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BAD CONTROLS! Oh, the bad controls...


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Agreed with OP.


The UI is a joke, it is a 3 handed UI, W T F? :p


1 hand on the mouse

1 hand on WASD

1 hand to hit special abilities


Since we don't have 3 hands you either have to come off W, which since the throttle is not a toggle means you slow down, or stop steering.


Either way dumb as dirt...


EDIT: OMG Read more of this thread, idiots are arguing the merits of mouse versus keyboard when we have a 3 handed UI? :rolleyes:

Edited by Foambreaker
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i have no problem at all with those controls... as for joystick/pad... most gamers uses mouse+keyboard , wheter you like it or not. Just adapt ;)


Just adapt...why not give us all choices to play the game?


Why not adapt to a joystick?

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If they had a a car racing game would they also have mouse control as thats what pc gamers have? No they would have pad support because its a better control method, even better would be wheel support.


You dont have rts controlled by gamepad, as you saw with the terrible civ console titles, and you dont have flight games without at least pad support. Up is down and down is up in this game. The controls are backwards. I find myself always wanting some way to pull back and tighten my turns but its just so unengaging playing DTPGSF.

Edited by Tellenn
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they will add this feature for sure in future updates ;) if u suck at keyboard+mouse space sim control, im pretty sure that your hand-eye coordination isnt best out there and joystick wont help you that much ;)


Perhaps if you weren't so condescending you would see that people enjoy playing games differently.

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If they had a a car racing game would they also have mouse control as thats what pc gamers have? No they would have pad support because its a better control method, even better would be wheel support.


While GSF is a different game feature, a large part of the player base has been playing the ground game for quite a while. The MMO is keyboard+mouse so that is the obvious first choice for GSF. If it was a completely separate game, then choosing the first choice control method would be based on different criteria.


You dont have rts controlled by gamepad, as you saw with the terrible civ console titles, and you dont have flight games without at least pad support. Up is down and down is up in this game. The controls are backwards. I find myself always wanting some way to pull back and tighten my turns but its just so unengaging playing DTPGSF.


There is an option to reverse the axis on the mouse.

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While GSF is a different game feature, a large part of the player base has been playing the ground game for quite a while. The MMO is keyboard+mouse so that is the obvious first choice for GSF. If it was a completely separate game, then choosing the first choice control method would be based on different criteria.




There is an option to reverse the axis on the mouse.


Yes keyboard and mouse is an obvious first choice for gsf, I agree it should definitely have a mouse control option, but making a flight game with no stick or pad support is the #1 noob move in the world of flight games.


But then again so is making an mmo with no combat window and we still don't have those, so it was kind of expected it.

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