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I am old and all this newfangled lingo doesn't work for me. Does "unsublte 6 months ago" mean you posted a big whine on the forums before you left?


Seriously, it even underlines it for you if you have a spellchecker lol


Sorry, it meant unsubbed and on my iPad it autocorrect end and I missed it in my quick self check.


I didn't post a whine thread that I know of or remember, I just left. It's not beyond me though cause I was pretty angry at the champion and BM box fiasco.


Regardless, I tried all the other triple A mmos after that and came back here after an email offering the expat for free. Been loving it ever since.

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I agree with the OP about the expansion, I still love the ground game though. They really should have invested more time and added in joystick control. I have a basic keyboard and mouse and it is impossible to play the expansion with that setup. The control scheme is a head scrambler for sure. Not sure why they have over complicated everything with GS.


I will probably play the expansion once they add in PvE content and improve upon the controls but as of right now the expansion is a NO GO for me as well.


In off a basic keyboard, a basic 2 button+wheel roller ball mouse...and I do wonderfully in GS.


The problem is so many people play 3-5 games and expect to have it mastered. You have to actually LEARN the controls and get used to them.


As for the OP...really? 3 runs and you are done? You must get slaughtered in ground PvP and rage quit too right? My scout has zero upgrades (I've been turning the ship rep into fleet rep for the other ships) and still slaughter people. The upgrades you can grab are merely fine tuning...your skill will always trump someone else that is all kitted out.

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When I first played GSF, I admitted that I didn't know what I was doing. I didn't understand what i was doing and was getting killed not to mention crashing into things.

I went offline, not because of my frustration but it was time to log off. A few hours later, I tried again and I was doing much better.

They are no better ships. It is only time and effort to get ship req. and adding it to your now current ship.

Now, I just love it. I enjoy taking control of the bases and I really love seeing those that are good.

Having a 1 v 2 battle (fighter with his wingmate) was fun. I lost to them but I got them both back later.

The controls are easy. It just takes a few times to play.

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You find that stupid to avoid games you find frustrating ?


When the reason for the frustration is your inability to adapt? Yes.

If it was frustration over something specific (mouse sensitivity, horrible ship weapon balance....something honestly specific to the game) I could understand it. Yet your list of grievances is rather petty, and exist in other titles that are on many people's top 10 best ever flight simulators list.

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When I first played GSF, I admitted that I didn't know what I was doing. I didn't understand what i was doing and was getting killed not to mention crashing into things.

I went offline, not because of my frustration but it was time to log off. A few hours later, I tried again and I was doing much better.

They are no better ships. It is only time and effort to get ship req. and adding it to your now current ship.

Now, I just love it. I enjoy taking control of the bases and I really love seeing those that are good.

Having a 1 v 2 battle (fighter with his wingmate) was fun. I lost to them but I got them both back later.

The controls are easy. It just takes a few times to play.





At 1st getting my butt handed to me by other pilots was frustrating, but once you can at least tapdance around a good dogfight, I find it becomes more fun. Shoot...I found several times last night where I was in a GNARLY dogfight with a few people who I wanted to congratulate after the fact for being able to stick to me like glue...and in a couple of occasions, I got my revenge shortly thereafter. I wanted to be able to praise my enemies for their skills.

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I logged in 4 hours after release, and I got owned by people with better ships. I'm supposed to feed them kill so they can get even better ships ?


So far I have purchased only the single upgrade to my gun. That's it. I still do well in the matches.


Pick a strike fighter for the first few flights, after you go practice just flying in the tutorial. F3 as you boost in. Then F1 for more power to guns or F2 for more power to shields. When you're not shooting, but defending a satellite go to F2. Press F1 when someone gets close enough to shoot at.


This game takes some getting used to. At this point you're playing against people who did the BETA or played on the PTS so they have several hours more experience than you. The experience is what's making the big difference, not the equipment. I just did a match with no deaths and several kills in my totally unmodified strike fighter.


For hints go look at Dulfy's site. Some good stuff there. Play the strike fighter until you get the hang of the controls, then use a Scout if you want (they're faster and more maneuverable, but also easier to crash into things.) Give yourself some time to learn it. Jumping in and expecting to do well in only three missions really isn't realistic. I did the BETA and spent the entire first weekend I was there just getting the hang of it and dying a LOT.

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Oh, I love this ''advice'' : get a wingmen. Yesterday, I logged at 8:PM and asked where was the tutorial on the fleet.


All the ''help'' I got for this very basic question was '' Alt F4'' and the kind.


I love when you pretend that the game have a community. This is really nice.


If no one actually pointed you towards it, Click on the question mark in your hanger display.

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No, that's called ''lacking time and motivation''.





