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Male Twi'lek Face Bug


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  • 2 weeks later...

The good news is that yesterday this was added to the newly updated known issues list, which includes only high-priority items.


Although I don't have a Twi'lek myself, and there are quite a few buggy things I do have that didn't make the list, I think it deserves the spot...when the appearance of people's characters themselves, and not just some piece of gear, get messed up, that really should go to the front of the line.

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The good news is that yesterday this was added to the newly updated known issues list, which includes only high-priority items.


Although I don't have a Twi'lek myself, and there are quite a few buggy things I do have that didn't make the list, I think it deserves the spot...when the appearance of people's characters themselves, and not just some piece of gear, get messed up, that really should go to the front of the line.

Thanks for letting us know, I didn't realize it was added to known issues.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The tricky thing about fixing this is keeping in mind that if there is indeed a bug with Twi'lek male faces 2, 3, and 4, and when it is fixed it will revert those faces to a better quality face, all characters created between the appearance of the bug and the fix will suddenly have their face change to something the owner has never seen properly displayed before.


To be truly fair, you should allow male Twi'leks a free face re-customization when the bug is fixed.. assuming that functionality is possible. Seems like this has been going on for a long time, so there's probably going to be a fair number of new Twi'lek male characters that weren't viewing the face correctly during character customization.

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all characters created between the appearance of the bug and the fix will suddenly have their face change to something the owner has never seen properly displayed before.

Good point...that's one problem with letting something like this go unfixed for months and months.

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The tricky thing about fixing this is keeping in mind that if there is indeed a bug with Twi'lek male faces 2, 3, and 4, and when it is fixed it will revert those faces to a better quality face, all characters created between the appearance of the bug and the fix will suddenly have their face change to something the owner has never seen properly displayed before.


I almost had that problem! I just happened to check the bug forum and saw this thread. Otherwise, I would have made a male Twi'lek with one of the bugged faces. I dislike the super-defined brow ridge and all those sharp angles on the original face type, so aside from the ears looking odd (but only slightly, given how female ears are, lol), I much prefer the "new" versions. However, I also think how awful it would be to me if, say, my human female suddenly had a drastically different looking face, or if my Miraluka's lovely mask changed color/texture. Some other people might like the change, but regardless, your character's base appearance should not suddenly change like that!


Personally, I am appalled that this bug is taking so long to be fixed. Our characters faces are a huge part of what they look like and we see them, closeup and in high detail, so often in this game. It sure would be nice if they let the bugged version stay too (maybe just fix the ears, if they are feeling generous), as a consideration to the folks that used it and like it and will not appreciate the "debugging". But I doubt it. </3

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