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Questing system is unbalanced


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Again. You were complaining about the levels. If you want to see all content, you are going to out-level the area. I never said you had to move on. I stated if you wanted to level and move on to a challenge to go to a new planet. If its content you seek. Do it all and not complain on the level you are at. There is so much content on each planet you will out-level it.
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So what you're telling me is, you started playing WoW from WoTLK? Last time I checked, running Dead Mines when the game first came out required a group effort believe it or not. So no, wow wasnt that easy when it first launched. I don't know which game you were playing, but it wasn't that easy to solo. However, they didn't make the game super easy or required you to skip zones. In the end and the final quest would always lead you to the next zone which was yellow. Ask me, I've been playing forever since vanilla.


Now for this game, I'm not looking for just the end game content. I want to experience the story and enjoy my time. I've gotten tired with WoW since all my toons are 85 and there's really nothing more left but to do professions and raid. Finally a game comes out where I can start over and I come to find out that it's super easy to level? If i wanted to race I'd probably be servers first at 50. That's not the point.


You are NOT suppose to skip the game if you want to enjoy it. Basically what you guys are saying "Skip everything except your class quest". What's the point of every other quest in the game?


This thread is now beating a dead horse. Incoming blizzard haters. Sorry, but they did an amazing job at blizzard with WoW. I'm really disappointed with bioware and the direction they took. GET EVERYONE TO 50 FAST FOR END GAME CONTENT.


WoW was incredibly easy to level, even in Vanilla from day one. If you think otherwise, you're deluding yourself. I played WoW at launch, and when I quit, I had 3 85's and 7 80's - one of each class. I did everything you can do in WoW. The quest progression in SWTOR is not substantially different in any way, shape or form than it is in WoW.


I've now leveled two toons through mid twenties in TOR. I do all the quests in all the zones. None of the quests are gray and I'm still moving along at a perfectly reasonable pace. Even with rest, I'm not outleveling a zone.


You're over-exaggerating the "problem" here. Frankly, it's not even a problem.


Do you want to do every quest in every zone? Then do it.

Do you want to get to 50 as quick as possible? Then do that instead.


You can either skip the quests that don't give you xp or not. How does it affect your gameplay at all? Is it really detracting from your entertainment because the game isn't giving you a small reward to keep the dopamine flowing in yoru brain?


This has got to be the pettiest grievance I've encountered yet. And that's saying something.

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Easy solution is to just stop playing if you hate the game that much, and it will save you $15.00 a month :) On a side note, though, have you tried to level via PVP?


Yeah I skipped quite a lot of filler quests and focused on the class quests. Now I'm about 3-4 levels below the mobs, so trying to catch up via PvP and having an absolute blast :)

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So what you're telling me is, you started playing WoW from WoTLK? .............


.......This thread is now beating a dead horse. Incoming blizzard haters. Sorry, but they did an amazing job at blizzard with WoW. I'm really disappointed with bioware and the direction they took. GET EVERYONE TO 50 FAST FOR END GAME CONTENT.


Yup, I did start at the beginning of WoTLK. Your statement did not specify a time so I referenced how it has been in my experience and how it is now.


I am not a Blizzard hater but find WOW so boring that I cancelled my accounts because I could not force myself to log on. I am enjoying swtor to the point of not wanting to stop playing at the end of the day. I can't speak to whether Blizzard did an amazing job with early WOW, but can say that they screwed the pooch badly with Cata and are now heading for panda's and pokemon with little story.


BW has indeed attempted to make the game casual friendly (whatever that means) to be accessable to most skill levels and you sound like (meant as a compliment) a real pro. Perhaps that is part of the problem, the challenge is not high for the super skilled. My wife (posting on her account since I have not entered my code yet) is a beginner and probably would not last long if swtor was as you describe WOW at launch and it's early years. She is having a ball and just loves the game. So wife and I are pleased with the direction that BW took. There are indeed many many problems with swtor that have been discussed to death allready, but to us the game is immersive and just pure fun, so hats off to BW (no I am not a fanboy).

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I've now leveled two toons through mid twenties in TOR. I do all the quests in all the zones. None of the quests are gray and I'm still moving along at a perfectly reasonable pace. Even with rest, I'm not outleveling a zone.


Impossible!! You can't do every quest and not out level the next zone. I will argue that until I'm blue in the face. Why? Because I'm level 22 now in Balmorra and I abandon my quests which were all green. I don't do flash points unless I want a quest completed and I never do dailies twice.

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What's the point of creating a zone or planet you won't even see?


Alts. I actually was filled with happiness when I realized I'd be able to level alts without doing all the same quests (not counting the class quests, of course)





It might be different on republic side, too. Without any Flashpoints, you'd start outleveling content at about 20~24, On Taris I believe. They'd be getting easier a bit before that, though. And this is assuming "DO ALL QUESTS" mentality. I too got a bit sad about this at first, but, as I said before the edit, I love leveling alts and this will help.

Edited by Reddum
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Sorry, 2 hitting mobs and doing grey quests for worthless items isnt fun and just a chore. Good job showing you have no idea what the topic is about seeing as the issue occurs if you play 1 hour a day or 12.


not sure where you are or what you're doing.


i have been doing my storyline and any sidequests i bump into and my quests are yellow or green.


unless this changes drastically past 25. i haven't done much pvp but i have played flashpoints and done a few heroics.


it could definitely be a bit harder overall I think but I think that's more because you can gain xp in a number of ways that aren't questing. the people who are using these other methods end up far outpacing their questing.