That's called a loser attitude.......Don't kid yourself, because you certainly aren't kidding us



And there are no BETTER SHIPS champ. Your oh so wrong again. Actually, your whole thread is full of a losing attitude and misconceptions.


You should just stop while your ahead kiddo.

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When the reason for the frustration is your inability to adapt? Yes.

If it was frustration over something specific (mouse sensitivity, horrible ship weapon balance....something honestly specific to the game) I could understand it. Yet your list of grievances is rather petty, and exist in other titles that are on many people's top 10 best ever flight simulators list.


You can call me ''lazy'', but this thing is called a ''game''. In a game, you do something called ''play'' to have ''fun''. Spending hours trying to figure out controls is not, at all, what I call fun. I have no issue at all to lose when I understand the controls and I'm fighting the opposition and not the controls. I'm not turned off by 15 years old graphic, bugs, difficulty or incomprehensible plot, but bad controls are an anathema for me (as said in the OP, I have several X-360 and PS3 games that I dropped after one hour because the control scheme made no sense and I had no interest into spending 20 hours fighting it)


(1)To be honest, the core of my multiplayer experience is game like Europa Universalis IV, Hearts of Iron III and Civilizaion V, which are certainly complex games but certainly not games with complexe control schemes. Even in WOW, which I have played for six years, I suck royally at PVP.

Edited by Angedechu
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I'm looking to go back to GW2 for one simple reason: entirely too often I end up dead by someone I cannot even see. And I'm not talking about Gunships, I mean other players. In regular PvP I can at least stun or slow them and try to escape, or turn around and pound them into the dirt.


Yes, I know it's partially a learning curve thing and yes, I know GS is optional but here's the issue: for every player that plays GS that's one less player in regular PvP. This means longer queues. BioWare also added another bloody 4v4 Arena (which I loathe) to make it even worse.


I'm playing various MMOs until EQN releases but I can honestly say that this is the first time in 13 years a patch has, by itself, made me start looking elsewhere.

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You can call me ''lazy'', but this thing is called a ''game''. In a game, you do something called ''play'' to have ''fun''. Spending hours trying to figure out controls is not, at all, what I call fun. I have no issue at all to lose when I understand the controls and I'm fighting the opposition and not the controls. I'm not turned off by 15 years old graphic, bugs, difficulty or incomprehensible plot, but bad controls are an anathema for me (as said in the OP, I have several X-360 and PS3 games that I dropped after one hour because the control scheme made no sense and I had no interest into spending 20 hours fighting it)


(1)To be honest, the core of my multiplayer experience is game like Europa Universalis IV, Hearts of Iron III and Civilizaion V, which are certainly complex games but certainly not games with complexe control schemes. Even in WOW, which I have played for six years, I suck royally at PVP.


That's fair then. I actually love the Civ series as it is basically a glorified chess game. Thinking ahead of your opponents to overcome them while ensuring you don't fall to those who aren't right on your border yet. It is a great way to expand one's thinking.


PvP itself isn't for everyone, and if it is controls with multiple games all being just too complex, I can get that.


Unfortunately your post came after I have been dealing with a bunch of SWG whiners unable to adapt. While still claiming their beloved game was the be all end all of awesome (the rose tinted glasses with this crowd is insane, I played SWG I am just far more realistic in how it was).

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You can call me ''lazy'', but this thing is called a ''game''. In a game, you do something called ''play'' to have ''fun''. Spending hours trying to figure out controls is not, at all, what I call fun. I have no issue at all to lose when I understand the controls and I'm fighting the opposition and not the controls. I'm not turned off by 15 years old graphic, bugs, difficulty or incomprehensible plot, but bad controls are an anathema for me (as said in the OP, I have several X-360 and PS3 games that I dropped after one hour because the control scheme made no sense and I had no interest into spending 20 hours fighting it)


(1)To be honest, the core of my multiplayer experience is game like Europa Universalis IV, Hearts of Iron III and Civilizaion V, which are certainly complex games but certainly not games with complexe control schemes. Even in WOW, which I have played for six years, I suck royally at PVP.


Open your hanger > Hit the GIANT '?' mark near the close button in the top right > Fly around learn the controls in a sandbox.

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I'm looking to go back to GW2 for one simple reason: entirely too often I end up dead by someone I cannot even see. And I'm not talking about Gunships, I mean other players. In regular PvP I can at least stun or slow them and try to escape, or turn around and pound them into the dirt.


Yes, I know it's partially a learning curve thing and yes, I know GS is optional but here's the issue: for every player that plays GS that's one less player in regular PvP. This means longer queues. BioWare also added another bloody 4v4 Arena (which I loathe) to make it even worse.


I'm playing various MMOs until EQN releases but I can honestly say that this is the first time in 13 years a patch has, by itself, made me start looking elsewhere.


