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Questionable GS match


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I just finished a match that I am tempted to call BS on. We start up and it is only 8v8 instead of 12v12. I wanted to use my scouts double exp so I'm in it. The match starts, I head straight for the right satellite full boosters and engines. I arrive before the booster runs out and am immediately killed by a republic scout. No big deal I'll just respawn and come back, but before the 10 seconds for respawn are up the Rep's have captured all 3 satellites and proceeded to win 1000 to 2.


How did they capture all 3 satellites in under approximately 40 seconds? Was this just an extremely lucky premade group on vent or something? I wish I could have seen the map from their side. They kept 2 people guarding each cap and had the remaining 2 patrolling back and forth perfectly assisting against each push we tried.

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I just finished a match that I am tempted to call BS on. We start up and it is only 8v8 instead of 12v12. I wanted to use my scouts double exp so I'm in it. The match starts, I head straight for the right satellite full boosters and engines. I arrive before the booster runs out and am immediately killed by a republic scout. No big deal I'll just respawn and come back, but before the 10 seconds for respawn are up the Rep's have captured all 3 satellites and proceeded to win 1000 to 2.


How did they capture all 3 satellites in under approximately 40 seconds? Was this just an extremely lucky premade group on vent or something? I wish I could have seen the map from their side. They kept 2 people guarding each cap and had the remaining 2 patrolling back and forth perfectly assisting against each push we tried.


You are aware that your post makes it sound like they won in around 20 seconds total right?

First you boost to the right sattelite and die immediately, and then before you can respawn they win with 1000 to 2.

I know that what you meant is that they had capped all 3 sattelites and in the end won 1000 to 2, but still.


Also, this was most likely just a really good group. I know I have had encounters like those... they are few and far between, but they happen...

Basically the same thing as playing on a public server in BF3 and then suddenly the entire opposing team is filled up by a guild/clan that are all on VOIP and coordinating...

You will feel violated by their teamwork...

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As long as I can outrun my teams scouts in my gunship on the way to A or C, such things can happen.


At the start of a match, scouts are meant to hit "power to engine" and afterburn to the satellite of their choice. If three scouts do that and no enemy scout does anything like that, all three satellites are captured within 10 seconds indeed.


The other arriving forces can then stop the enemies from turning the capture and the guns will start to spawn.. and if they spawned, the satellite is much more secure.


1000:2 can happen absolutely legit... but it requires a good team against a bunch of wookiee pilots.

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I just finished a match that I am tempted to call BS on. We start up and it is only 8v8 instead of 12v12. I wanted to use my scouts double exp so I'm in it. The match starts, I head straight for the right satellite full boosters and engines. I arrive before the booster runs out and am immediately killed by a republic scout. No big deal I'll just respawn and come back, but before the 10 seconds for respawn are up the Rep's have captured all 3 satellites and proceeded to win 1000 to 2.


How did they capture all 3 satellites in under approximately 40 seconds? Was this just an extremely lucky premade group on vent or something? I wish I could have seen the map from their side. They kept 2 people guarding each cap and had the remaining 2 patrolling back and forth perfectly assisting against each push we tried.


Sometimes it's just a bad group.


I was in a match like this on the winning side (pub)... we were all solo queued, spent all of 30 seconds in the pre-spawn queue saying who is going to take what in Op chat... and just did it and stuck with it. No vent or TS... just the Force and none of us used a gunship :D


It's good to get lucky with the queue and get a group who know what objectives mean. Yea it's boring defending a satellite sometimes with little to zero enemies attacking that particular one, but it sure helps win the match, unfortunately there are many who do not get this and leave to chase someone to the edge of the map, leaving a satellite undefended.


PS Are you on shadowlands? There's an imp player I remember in some of the GS matches that have a similar name as your forum handle....

Edited by rbl_holmes
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on the topic of unusual scores, I had a game where we won 1000:999 because we took back one satellite at just the right time and held 2 to 1. I could see the number would be in our favor long run while we were still in the 750s, but the whole team was pretty psyched when it actually played out and that was the first time I saw chat light up in a GS match. :cool:
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Try beta'ing against Dufly and her team every match for an hour. You will want to shoot yourself. No offense dulfy :p


That being said, if the other team has 3+ scouts, they will cap the nodes before a strike/gunship can get there. It's just the ship balance. As for you dying in 3 seconds, a suped up Scout can crush another scout instantly with the right weapon loadout.


Additionally, something to keep in mind is that nodes act like the Novare Coast nodes. The more people capping, the faster to switches. 3 people can capture a neutral node in about 5 seconds. If even that.


tl;dr No hax, just a good team (probably experienced from the beta)

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Playing against a Premade team is a definite possibility. Just yesterday, they were forming up PUG groups in General Chat on my server. Multiple teams with mumble/vent/TS.


That said, there's nothing inherently wrong with this. People who want to win 'will' go through the extra effort to do so. I can only recommend that you find good players and Premade in return.

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How big of a premade can you have in GS?


4? 8? the whole 12?


You can't queue as a Raid group, so I'm guessing 4man groups are the largest you can queue up as.


And for those who don't like Premades, do be aware that if the Developers disapproved of such things, Group Battle wouldn't even be an option.

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Yeah, this was kind of a rage post to begin, (I had forum up on laptop beside me so didn't even have to log in) and was still fuming a little not thinking it out.


Impacthound I have been on the other side of a match like your listed one. We were ahead and the other side capped 2 and we hit the 1000 as they hit 999, so what 2 seconds sooner on that second cap and we would have lost. :)


And for rbl_holmes yes I am on shadowlands and this is my main's name.(hopefuly you remember my name for good reasons :) ) It has been one of my main names since EQ1 even though my BH doesn't fit with the entomology i used to make the name. A dark elf rogue so nature/animal, rogueish (raven stealing trinkets) and nyt as intentionally misspelled black :)

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Once a point has 3 turrets up I have successfully defended it against 2-3 spread out enemies all by my lonesome as for some reason, probably by pressing tab, they mostly focus on the turrets.


I do call inc there, but it's even harder to watch the chat in GSF than in regular pvp so I often don't get any help coming in. After such an encounter 2-3 of the turrets are dead and I start getting a bit more nervous if those guys scoot right back in, fortunately they mostly dribble back in one at a time. I must have killed the same guy 4 times on one match last night because he kept coming solo to B with all 3 turrets up and me there.


The best defense against a strong defence (the 2-2-2+2) mentioned above is to all go to one turret, leave 2-3 behind and hit B, and then hold those two but ya, try to get anyone to hold back from just zooming to their deaths. This is like all those non stealthers who try to cap snow all the time (I am repub, so I prefer grass :))

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Yeah...people need to realize you have to play and defend exactly as if it was Novare Coast. Pure scouts set up for raw speed and engine power can crank to a node faster than you think and if 2 go for each node it'll be capped before anything short of an enemy scout built for pure speed charging in after them.


As for ship loadout...I am falling in love with the second fighter...extra defenses and 2 missile loudouts...the 10k range missile is great if people leave you alone. Sit back like a gunship and blow people to bits...if they close with you...swap to concussion missiles and charge right into the dogfight with zero fear.


The advanced scout is another favorite, proper dogfight missiles and stronger blaster setup at the cost of comm range...worthwhile if you don't want to give up your speed for extra fighter perks.


Gunships still need balancing IMO...they have far too strong of defenses for how hard they hit. I've set mine up to be able to ignore someone peppering me long enough to blast them 3 times if necessary...and it is rare that you ever have to hit someone more than twice.

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