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You see the pattern? You get to experience those areas at a good level with all quests being yellow.


Well then my dear, you have played a different WoW than me. Quests turn grey way before I can find the time to do them.


And no I LIKE the heroic Areas in ToR. Soloing them is fun and you can do something to be not on auto pilot.


@others: Quests DO become grey as soon as you start doing space mission or pvp or instance dailies. They net WAAY too much Xp.

Edited by Granyala
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I've found I've been significantly overleveled for the quests I've been on, but I've been questing with my girlfriend the entire time (I believe we get bonus XP) and I have OCD about doing every single quest. I'm sure I wouldn't be so far ahead level-wise if I was playing solo and skipping the heroics and what-not.
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That's how leveling is done in a good MMO


What we have here is how leveling is done in an MMO that is not good


Do trolls actually have a place where they meet up and discuss strategy? One troll decides to start a troll thread with the understanding that troll number 2 will reply a set amount of time later that the OP is a genius and the game sucks!


Just curious . . .

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Just so you all know, heroic's get a lot more difficult the higher the level you are.


I was able to easily solo all 2+ heroics at a lower level.


once I hit 30 I think, that's when they started getting tough and you typically needed 2 human players (plus 2 companions) to get the job done.


Same thing with green quests. Although green, they get more difficult as you gain higher levels.


I've actually been dying a few times now that im in my 40's.

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I've played WoW since Vanilla beta and I can assure you playing every class from level 1-85; you never out level your zone. As long as you stick to your race zone and finish it and not go into Iron Forge and try to do Dun Morogh you're good.


But here's the crux. People tell you if you don't want to out level content. Don't do heroics. Everyone's quests are in the same zones. You argue "But I want to do all content and not out level it." if you want to do ALL content in WoW.. well you're going to out level it by a fair bit.

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I've found I've been significantly overleveled for the quests I've been on, but I've been questing with my girlfriend the entire time (I believe we get bonus XP) and I have OCD about doing every single quest. I'm sure I wouldn't be so far ahead level-wise if I was playing solo and skipping the heroics and what-not.


Don't use a companion either, that will make it harder.


I honestly don't see the problem, i'm 33 and have always had plenty of at level quests, and i do them all. You want a challenge just do class quests, when you are allowed to.


WoW was crazy fast leveling, i can hit 85 in a week or two, and not see half the zones, and that's if i don't dungeon finder or use heirlooms either. With those, simple.

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But here's the crux. People tell you if you don't want to out level content. Don't do heroics. Everyone's quests are in the same zones. You argue "But I want to do all content and not out level it." if you want to do ALL content in WoW.. well you're going to out level it by a fair bit.


You're not understanding what I'm saying.


  • Example: Dun Morogh is a starting zone for Dwarfs and Gnomes
  • You're not skipping content in WoW
  • All your quests are yellow
  • Doing quests in dungeons keeps you yellow


Now do you guys understand? Even if you were to follow your level zones in SWTOR, you need to follow your class quest and nothing more in order to keep the quests yellow. IDK, there's no getting through your heads. You guys are not understanding anything. It's like a race horse blinded by both sides and the only thing he see's is forward.


I love this game, but it's garbage leveling.


BTW, stop saying you can level to 85 super fast. WoW is easy now but I wanted to see how fast you can level to 60 when it first came out. Only time you can blow through it is if you were in beta like me before launch.

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I have leveled my sith assassin to 40 now, doing solo quests only, no heroics, no flashpoints, no pvp and my quests have been yellow all through the game.

In fact, I just arrived at the 41-44 planet (Belaris?), so technically, I'm a level behind.

I did do all available quests, including the bonus series, but nothing beyond that.

In terms of difficulty, I actually find swtor's tuning alot tighter than WoW's, especially in the 20-30 range my companion often bit the dust during "boss"-fights (mostly ones including lots of adds) and I survived with a sliver of health while using all available CDs.

This might be different for the republic or easier for other classes, I can't say, but from my point of view the tuning is damn near spot on for solo play.

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You're not understanding what I'm saying.


No, we understand. We just don't agree. ;)


Your claim is that, in WoW, it's possible to complete ALL CONTENT without ever outleveling anything - that you'll always be fighting foes and completing quests that are at your level.


This is utter rubbish. I played in vanilla and BC, and I outleveled content on pretty much all my chars. Others have also posted sharing their similar experiences. Your perfect game, WoW, actually doesn't accomplish what you claim it does - and neither does any other MMO for that matter. Nor should they, incidentally. More on that later.


But even so... even if it WERE true that WoW was designed such that you'd never ever outlevel any content... so what? Your complaint, in its most basic essence, is "There's too much for me to do in SWTOR at any given level." And that is a problem that the vast majority of MMO players are happy to have. It's senseless to complain about this; it's akin to complaining that the restaurant you're eating at has too many options on the menu. Just order what you want and shut up, metaphorically speaking.


Why is there more content than you can do at level? People like choices. Many people also play alts and don't want to run the same content over and over again. This way there are options. If a game lacks these options, players complain loudly and constantly, and indeed that's the #1 complaint in MMOs that I've seen, from the 30 or so I've played in the last 14 years: players always, ALWAYS want more content.


Your complaint is ridiculous. I'm sorry, but there's just no gentle and kind way to express that without losing the heart of it.



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