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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Elect Your Backup Juggernaut Representative Here


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ssfish, who should have been selected as Jugg rep in the first place.


The whole system of community votes was flawed to start with. "Lets get my entire guild and friend's network to vote for me, and if that doesn't work, I will pay people to vote for me." Seriously, half the reps that got elected were complete unknowns, at least when it came to participating in the forums.


The community should put forth candidates, and Eric should have final say and choose a person that meets the criteria.


Kennethdale and Luckygunslinger are also ideal candidates.


I honestly agree. I think we should put a few people forward and let Eric pick rather than a popularity contest. I for one would also say SSFish, lordbadtamaru, Marb, Alec would be great candidates also.


I'll be closing the sort of 'entries' on the 18th (10 days from now.) I'll then post a list and we can try out best to send it to Eric with our situation. If he says we're to elect our own then so be it.

Edited by Luckygunslinger
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Why aren't you on the leaderboards anymore?


i am for a few boss fights i decide to upload too. an i am in some swtor blogs, talking about rage vs venge, rotations an RnG such. but when 55 came i figured i'll just leave the parsing up to the others. it got boring, but i still hit the dummy. Would say what i parse but don't have the time to upload to try an defend my claim. its not that big a deal to me anymore.

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I appreciate being remembered and considered; but the fact is, I only play SWTOR for the occasional space PvP match anymore. I've done exactly one boss in the newest PvE raids, and haven't stepped foot in a PvP match since the 4v4 arenas were implemented.


The class hasn't changed since the last go-around, and I haven't instantly become ignorant of the issues, but I am not active enough with SWTOR any longer to seriously consider/be considered for this job. Besides, after watching how the last round of Jugg questions went, where a player who hadn't' played the class post-2.0 was allowed to come in and swing his name around to influence the Rep and his questions, I have zero desire to participate in the joke that this endeavor was proven to be.


Marb would be my suggestion, based on his activity during the last round, but I'm too out of touch to be considered seriously.


(I'm not ashamed to admit that the whole Class Representative fiasco was no small factor in my decision to distance myself from SWTOR.)

Edited by ssfish
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I appreciate being remembered and considered; but the fact is, I only play SWTOR for the occasional space PvP match anymore. I've done exactly one boss in the newest PvE raids, and haven't stepped foot in a PvP match since the 4v4 arenas were implemented.


The class hasn't changed since the last go-around, and I haven't instantly become ignorant of the issues, but I am not active enough with SWTOR any longer to seriously consider/be considered for this job. Besides, after watching how the last round of Jugg questions went, where a player who hadn't' played the class post-2.0 was allowed to come in and swing his name around to influence the Rep and his questions, I have zero desire to participate in the joke that this endeavor was proven to be.


Marb would be my suggestion, based on his activity during the last round, but I'm too out of touch to be considered seriously.


(I'm not ashamed to admit that the whole Class Representative fiasco was no small factor in my decision to distance myself from SWTOR.)



The desire to discuss ideas and concerns, is what matters the most. Being creative and listening to others is important too. I'm trying to be the guy who's throwing out ideas, asking questions, trying to find the merits of our class. I'm also the guy that some people love to hate. I take the punches head on. I don't have a hope in hell of securing the position, I'd rather direct and influence someone who has a clean reputation. I want results, I don't need drum-rolls and trumpets to announce and proclaim my authority here. I'm a simple man who loves to play his jug.


Hunger has a way to tame a man's pride. Stay hungry my friend.

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The desire to discuss ideas and concerns, is what matters the most. Being creative and listening to others is important too. I'm trying to be the guy who's throwing out ideas, asking questions, trying to find the merits of our class. I'm also the guy that some people love to hate. I take the punches head on. I don't have a hope in hell of securing the position, I'd rather direct and influence someone who has a clean reputation. I want results, I don't need drum-rolls and trumpets to announce and proclaim my authority here. I'm a simple man who loves to play his jug.


Hunger has a way to tame a man's pride. Stay hungry my friend.


At the time of the last run, I had high hopes for the program, and I would have loved to be at the center of the discussion at that time. Once the time comes for Juggernauts to pose questions again, I plan on getting back into the conversation.


