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Laggy connection is the best defense possible against snipers.


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Anyone notice the guys hopping all over the screen like a nut? Something tells me that the laggy players have a bit of a defensive advantage against gunships. To the point that I think it could be exploited to take down enemy gunships by just having a laggy connection, maybe a throttler or netlimiter and strafe a lot while shooting the gunship. He won't be able to ever hit you, but you'll be able to blast him, since he's not moving...
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Yeah - I've seen this too. It's a good defense against anyone actually.


I was hot on the tail of a scout when they lagged so bad they stopped moving and were impervious to my blaster hitting them at point-blank range for several seconds. I was about to give up when the chat window showed they DC'd and they disappeared in front of me.


EDIT: And yeah, not naming names, but there are a few people I have noticed exhibit this quite often. I'm also on a solid 33ms ping so it's not me either.

Edited by DAMossimo
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It's a Lag Cheat. Plain and simple.



Artificial lag[edit]

In the peer-to-peer gaming model, lagging is what happens when the stream of data between one or more players gets slowed or interrupted, causing movement to stutter and make opponents appear to behave erratically. By using a lag switch, a player is able to disrupt upload from the console to the server, while their own console queues up the actions performed. The goal is to gain advantage over another player without reciprocation; opponents slow down or stop moving, allowing the lag switch user to easily outmaneuver them. From the opponents' perspective, the player using the device may appear to be teleporting, invisible or invincible, while the opponents suffer delayed animations and fast-forwarded game play, delivered in bursts.[3] Some gaming communities refer to this method as "tapping" which refers to the users "tapping" on and off their internet connection to create the lag.

The term "lag switch" encompasses many methods of disrupting the network communication between a console and its server. One method is by attaching a physical device, called a hardware lag switch, to a standard Ethernet cable. By flipping the switch on and off, the physical connection between the console and the server is disrupted. The newest generation of gaming consoles has built in protection against lag switches in the form of voltage detectors, which detect a change in voltage when the switch is flipped. Some manufacturers have taken counter measures to bypass or trick this detector.[4] This can also be achieved by simply unplugging the Ethernet cord going to the console, causing a disruption in the player's internet connection. Other methods, called a software or wireless lag switch, involve using a computer program. In this method, the cheater runs an application on a computer connected to the same network as the console. The application hogs the network bandwidth, disrupting the communication between the console and its server. However, one cannot do this for an unlimited amount of time. Usually, having no internet connection for 30 seconds will cause one's character / player to be kicked from the game due to inactivity / no internet connection.

In the peer-to-peer gaming model, lagging refers to a player with a faster connection flooding an opponent(s) using a basic denial-of-service attack outside the game structure.

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i notice it also in ground pvp, i call it a lag bomb,

usually most are probably random lag and dc from their part, but some are lag switching for sure,

some so bad you just touch them and almost auto get red and pop out of game lol

Edited by ODTONE
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