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Crashing still only effective way to refill missiles


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I didn't do this in beta because I thought it was silly, but crashing to refill missiles is an important thing to do in order to maintain combat effectiveness. It seems rather silly to me though.


Then use your lasers. Your missiles aren't your primary weapons.

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I may be wrong here, but if you suicide, don't you give the enemy team points (at least if anyone of them hit you)? You also take yourself out of the battle for some time, which most of the time vastly lowers your utility as opposed to just keep fighting.


So while death effectively refills your missiles, I wouldn't call it efficient.

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  • Dev Post

Although some other posters in this thread have already covered what I am about to say, I thought it might be good to get some yellow text on this! It is true, in the future the Bomber has some components which can help their allies in not only refilling ammunition, but also restore your hull as well!


Some things to keep in mind for when you suicide:

  • You are removed from the battle for a while, that isn't necessarily the best scenario.
  • By dying, you are giving the other team a point towards their victory.
  • You are granting assists to any players who had recently damaged you which will contribute to granting them Requisition.
  • Personal note: I love to play the game of "How many people can I kill when I have no rocket pods left while my ship is on fire before I die." I highly recommend this game.

Just thought I would bring some of that to light, mainly that the Bomber will address some of your concerns and that you suiciding is beneficial to the opposing team. Also, play my game :rak_03:



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Although some other posters in this thread have already covered what I am about to say, I thought it might be good to get some yellow text on this! It is true, in the future the Bomber has some components which can help their allies in not only refilling ammunition, but also restore your hull as well!


Some things to keep in mind for when you suicide:

  • You are removed from the battle for a while, that isn't necessarily the best scenario.
  • By dying, you are giving the other team a point towards their victory.
  • You are granting assists to any players who had recently damaged you which will contribute to granting them Requisition.
  • Personal note: I love to play the game of "How many people can I kill when I have no rocket pods left while my ship is on fire before I die." I highly recommend this game.

Just thought I would bring some of that to light, mainly that the Bomber will address some of your concerns and that you suiciding is beneficial to the opposing team. Also, play my game :rak_03:




Ah that clear that up , thanks. I play/played a different version of your game , I was on fire and stayed that way for about 6 mins , I couldn't kill anyone at the time as I was new but I did enjoy people trying to catch me as I piloted magnificently :).





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Or I could just crash, and come back way more effective. Its not exactly a crippling problem since its easy to resolve by crashing, but its still silly.


and lose 5-15 seconds waiting for respawn, then having to F3 20+ seconds to where you were to begin with..without engine power for 10+ seconds..

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You are removed from the battle for a while, that isn't necessarily the best scenario.
That's gonna depend on how damaged I am... or if my beam weapon is an ion blaster. In either case, a tactical suicide might be worth the downtime.


By dying, you are giving the other team a point towards their victory.

One (or twenty) out of a 1000 points usually isn't going to change the outcome. I think I've seen only one match that was close (988 to 1000) and that's the only one within 200 points.


You are granting assists to any players who had recently damaged you which will contribute to granting them Requisition.

Hey, I'm a nice guy :D (and in the land game, I've been known to help opposing faction players if they're struggling...)


Personal note: I love to play the game of "How many people can I kill when I have no rocket pods left while my ship is on fire before I die." I highly recommend this game.

Is that any different than the others who get scope-locked on killing enemies instead of dealing with objectives?



I think there's a lot of merit in the suggestion that the spawn point ships act as repair and resupply.

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As a scout who proudly uses rocket pods, which run out quite quickly. I can take myself out of the battle for up to 15 seconds while I respawn and 10-12 seconds to get to a point in order to have about 1.5x the damage until I need to die again. In a 15 minute game, that's practically irrelevant unless a point is very threatened. I chastise myself when I don't crash into a satelite after running out of rockets and killing/giving up on my target.


I do, however agree that people with lock-on missiles can probably hang out without missiles for a while.

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[*]Personal note: I love to play the game of "How many people can I kill when I have no rocket pods left while my ship is on fire before I die." I highly recommend this game.

Just thought I would bring some of that to light, mainly that the Bomber will address some of your concerns and that you suiciding is beneficial to the opposing team. Also, play my game :rak_03:



I find that missiles are a nice to have to finish off the last bit of the hull, not a necessity. If you cant kill a foe with just raw lasers then your dogfighting skills need polishing.



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I find that missiles are a nice to have to finish off the last bit of the hull, not a necessity. If you cant kill a foe with just raw lasers then your dogfighting skills need polishing.




Agreed. Can you suggest somewhere to practice dogfighting without getting shot to hell and giving the opposing team points? The majority of the matches I've been in were horribly lopsided. Familiarity with the counterintuitive controls, ship builds, and tactics by even one or two players on a team allows them to utterly dominate in a way that is not fun at all.

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Although some other posters in this thread have already covered what I am about to say, I thought it might be good to get some yellow text on this! It is true, in the future the Bomber has some components which can help their allies in not only refilling ammunition, but also restore your hull as well!


Some things to keep in mind for when you suicide:

  • You are removed from the battle for a while, that isn't necessarily the best scenario.
  • By dying, you are giving the other team a point towards their victory.
  • You are granting assists to any players who had recently damaged you which will contribute to granting them Requisition.
  • Personal note: I love to play the game of "How many people can I kill when I have no rocket pods left while my ship is on fire before I die." I highly recommend this game.

Just thought I would bring some of that to light, mainly that the Bomber will address some of your concerns and that you suiciding is beneficial to the opposing team. Also, play my game :rak_03:




I imagine the bomber will have some sort of resupply drone they can launch?

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Personal note: I love to play the game of "How many people can I kill when I have no rocket pods left while my ship is on fire before I die." I highly recommend this game.
I play that game frequently between the spawn point and the capture point I'm trying to reach.
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really enjoying this as theres no stunlocks!!!!


Obviously, you haven't encountered the better scouts/starfighters with sabotage missiles. Nothing like hitting someone with them and then finishing them off while they are helpless unable to maneuver.

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