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People dominating in GSF, what does it mean?


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I think one of the best ways to get better at GSF (other than practice yourself) is to watch others and see how they play.


If you would like to watch a PTS vet in action you can see my past streams of GSF at http://www.twitch.tv/swtorplayer95

Click on my Profile and then Past Broadcasts near middle of the page. I played Imperial on PTS but I have defected to the Republic. I use various ships (mostly Strike Fighters) and I'm pretty good but still need more practice. I try to include Tips, Tricks, Tactics & a Q/A into my GSF streams.


Loved them man.


By the way, ever make a GSF guild? I have been on Wux and Jiggo mostly,

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If a player was in beta, he or she is familiar with the GSF warzones. This isn't a real simulator like a flight simulator, so I don't think this part of game has much to do with any thing you mention. First, in real flight both in space and in the atmosphere, a pilot will feel g forces. GSF is more like an arcade style and while some situational, intelligence, and natural ability play a role, it pales in comparison to real life piloting. People only need more practice, but like in real life there will be some people who do things better than others. However, GSF skill difference will not be very large once you gotten some practice. It's design for all players, unlike real piloting, especially combat pilots.
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Does it mean some have natural skill?


Does it mean some folks have much more situational awareness?


Does it mean some folks lack spatial intelligence and some others have it well developped?


Does it mean some people are smarter?


since its a whole new gameplay, id like to know


what do you think?


Im going to say a little bit of everything. Some natural ability, some practiced skill, some luck, etc. Some will have more of one than others and so in and so on.

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Does it mean some have natural skill?


Does it mean some folks have much more situational awareness?


Does it mean some folks lack spatial intelligence and some others have it well developped?


Does it mean some people are smarter?


since its a whole new gameplay, id like to know


what do you think?


Id venture to say that their advantages stem from previous experience. I have several GSF friends who are very used to dogfighting combat with lead indicators (most likely from games such as warthunder, world of warplanes, etc)

Edited by Elyons
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Day 1 I was generally around the 15k damage mark, maybe a 3k, 4A, 1D ratio, and 5 medals or so, but last night I stunk it up once or twice, but generally was in the top 3 for damage, hit percentage and my kill/assist ratio went up a bit. You will just get better over time if you have any finger dexterity and situational awareness. Some people do not have those though, so if you are still having fun you will have to figure something else out.
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Didn't play in PTS but I am almost always top 2 in team if we lose or match if we win (my pilots are Thorlen or Hevose on harbinger Pub). The top 2 is not just kills, but also assists, damage, objectives, and medals. I think one of the differences between those dominating and those not is understanding the game objectives like capping. I usually get 2 caps a match and most of those are because enemies are not staying close to the objective. Situational awareness is also a huge difference. People lose track of their location in the 3d space, do not know where attacks are coming from, ignore gunships charging guns, boost in a straight line when attacked, do not use line of sight to avoid missles/snipers. Once people get used to mechanics, maps, targeting (don't use tab except for choosing the first target when defending a node from a wave) and ship abilities we will see much more balanced results.
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Loved them man.


By the way, ever make a GSF guild? I have been on Wux and Jiggo mostly,


Thanks Soc! I was having some audio issues the 2nd day (yesterday) but I got them cleared up in Part 2 of the stream. I am definitely wanting to do something with a GSF only guild. I found Lytewraith just last night and we played a few matches together and pretty much owned. Are you on POT5, Soc? If so, we just need 1 more person to create a guild!

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In a total non-shocker anyone who plays flight sims is obviously going to dominate, people who were in beta are going to dominate due to their familiarity with the unintuitive controls etc


Unintuitive is an understatement. I've played easily a dozen flightsims ranging from Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe to Xwing/Tie Fighter and SWG JTL. This is the WORST control setup I've ever seen. The radar is nothing to write home about either. Gets pretty damn old to start an attack run on somebody who appears to be clear and alone, and suddenly there's 2 or 3 hostiles on your 6 shooting the hell out of you. Between PTS and live I've now flown probably 130 missions... and still not worth a damn. Only bothering to play because it's not fair to criticize something you're not participating in, though I suspect my doctor would not approve of what it's doing for my blood pressure.

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Unintuitive is an understatement. I've played easily a dozen flightsims ranging from Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe to Xwing/Tie Fighter and SWG JTL. This is the WORST control setup I've ever seen. The radar is nothing to write home about either. Gets pretty damn old to start an attack run on somebody who appears to be clear and alone, and suddenly there's 2 or 3 hostiles on your 6 shooting the hell out of you. Between PTS and live I've now flown probably 130 missions... and still not worth a damn. Only bothering to play because it's not fair to criticize something you're not participating in, though I suspect my doctor would not approve of what it's doing for my blood pressure.


So, you missed Wing Commander (joystick, developed by Chris Roberts) and therefore missed Privateer (Joystick, Chris Roberts), and his follow up after EA screwed over Origin, which was Freelancer (Mouse and Keyboard, Chris Roberts, because it was Microsoft publishing it). If you have played through that bunch of games (AWESOME games), then you would have played Freelancer over and over.


You just got the wrong experience buddy.

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I feel like my experience playing old school flight simulators, Jump to Lightspeed, and Freelancer has helped me, even though GSF isn't exactly the same.


Same here. Controls can be learned and adapted to easily, but situational awareness is something that just sticks with you. :)

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Thanks Soc! I was having some audio issues the 2nd day (yesterday) but I got them cleared up in Part 2 of the stream. I am definitely wanting to do something with a GSF only guild. I found Lytewraith just last night and we played a few matches together and pretty much owned. Are you on POT5, Soc? If so, we just need 1 more person to create a guild!



I will either be on Soc, Jiggo or Wuxtry tonight

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