Our community pre-2.0 was, in my mind, a great group... small, but full of great people. The Class Rep program brought us a number of good people to improve the discussion, but it also brought a fair number of people who had no business opening their mouth. I see that trend has continued since. A lot of work needs to be done to get a consensus on the biggest issues for our class. Root on Ravage is a joke when looked at in light of the questions we posed and answers we got, and the excuse given for the lack of more comprehensive changes was simply disappointing.


In other words: Keep doing what you're doing. Same goes to Marb and the other folks that are leading the discussion (whether I agree with the arguments presented or not)

Edited by ssfish
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Hey everyone, been off the forums for a bit for the past few days, my HDD decided now would be the ideal time to kill itself. Anyways, I went through the posts real quick (as I only really got my PC up and running recently) and I just want to get the list clear for candidates.





SSFish (If he'd like, I know a lot of people want him here.)

Alec (Possibly? I know Alec has been around, dunno if he had interest. :p)


Anyone else I forgot and are there people on the list that do not want to be there? I'll be closing the sort of 'entry' on the 18th. Also, I'll also be putting a poll option called "Let Eric Musco Decide." where we'll let Eric choose who will become rep. If that option becomes number 1 most voted and Eric tells us to decide, the runner up in votes will become our back up Rep. Sound good?

Edited by Luckygunslinger
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Hey everyone, been off the forums for a bit for the past few days, my HDD decided now would be the ideal time to kill itself. Anyways, I went through the posts real quick (as I only really got my PC up and running recently) and I just want to get the list clear for candidates.





SSFish (If he'd like, I know a lot of people want him here.)

Alec (Possibly? I know Alec has been around, dunno if he had interest. :p)


Anyone else I forgot and are there people on the list that do not want to be there? I'll be closing the sort of 'entry' on the 18th. Also, I'll also be putting a poll option called "Let Eric Musco Decide." where we'll let Eric choose who will become rep. If that option becomes number 1 most voted and Eric tells us to decide, the runner up in votes will become our back up Rep. Sound good?






It sounds way too presumptuous.



You should remove yourself from the list first of all, but wait... May I ask how old you are? This thread of yours is comical, no offence. Seems like something a spoiled kid would create. Are you suffering from some... sort of dementia by thinking these make-believe "submissions" would actually have any importance, or substance? If so, then you have my apologies, for you need a reality check. We have way more important Juggernaut concerns to be spending time worrying about.



Also important to note, is that there are people who log on their jugs, and contribute to the forums everyday. I think if we all acknowledge our efforts on an ongoing basis, and contribute collectively, it would be way more becoming, more important, than simply creating a "pick me" thread that places your own name on top.... to be a rep??? Absolutely Hilarious.





Stop fooling yourself with this tripe. Get back to work trying to iron out smoother Vengeance gameplay for all of us, alright!!

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By all means go ahead and replace me with a more active member of the forums. If you think the developers are going to actually listen and take action to fix these issues then more power to you. So far I am extremely disappointed with the outcome of the entire process. I had high hopes for this event hoping that they would really listen to what we had to say, but so far I am not impressed. The answers that they gave us for the first three questions were good and I thought they had actually put some effort into the process. For the months following the answers however I have seen little to no progress made, and I feel they have disregarded all three questions and merely changed what they felt needed to be changed. So with that being said I respectfully abdicate my position to whoever the community would like to elect.
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It's not abdicating, and the person who posted this thread seems to have been just as ignorant on the topic. They made it clear at the start of this whole thing that a Class Rep would serve "one term." Your "term" was served at the conclusion of the Juggernaut Q&A session back in September.


If they get around to Juggernauts again (remember, they still have the mirror classes for those that didn't go in the first round to do), and they decide to abide by the guidelines that they laid out at the start, then they would/should be soliciting a new Rep.

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They most likely wont change us. They either dont understand hwo vengeance really works, or they just want us to have the really low chance of procing, with us gasping for air (rage) when ravage doesnt proc, tryin not to assault cause it will ultimately just **** your dps. i'd have a few great solutions. but they wouldnt be recognized sincerely just like everyone else inquiries about juggs. thats why i stick to rage. still doing inside 3400 dps single target. but i know vengeance has much higher potential, just not worth in its ruined state of RnG based cringness.. Edited by Okuy
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