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Ping and accuracy


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Has anyone had problems with ping decreasing your accuracy? I have about 250-350ms ping and I find it very hard to hit things, even if the are sitting almost still and flying away in a direct straight line from me. I was in this situation where a Gunship was flying away like that, I had the reticule lined up perfectly and was in range. The yellow numbers only popped up once every 1 second or so, and even after flying like this for 10 seconds, the gunship was still not dead and shields were not down.


Ive had other situations too where ships health drops so slowly but the yellow numbers pop up very rapidly. This is in a huge contrast with other situations where the ships health drops to zero after 2-3 seconds of shooting and only 2-3 yellow numbers popping up. (Always used same wep so it's not like damage per hit increased)


I really am at a loss for an explanation for this discrepency.

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Probably not your Ping,

Pretty sure targeting is client side


Don't Forget your weapons have inherent accuracy %, accuracy tracking loss, and the enemy ship has a % of evasion. So clicking your mouse button right on top of the red reticle is NOT a guarantee of hitting it.


Some ships are stacking evasion tanking. Using evasion boost abilities. Or using accuracy debuffs on you!

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