangar later on.

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That is not what OP asked. You remind me of FOX news.


The problem is not the concept, it is the implementation.


In an MMO like SWTOR the hanger should have been a place, not a screen that looks like the opening of an iPad app.


The new companions should actually exist? (/facepalm)


The ships should have been in the hanger.


You should be able to go in the ship and view the picture of the companion that doesn't exist who is running your ship :D


This update is not part of SWTOR at all, it may as well be a $0.99 iPad app, for all it has to do with SWTOR.


You do understand that there's baseline crew so that people who are level 1, without any companions, can get into GSF and have their crew spots filled, right? Those people get replaced by your companions later on, as you gain them. Or not, sometimes they're more useful. But I've really got no problem with them not existing anywhere else.


As has been said, it's early access. The base guts of it, the fun action part, the "this is stuff we really need tested in a live environment, get baselines and benchmarks and lots of good data" stuff. Feb, when we get all the F2Ps into it. Until them, I'm having a ton of fun blowing people up.

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GSF is to SWTOR what WiS was to EVE, a gross malignant appendage that is not part of the game.


yeah because its not like important battles in Star Wars such as the battle to destroy the death star or the battle of Endor wasn't fought in fighters or anything and its not like Star Wars involves space combat at all...

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This is a MMO. The space update is not.


The update belongs in the genre of arcade shooters.


Why do we get all the development time and money spent on something that has nothing to do with being a part of a MMO.


Its like, need a break from the MMO? Jump into a cockpit - less space toy and float around shooting anything that looks red.


Its really a bad update guys. Is this best you're creative minds can come up with?

We are treated more and more like moron's who will buy anything you're selling.


No more subbing. I've been in this game since early head-start. If I play after sub runs out in a few days, it will be on a free to play account. After the hundreds and hundreds of dollars I've given this game , and stupidly spent a large amount at the Cartel. I'm taking the "I'm a sucker" title off my back .


The King is naked.




except this update IS true to the genre, or have you never watched Star Wars?

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This is a huge waste of a thread. OFcourse it fits in an MMO. Do you know what MMO stands for? Massively Multiplayer Online.


Then you get MMORPG - Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game.


Seeing as you have to build your ship like a standard RPG class - It once again fits into the genre...can we close this thread? lol

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