I freely admit to being annoyed that they haven't put in cross server PvP ques yet. GS has made the ground PvP ques so much longer...I miss stabbing people on my operative yet que times are so bloody long.


The fact that they keep forcing arenas on all of us is not helping matters either. The majority of the MMO PvP crowd across all games...tends to hate arena style gameplay as death-matching is boring as sin.

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I agree, these controls are very primitive and just require you to have a basic understanding of gaming. Bio has done an excellent job on the content and the UI/Controls.


Agreed. The controls are perfect the way they are. This is an MMO, not a flightsim.

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You can call me ''lazy'', but this thing is called a ''game''. In a game, you do something called ''play'' to have ''fun''. Spending hours trying to figure out controls is not, at all, what I call fun. I have no issue at all to lose when I understand the controls and I'm fighting the opposition and not the controls. I'm not turned off by 15 years old graphic, bugs, difficulty or incomprehensible plot, but bad controls are an anathema for me (as said in the OP, I have several X-360 and PS3 games that I dropped after one hour because the control scheme made no sense and I had no interest into spending 20 hours fighting it)


(1)To be honest, the core of my multiplayer experience is game like Europa Universalis IV, Hearts of Iron III and Civilizaion V, which are certainly complex games but certainly not games with complexe control schemes. Even in WOW, which I have played for six years, I suck royally at PVP.


I just like how you say you aren't going to participate in GS, yet you spend hours responding on the forums about it saying "I won't participate" and "I'm not stupid" over and over, we get it, you don't like it and its your right to not like it, but please, spare us having to listen to this over and over, we get it

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I like the pvp aspect of the game. Its about the only thing I do as its not nearly as good as other similar title but thats another story.


I do think alot of the frustration and lack of fun is something alot will find that arent big fans of pvp as after all swtor is generally seen as a pve game with other mmos have much more pvp appeal. I think it was a big mistake to not have some pve space missions as this "expansion" is a miss to alot of players.

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I can feel the original poster's pain, but for different reasons. I haven't gotten blown up yet because I haven't tried a match yet, been having too much fun looking at all the different components and such. I was pleasantly surprised to discover the crew customizations (which brought its own disapointments, more on that later), and overall the designs are aesthetically pleasing as @#$%. I was having fun just messing around in the tutorial level.


That being said, I had already decided I wasn't going to get too involved with this expansion because I hate pvp. Doesn't matter what game I play, I avoid any and all pvp functions. It takes a lot of patience to stay with something when sticking your toe in the water involves a bunch of other people constantly ganging up on you, and I will be the first to say I don't care for that. I am probably the LEAST qualified to judge Galactic Starfighter, having already written it off before it arived, but it really got me thinking.


Its kind of like the Mass Effect 3 multiplayer for me. I'm sure its fun even though its not my thing but I'm still left feeling like Bioware could have spent resources elsewhere to better effect. Bioware games have always been about epic stories with your character at the center, now all of a sudden here comes Star Wars Modern Warfare ...er, sorry, Galactic Starfighter.


That's just my current thought process, take it with a grain of salt. I'll be waiting for the pve content to GSF (won't be expecting it anytime soon, if ever), interactions with the new crew characters (awesome characters but my expectations, influenced by prior Bioware games no less, are left wanting in the face of ship components with faces) and waiting for people to (not) help me with group content on the ground.


I realize I'm complaining at the end there but its a pain in the ***** to love a game that doesn't always love me back.

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You can call me ''lazy'', but this thing is called a ''game''. In a game, you do something called ''play'' to have ''fun''. Spending hours trying to figure out controls is not, at all, what I call fun. I have no issue at all to lose when I understand the controls and I'm fighting the opposition and not the controls. I'm not turned off by 15 years old graphic, bugs, difficulty or incomprehensible plot, but bad controls are an anathema for me (as said in the OP, I have several X-360 and PS3 games that I dropped after one hour because the control scheme made no sense and I had no interest into spending 20 hours fighting it)


(1)To be honest, the core of my multiplayer experience is game like Europa Universalis IV, Hearts of Iron III and Civilizaion V, which are certainly complex games but certainly not games with complexe control schemes. Even in WOW, which I have played for six years, I suck royally at PVP.


I logged in later the evening it came out, well after your supposed "gear gap" had already occurred. My very first game I was top kills and damage by a factor of almost 3 and only one death which was a suicide because I had not yet realized my barrel roll ability would force me to boost into a wall after it was finished. Over the next few games I played I was in the top 2 every time. All I did was play the tutorial a few times to get a feel for the controls and remapped some of the bindings to my liking. There is no gear gap there is only people with no skill who refuse to try to learn it a little bit first. All the upgrades provide a very minor boost over all, it is mainly player skill. The controls are extremely easy to grasp in a matter of minutes. Don't try to dogfight in a gunship, don't try to take a scout face on with a gunship. THINK about what you are doing and pick your fights. Swoop in behing people, use your boost and brakes accordingly, do not try to dogfight and turn by yawing "turning left/right" your tightest turn is with pitch. Use your power conversions properly. It is really easy to excell if you just stop ant think about what you do.

