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carnage seems more difficult to play in pvp now.


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Before 2.0, even most of the time during the 2.0 days, carnage seemed pretty easy to play in pvp. i would rip through people with ease. now, however, its seems it is getting increasingly harder and harder to play in pvp (regs and ranked) and i have had to try a hell of a lot harder just to do anything. i understand how it would be difficult in ranked, but now in regs it seems i can hardly do anything. is it just cause people are getting a little more aware or is there a bigger problem im missing?


this problem with carnage for me has seemed to grow more in the past month or two.

Edited by thatPERSON
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Several possible explanations..

Gear : maybe 'regs' people you now encounter are better geared for pvp;

specwise, there have been some tweaks, 2.5 changed a few relics, and some classes.


I'd say : what server are you on, are the people you are seeing in pvp still the same?

Maybe you only have people left that are decent at pvp etc..

In a sense carnage, with the gore windows and berserk-ravage is a bit like a caster class: vastly more effective when left alone. It can depend a bit on your random team: if you're the only melee, it is actually 'natural' to reserve you a cryo grenade/knockback/... to mess up your burst. Carnage has it easier hiding behind another smasher..


Carnage is proc-dependant, so if you don't get procs.. tough luck pretty much. It could be before you simply got lucky proc-wise, and now have been a bit unlucky?


At the moment, of the three specs, I'd say carnage can be the most difficult. Annihilation might not provide equal burst, but actually, rotation or priority wise, it is normally quite clear which attack is 'optimal' or close to it to press now.

Carnage can get rage starved, can get denied gore windows, can get procs at unfortunate moments etc.

Smash is.. smash.

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Before 2.0, even most of the time during the 2.0 days, carnage seemed pretty easy to play in pvp. i would rip through people with ease. now, however, its seems it is getting increasingly harder and harder to play in pvp (regs and ranked) and i have had to try a hell of a lot harder just to do anything. i understand how it would be difficult in ranked, but now in regs it seems i can hardly do anything. is it just cause people are getting a little more aware or is there a bigger problem im missing?


this problem with carnage for me has seemed to grow more in the past month or two.


Increase the size of your buff icons. Carnage is really proc dependent. A good chunk of your vision will be spent looking at your buffs/procs.

Practice on the training dummies until you get used to the priority system, procs, and when to do what.


In a warzone it's all about split second reactions- when to use gore, when to use massacre instead of ravage inside that gore, when to use defensive CDs. I try not to jump into the fray but rather harass healers and other players that are on the edge of the action. I agree that carnage is the most difficult of the 3 trees in both pvp and pve but it's very frenetic in a fun way. I have way more fun with carnage in PVE/PVP than any other dps spec or class.

Edited by Projawa
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  • 2 weeks later...
Some people are becoming more "aware" of the weaknesses of Carnage. There are not very many but if some one knows about them it can be a real pain to work around. The main thing is to make sure your Gore window is not interrupted, most Carnage maras jump in the Gore/Ravage a good player will expect this, so its best to try and mix up your openers on different people. Try adjusting your Gore windows to the class you are attacking. Edited by Mordacia
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Before 2.0, even most of the time during the 2.0 days, carnage seemed pretty easy to play in pvp. i would rip through people with ease. now, however, its seems it is getting increasingly harder and harder to play in pvp (regs and ranked) and i have had to try a hell of a lot harder just to do anything. i understand how it would be difficult in ranked, but now in regs it seems i can hardly do anything. is it just cause people are getting a little more aware or is there a bigger problem im missing?


this problem with carnage for me has seemed to grow more in the past month or two.


The only times I had difficulty were when my team had no healers. Otherwise I did very well. Shelved Sentinel for now.

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If you're fighting a good player, try jumping in: Battering Assault - Massacre - Massacre and if they still haven't knocked you back, (90% will knock you back because they expect a carnage marauder to drop their gore-ravage as soon as they leap). You will hit your Bloodthirst/Zerk: Gore - Force Scream - Ravage. Repeat Massacre untill gore is off cooldown and you'll do the same with vicious, by the time your gore is off cooldown you will have 30 stacks of Fury again and you'll wreck them to pieces.
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More than likely you're just getting focused a lot more now than pre-2.0. Smash sent/maras are currently the most dangerous damage dealers on the battlefield, and this makes any sent/mara a high priority target regardless of what spec their playing. Players take the class as a serious threat now, which means you either have to play smart or end up in the graveyard.
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