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Now that GS is out can we please have more resources invested into improving QoL ???


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Note: My original post was moved to GS section for some reason, so I am reposting here agaiin with a less ambiguous title =)


Bioware you guys did a great job with GS , even though it's not really my kind of thing I can say that it is a really well done feature.


However I think many people would be glad to see some quality of life and basic features put into the game now. Here are my suggestions of what I would like to see on the next patch:


  • in game guild event calendar, where players can sign up, could even have an in game reminder system.
  • galactic priority transport, you click on it galaxy map appears you pick the planet and you pick which Quick Travel node you want to transport to
  • Port to the instance the group/ raid leader is in. No more having to move to oricon or move to fleet to just to enter operations.
  • Shared legacy bank tab and shared legacy credit wallet i.e add up all credits from toons on that legacy
  • A feature to enable us to check lock outs , inventory and transfer items and credits between toons without having to log out and log in several times
  • GTN droid and bank droid that work like repair and mail droid
  • Give crafters the ability to craft different kits that make any item Bound to legacy, Adaptative or customizable.


Bonus impossible wish: Allow us to use our alts as companions, a juggernaut for example could be a tank/dps companion and operative a healer/dps companion and etc.


Anyone got any requests they would like to see ? Please share your ideas ^^

Edited by tekhiun
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Honestly, I'd rather have more resources devoted to bug fixing. Ya know, so that paying subscribers can actually play the game without an Infinite Loading Screen occurring after hitting play from the launcher, prior to reaching the Character Selection screen.


Fortunately, judging by the only comment on the situation BW/EA have made, it appears they are "aware" of the situation:




The best part? This issue was apparently known to exist prior to patch 2.5 going live.

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Note: My original post was moved to GS section for some reason, so I am reposting here agaiin with a less ambiguous title =)


Bioware you guys did a great job with GS , even though it's not really my kind of thing I can say that it is a really well done feature.


However I think many people would be glad to see some quality of life and basic features put into the game now. Here are my suggestions of what I would like to see on the next patch:


  • in game guild event calendar, where players can sign up, could even have an in game reminder system.
  • galactic priority transport, you click on it galaxy map appears you pick the planet and you pick which Quick Travel node you want to transport to
  • Port to the instance the group/ raid leader is in. No more having to move to oricon or move to fleet to just to enter operations.
  • Shared legacy bank tab and shared legacy credit wallet i.e add up all credits from toons on that legacy
  • A feature to enable us to check lock outs , inventory and transfer items and credits between toons without having to log out and log in several times
  • GTN droid and bank droid that work like repair and mail droid
  • Give crafters the ability to craft different kits that make any item Bound to legacy, Adaptative or customizable.


Bonus impossible wish: Allow us to use our alts as companions, a juggernaut for example could be a tank/dps companion and operative a healer/dps companion and etc.


Anyone got any requests they would like to see ? Please share your ideas ^^


Perhaps if you wish to avoid threads being moved, you should remove GS from the title and simply ask for suggested QOL improvements?

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Guild & social (legacy friend/ignore lists) QOL improvements are very pressing, it's one of the basics functionalities of the game. Especially guild features.


Legacy friend and ignore would also be great , would help to shorten my friend list by quite a lot tbh

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Honestly, I'd rather have more resources devoted to bug fixing. Ya know, so that paying subscribers can actually play the game without an Infinite Loading Screen occurring after hitting play from the launcher, prior to reaching the Character Selection screen.


Fortunately, judging by the only comment on the situation BW/EA have made, it appears they are "aware" of the situation:




The best part? This issue was apparently known to exist prior to patch 2.5 going live.


All software goes live with known bugs. All of it.


And Adding all those other things has ZERO to do with BioWare implementing better QA processes (which they do need to do), they are functionally different areas of the business. Your suggestion to forgo one to enhance the other is like suggesting the receptionist should see patients when the Doctor's office is busy in order to reduce the wait.

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Honest;y I'd trade all of Galactic Starfighter for a cross-faction legacy bank so my alts didn't spend all their time mailing crafting mats and cash around between them.


Account/legacy friends list/chat would also be amazing, trying to coordinate my friends when some are on alts/other faction characters is also a hassle we could so easily do without.


So much time and effort spent on a space pvp mini-game that could have been spent putting actual MMO features into this MMO. :(

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Buff/debuff timers & filtering!


This would actually be quite nice, just a small frame around our own dots and debuffs would be nice, it gets a bit hard on 16m ops to keep track of what dot is yours. Another good one that comes into mind is have procs pop up as text and the ability to disable the proc effects, I think this would help improve performance for some people, even if only a little bit

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Bonus impossible wish: Allow us to use our alts as companions, a juggernaut for example could be a tank/dps companion and operative a healer/dps companion and etc.


I'd like that. I have my legacy setup as a bunch of empire sisters born from some low level republic dude. Two are suppose to be twins, i'd love for them to level together. Even if they did something like cutting the XP in half, i'd be al for it.

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  • Give crafters the ability to craft different kits that make any item Bound to legacy, Adaptative or customizable.


This x1000!!! I want this more than a Legacy bank...and I want that pretty badly :)


The current system actually punishes me for buying CM Armors because they aren't bound to Legacy. Whether this is a CM item or a crafted item, I want it!!!

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I just want worlds that aren't so static. Leveling 1-50 you are literally doing the same thing 1000's of times.


Would be cool if most planets had a sort of balance-of-power going on where the factions are always pushing against each other. Would make PVE more interesting and PVP crazy - but in a good way.


all the planets everyone is just standing around waiting for you to roll over them and then right click something that glows blue.

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