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Press Z to unlock the cursor.


Other useful keys:


W Accelerate

S Daccelerate

A Roll Left

D Roll Right

X Stop engines – you will come to a stop

Space Afterburners – 320% speed boost

F Hold down this button for free look camera. You can basically look around without moving your ship

Z When you hold down Z, your mouse cursor will free itself from the camera and you can look up abilities etc

Shift +Z You can look up stuff without having to hold down Z

C Switch your camera to look at your target. This doesn’t actually move your camera but useful in figuring out where your target is.

Tab Cycle through nearby enemy players and target them. Their ship and name will be displayed in a small window at bottom right corner of your screen

E Manually target someone near your mouse cursor, a reticle will show up, allowing you to aim at them

R Press this button to target the enemy player that just hit you


F1 Weapon Power Conversion, use this when using your blasters

F2 Shield Power Conversion, use this when you are under attack

F3 Engine Power Conversion, use this when you are traveling

F4 Balanced Conversion


1 Activate Systems component ability (scout) or swap between weapons (strike fighters & gunships)

2 Activate Shield component ability

3 Activate Engine component ability

4 Activate Co-Pilot companion ability


Thank you. Very helpful. For whatever reason I wasn't able to find the keybinds in the options menu for SFs.

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I pretty much agree with everyone here just the controls part. Dont get me wrong I can play it and i will just wish I could use my 360 pad or joystick my mouse hand gets really tired lol :(


Yah my hands and fingers get pretty sore with all the movement with me as well. Gimme joystick control pls bw.

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I logged in 4 hours after release, and I got owned by people with better ships. I'm supposed to feed them kill so they can get even better ships ?


I can understand this pain. I often feel this way myself.


Did you do the Tutorial ? Do it several times, if needed. Hit the great big ? in the "Hangar" menu.


What I can also recommend is to try out different starfighters. Personally, I feel good only with my Gunship. I'm just not able to fly everything else effectively, I believe that I'm too old for that right now.


The Gunship is much slower, you definitively need a more tactical approach, and you are mosty left alone - if you keep a good distance from the dogfights, that is. If anyone comes close to you, you must flee, though.


That's all I can say for now.


And if it still hurts - then just stop. Nobody is required to withstand that much of pain.


ya know what I got from the OP? he played X-wing and assumed he'd be a super duper fighter pilot.


thing is, I played x-wing too, so did at least half my guildies, presumably MOST of us have played X-wing


X-Wing experience DEFINITIVELY helps. Without it, I would have fully quit already.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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My scout has zero upgrades (I've been turning the ship rep into fleet rep for the other ships) and still slaughter people.


Then you must be so much better at these controls than some other people.


I can see it : Those with not only LOTS of practise in ground PvP but ALSO being more gifted with better controls, gaming mice and in general coming rather from eSports than from anywhere else, those will have a great advantage over the Casuals.


This time, the Kaste isn't created by a combination of Competence gear + more PvP experience,

this time the Kaste is defined by better hand control + more PvP experiance.


Those who play PvP as their hobby will *always* have an "natural" advantage - including their "will to win" aka "the helpless ones first !"


However, as you pointed out, beta testers know how to fly the damn starfighters. I don't. I thus find it useless to provide them free kills as I struggle to cope with 2 months of flying skills. That's why intuitive controls are useful, since you only have to fight the opponents, not your own craft.


Those who were on the PTS just had a far longer period of training. And it shows.


Same with Oricon : Those who did the training on the PTS were much faster to "clear content" than anybody who wasn't.


Will to win = exploit anything that's possible.


If you don't end up seeing significant improvement in your abilities, it may just not be the game for you.


That's also a possibility, yes.


It's like taste : Some things don't taste that good ...



Now the reason I was able to do so well is because I tested the game in closed beta(Regulators). As one of those people that you must think are using ridiculously ships or combos(my favorite ship is the Rycer atm), I can tell you that the reason people are winning so handily is because of prior experience(mixed with talent). This game is far more skill based than ground pvp, as its possible to take out multiple people singlehandedly within a short period of time. Its basically like a shooter. I've personally taken out groups as large as 6 people assaulting a satellite by myself. Yet I've played only 21 matches so far. Experience and skill vastly trump upgrades. Those upgrades primarily only make a noticeable difference in battles between highly skilled opponents. And there are players out there who are way better at the game than I am. The only OP thing about these people is their skill level though, not their gear.


Thank you for proving my point.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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